110 research outputs found

    Program Diseminasi Hasil Penelitian Serta Pendampingan Penelitian Dosen Pemula Se-Kalimantan Selatan

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    Tujuan program diseminasi hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh dosen di lingkungan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Alquran (STIQ) RAKHA Amuntai bekerjasama dengan Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Antasari Banjarmasin. Selain itu program dilakukan untuk mendampingi rencana penelitian-penelitian dosen yang ada di Kalimantan Selatan, khususnya bagi dosen-dosen pemula. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan menggunakan Higher Order Thinking Skills. Kegiatan dilaksanakan selama 1 (satu) hari dengan skema 2 (dua) sesi yaitu sesi diseminasi dan sesi selanjutnya diisi dengan diskusi rancangan penelitian dosen. Narasumber berasal dari dosen STIQ RAKHA Amuntai dan UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. Hasil kegiatan ditunjukkan dengan terlaksananya diseminasi hasil penelitian dosen serta terkumpulnya 12 (dua belas) rancangan penelitian dosen pemula yang akan terus mendapatkan pendampingan pelaksanaan penelitiannya sampai penelitian selesai dan terpublish di berbagai jurnal

    Pengaruh Pengawasan Dewan, Pemahaman Peraturan dan Undang – Undang terhadap Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah dengan Good Government Governance sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    The Effect of Board Supervision of Rules and Laws Understanding on the Managementof Local Finance with Good Government Governance as an Intervening Variable (A Study ofSKPD in South Konawe Regency).”Supervised by Andi Basru Wawo, as Supervisor I, andHusin, as Supervisor II.This study aimed to analyze the effect of board supervision and understanding of rulesand laws on the management of local finance with good government governance as anintervening variable. The study was a causal research and the objects of the study were 31SKPD in South Konawe regency. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The data wereanalyzed using a technique of path analysis on the SPSS version 20.Result of partial analysis showed that board supervision had a positively significanteffect on good government governance, understanding of rules and laws had a positivelysignificant effect on good government governance,board supervision had a positivelysignificant effect on the management of local finance, understanding of rules and laws had apositively insignificant effect on the management of local finance, good governmentgovernance could act as an intervening variable in the relationship between boardsupervision, understanding of rules and laws, and the management of local finance

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Motorik Berbasis Permainan

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    The purpose of this study is to (1) describe the potential and conditions for the development of model-based motor-driven game in elementary school of deaf children, (2) model-based motor learning produces children's games, (3) to test the effectiveness of the use of motor learning model based deaf children games. The research take place  in the public outstanding school Tulang Bawang and Dharma Bhakti Pertiwi Dharma Bandar Lampung outstanding school . The data is collected by using the assessment scale model-based motor learning games and analyzed by quantitative descriptive. The results showed that (1) the game-based learning, potentially increases the ability of deaf children in SDLB motor, (2) model based motor learning games for deaf children in validated kontent, desain, and media, (3) effective products used as motor learning model based games by the average score of 98% (very effective) Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan potensi dan kondisi pengembangan model pembelajaran motorik berbasis permainan anak tunarungu di sekolah dasar luar biasa, (2) menghasilkan model pembelajaran motorik berbasis permainan anak tunarungu, (3) menguji tingkat efektivitas penggunaan model pembelajaran motorik berbasis permainan anak tunarungu. Tempat penelitian di Sekolah Luar Biasa Negeri Tulang Bawang dan Sekolah Luar Biasa Dharma Bhakti Dharma Pertiwi Bandar Lampung. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan skala penilaian model pembelajaran motorik berbasis permainan dan dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) SDLB berpotensi untuk dikembangkan model pembelajaran motorik berbasis permainan untuk anak tunarungu, (2) model pembelajaran motorik berbasis permainan untuk anak tunarungu divalidasi oleh ahli konten, desain, dan media, (3) produk efektif digunakan sebagai model pembelajaran motorik berbasis permainan dengan rata-rata skor yaitu 98% (sangat efektif

    The design of IPT system for multiple kitchen appliances using class E LCCL circuit

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    Since many years ago, kitchen appliances are powered up by cable connected. This create a troublesome case as wire might tangle together and cause kitchen table messy. Due to this, wireless power technology (WPT) is introduced as its ability is to transmit power to load without physical contact. This leads to cordless solution better in safety as the product can be completely seal, highly expandable power range. This work focuses on the design of WPT based on inductive approach to power up multiple kitchen appliances. The selection of inductive approach over its partners capacitive and acoustic is mainly due to high power efficiency. Class E inverter is proposed here to convert the DC to AC current to drive the inductive link. A 1 MHz operating frequency is used. To ensure the circuit is robust with load variations, an LCCL impedance matching is proposed. This solution is table to maintain the output power if there is a slight change in load impedance. Finally, the developed prototype is able to supply 50V utput which can achieve power transmission up to 81.76%

    Top oil heat distribution pattern of ONAN corn oil based transformer with presence of hot spot study using FEMM

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    Transformer thermal modelling is a crucial aspect to be considered as this may help the determination of heat capacity of transformer. This paper present, simulation study on Oil Natural Air Natural (ONAN) transformer heat distribution pattern with and without presence of hot spot temperature (HST). This paper aims to compare the effects of different HST value at different locations inside the transformer unit as well as to evaluate the top oil thermal behaviour of corn oil as cooling mechanism in a transformer. To achieve aforementioned objectives, three HSTs were introduced to the 30 MVA transformer winding to find the total heat build-up in the top of the transformer tank. The outcome of thermal properties is examined using x-y temperature plot. From the results found that the location of HST affects overall transformer’s temperature. HST at the top of the winding give a significant effect compared to when HST is at the bottom of the winding. It is also evident that the usage of corn oil reduced the temperature distribution of the transformer. The findings suggest that the temperature distribution study especially on transformer is important to monitor in-service transformer in a non-invasive manner

    Guidelines for process safety hazard assessment based on process information

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    In any new chemical process development and design, process safety is a critical aspect to be considered besides economic and technical feasibility of the manufacture of the product. A lack of proper hazard assessment during the design phase may later result in accidents with disastrous consequences to workers, the public as well as the environment. Many methods have been introduced to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the safety level of processes. Despite the availability of a large amount of methods, a systematic framework that details guidelines for hazard identification, risk assessment, safety measure design, and safe critical decision-making is still missing. To address this issue, the main objective of this study was to propose a systematic framework that outlines comprehensive guidelines for assessing the safety performance of processes based on information from the piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID). Apart from proposing the framework, appropriate strategies for minimizing safety hazards and risks are also recommended. In addition, the user is assisted in selecting the most appropriate assessment method according to his or her needs and the scope and constraints of the assessment. A case study is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed framework

    Guidelines for Process Safety Hazard Assessment Based on Process Information

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    In any new chemical process development and design, process safety is a critical aspect to be considered besides economic and technical feasibility of the manufacture of the product. A lack of proper hazard assessment during the design phase may later result in accidents with disastrous consequences to workers, the public as well as the environment. Many methods have been introduced to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the safety level of processes. Despite the availability of a large amount of methods, a systematic framework that details guidelines for hazard identification, risk assessment, safety measure design, and safe critical decision-making is still missing. To address this issue, the main objective of this study was to propose a systematic framework that outlines comprehensive guidelines for assessing the safety performance of processes based on information from the piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID). Apart from proposing the framework, appropriate strategies for minimizing safety hazards and risks are also recommended. In addition, the user is assisted in selecting the most appropriate assessment method according to his or her needs and the scope and constraints of the assessment. A case study is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed framework

    Optimization of cerbera manghas biodiesel production using artificial neural networks integrated with ant colony optimization

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    © 2019 by the authors. Optimizing the process parameters of biodiesel production is the key to maximizing biodiesel yields. In this study, artificial neural network models integrated with ant colony optimization were developed to optimize the parameters of the two-step Cerbera manghas biodiesel production process: (1) esterification and (2) transesterification. The parameters of esterification and transesterification processes were optimized to minimize the acid value and maximize the C. manghas biodiesel yield, respectively. There was excellent agreement between the average experimental values and those predicted by the artificial neural network models, indicating their reliability. These models will be useful to predict the optimum process parameters, reducing the trial and error of conventional experimentation. The kinetic study was conducted to understand the mechanism of the transesterification process and, lastly, the model could measure the physicochemical properties of the C. manghas biodiesel