345 research outputs found

    Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai dan Koordinasi Mata-kaki dengan Kemampuan Tendangan ke Gawang Tim Sman 2 Bangko Kecamatan Bangko

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    , The background of the problem in this research is not maximal shooting the goal ability of being owned by a team of SMAN 1 Bangko. From several opportunities to shooting, only slightly leading into the opposing goal. This problem is evident from observations of researchers at the time of the trial and the game, it is suspected because of explosive power leg muscles and eye-foot coordination owned by the player. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a corelation of explosive power leg muscle and eye-foot coordination with the shooting the goal ability team SMAN 1 Bangko. This type of research is correlational comparing the measurement results of two different variables in order to determine the degree of correlation between these variables. As independent variables (X1) is explosive power leg muscles, (X2) eye-foot coordination, while the dependent variable (Y) is shooting into goal ability. The research data was obtained from the results of tests using a standing broad jump test, and test coordination and shots on goal test. The sample in this study is a soccer player team SMAN 1 Bangko amounting to 24 people (total sampling). Based on the research results can be concluded as follows: There is a significant corelation (significant) between the explosive power leg muscles with shooting the goal ability Soccer Team SMAN 1 Bangko District Bangko marked with 0429 count r> r-0404 tab. There corealtion meaningful (significant) between the eye-foot coordination with shooting the goal Soccer Team SMAN 1 Bangko District Bangko marked with 0578 count r> r-0404 tab. There is a significant corelation (significant) between the variables of explosive power leg muscles and eye-foot coordination together with shooting the goal ability Soccer Team SMAN 1 Bangko District Bangko obtained 0580 count r> r-tab 0.404Fhitung 5,332> Ftabel 3:47 then HO HA rejected and accepted

    Pemodelan Inelastis Pada Analisis Plat Web Penampang I

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    Proses desain sistem struktur pada dasarnya adalah mencegah terjadinya kegagalan padakomponen-komponen struktur. Salah satu komponen struktur yang cukup dominan adalahkomponen balok. Kegagalan pada balok terdiri dari kegagalan makro dan kegagalanmikro/lokal. Kegagalan lokal yang perlua ditinjau bada balok baja ada kelelehan badan balokakibat beban terpusat. Studi ini dilakukan untuk memanfaatkan program SAP 90 dalammempelajari web yielding pada pelat badan profil baja penampang I. Pemodelan dilakukandalam dua kasus. Kasus I dilakukan untuk pemodelan terhadap gaya tekan tunggal untukmemodelkan tumpuan dan Kasus II untuk memodelkan adanya gaya tekan tarik yang timbul padakolom karena adanya pertemuan dengan balok. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapatperbedaan nilai hasil analisis inelastis dengan nilai yang diperoleh dari peraturan. Sehinggadalam hal ini peraturan yang berlaku memberikan nilai keamanan sebesar 1.19

    Observation and Analysis of Departure Operations at Boston Logan International Airport

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    The Departure Planner (DP) is a concept for a decision-aiding tool that is aimed at improving the departure operations performance at major congested airports. In order to support the development of the DP tool, the flow constraints and their causalities in the departure process - primarily responsible for generating inefficiencies and delays- need to be identified. This thesis is an effort to identify such flow constraints and gain a deep understanding of the underlying dynamics of the departure process based on field observations and data analysis at Boston Logan International Airport. It was observed that the departure process is a complex interactive queuing system, where aircraft queues form as a manifestation of the flow constraints. While departure delays were observed in all airport components (runways, taxiways, ramps and gates), it was concluded that the flow constraints manifest mainly at the runway system, which exhibits the largest delays and queues. Major delays and inefficiencies were also observed due to downstream flow constraints, which propagate back and block the departure flow from the airport. It was also observed that the airport system is a highly controlled system as the air traffic controllers manage the flow constraints. The air traffic controllers were, therefore, identified as another flow constraint due to their workload and their main strategies in managing the flow constraints were observed. Based on the observations, a core departure process was identified consisting of two main elements: a queuing element generated by the flow constraints and a control element representing the air traffic controller actions. This core process was abstracted using a controlled queuing framework, where the air traffic controller actions are represented by blocking the flow of aircraft in order to maintain safe operation of the airport resources according to the ATC rules and procedures and regulate the outbound flow to constrained downstream resources. The controlled queuing framework was used to analyze the departure process highlighting the queuing dynamics and the control behavior for different flow constraint examples. In conclusion, a number of implications for the Departure Planner and other improved methods for departure operations are inferred from the observations and analysis.This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Research Center under grant NAG 2-1128


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang perkembangan usaha yang ada di Koperasi Karyawan PT. PLN (PERSERO) “MEKAR” Wilayah Kal-Bar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Data diambil dengan menggunakan teknik komunikasi langsung melalui wawancara dan tenknik studi dokumenter melalui lembar catatan berupa arsip pembukuan dari Koperasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase perkembangan usaha pada tahun 2013-2014 peningkatan pendapatan unit usaha yang paling besar persentasenya ialah unit jasa usaha lainnya (atribut kantor) sebesar 978,57% dan pada tahun 2013-2014 penurunan pendapatan yang paling besar persentasenya ialah unit usaha sewa beli RD dan gedung sebesar -66,25%. Sedangkan pada tahun 2014-2015 peningkatan pendapatan paling besar persentasenya ialah usaha cuci mobil dan motor sebesar 134,24% dan penurunan pendapatan yang paling besar ialah unit usaha sewa kendaraan sebesar -62,60%. Dan persentase SHU Koperasi pada tahun 2013-2014 mengalami penurunan sebesar            -21,97% dan pada tahun 2014-2015 persentanse mengalami peningkatan sebesar 71,07%. Kata Kunci: Usaha Koperasi, Perkembangan Usaha Koperasi, KOPKAR MEKAR. Abstract: This study aims to provide an overview of the development of businesses in the Koperasi Karyawan PT. PLN (PERSERO) “MEKAR” Wilayah Kal-Bar. The method used is descriptive method. Data retrieved by using the technique of direct communication through interviews and documentary studies tenknik through a record sheet in the form of bookkeeping records of the Cooperative. The results showed that the percentage of business development in the 2013-2014 business unit increased revenue percentage is the unit most other business services (attributes offices) amounted to 978.57% and in 2013-2014 reduced revenue is greatest percentage of business unit lease RD purchase and building of -66.25%. Whereas in 2014-2015 the greatest percentage increase in revenue is the car wash business and motors of 134.24% and a decrease in income greatest vehicle rental is a business unit of -62.60%. And the percentage of SHU Cooperative in 2013-2014 decreased by -21.97% and in 2014-2015 persentanse an increase of 71.07%. Keywords: Business Enterprise, Business Development Cooperative, KOPKAR MEKAR

    Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Media Internet terhadap Hasil Belajar Kelas X Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi di SMA

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    Internet is a collection of computer networks so that users can share information with sources more widely. Internet media here is one of the factors that influence student learning outcomes . The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Internet media can affect student learning outcomes . The method used is descriptive method in the form of linkage studies . samples are taken using simple random sampling totaling 50 students . Data were analyzed using simple linear regression . Similarities in the know are Y = 39 581 + 0.532X .The magnitude of the effect of variable X to variable Y ( coefficient of determination ) is 0.322 , meaning the percentage of use of Internet media on the results of class X student IPS on economic subjects by 32.2 % while the remaining 67.8 % is influenced by other variables


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    The aims of this research is to examine and analyze: the reasons for justifying the policies issued by the government on residential ownership for foreign employees domiciled in Indonesia, the regulation of residential ownership for foreign employees domiciled in Indonesia, and the procedures of residential ownership for foreign employees domiciled in Indonesia. The method used is legal normative with a statute approach and conceptual approach. Sources and types of legal materials, primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The technique of collecting legal materials is done through literature research. The process and analysis of legal materials is carried out in a coherent, and systematic manner, by carrying out classification techniques. As the result, a principle of benefit is the reason for government to issue the policies in which the presence of Foreign employees in Indonesia must beneficial to the national development and not harmful to discipline and security of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The regulation started from Indonesian constitution of 1945, Law. No.5 of 1960 concerning Agraria, Law No. 20 of 2011 concerning Flats, Government Regulation No.103 of 2015 concerning Residence Ownership or Occupancy by Foreigners domiciled in Indonesia, Law No.6 of 2011 concerning Immigration and Government Regulation No.26 of 2016 concerning Regulation of Government Regulation No.31 of 2013 concerning Implementation Regulations of Law No. 6 of 2011. The procedures for the ownership of residential houses for Foreign employees domiciled in Indonesia must meet the requirements as stipulated in Government Regulation No.103 of 2015

    Inhibition Test of Methanol Extract From Soursop Leaf (Annona Muricata Linn.) Against Streptococcus Mutans Bacteria*

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    . Dental caries is a disease with a high prevalence of caries in Indonesia is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus mutans. The leaves of the soursop (Annona muricata Linn.) is one of the herbs that can remove dental plaque. This study aims to determine the chemical content and measure the inhibitory antibacterial soursop leaft methanol extractin inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria. Phytochemical screening stated that the leaf of the soursop contains flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, steroids, glycosides and saponins. Test of inhibition were measured using paper disc diffusion method with variation concentrations of 5, 10, 15 20, and 25%, positive control is tetrasilkin 30 µg, and a negative control is methanol. Antibacterial test results showed that the methanol extract of soursop leaves have antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans at concentrations of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% with inhibitory diameter of 9,1; 10,57; 11,53; 12,01 and 13,75 mm respectively