321 research outputs found

    Peranan Pendidikan Kependudukan terhadap Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup

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    Make population have knowledge, attitude, and skill about environmental. The environmental problems nowdays are getting worse. The demage has been happening on earth such as air pollution, the land, and the air. Goal is to make population has good vision, and then awareness, so they make friendly relationship with environment. Population are not treating environment an object of need of human only, but ethical manner

    Pengaruh Knowledge Management terhadap Pemberdayaan Dosen: Studi Kasus Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Jakarta

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    Knowledge Management is a field that attracts a lot of attention both among academics and practitioners. Awareness of applying knowledge management to business strategies is needed because it is proven that companies that make knowledge resources as their main asset are always able to drive companies more innovative towards their competitors, in the knowledge management education industry is a very important asset because knowledge can be captured, codified or stored. This study aims to analyze the influence of knowledge creation, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge application on the empowerment of lecturers. Testing the hypothesis in this study using SPSS 23 software. The results showed that knowledge creation and knowledge application affect the empowerment of lecturers, while knowledge storage and knowledge sharing have no effect on the empowerment of lecturers. The implication of the research results is the need to develop knowledge in universities through interaction with other lecturers in the campus environment to encourage the knowledge that is created maintained and sustainable

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Pengelola Keuangan dan Sistem Akuntansi Keuangan Daerah terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of financial management competence andlocal finance accounting system on the quality of financial report at SKPD of the province ofSoutheast Sulawesi.The study used primary data garthered using a questionnaire.Respondents of the study ware structural officials and apparatus which run accountingfunction or financial management in 41 SKPD in the province of Southeast Sulawesi.Variables of the study included competence in financial management and the accountingsystem of local finace, which were independent variables, and the quality of financial reportsas dependent variable.Data analysis used a method of multiple regression statistical analysis using the SPSSversion 22 software, which were explained using descriptive statistics and inferentialstatistics. Result of hypothesis testing showed that the competence of financial managementand the accounting system of local finance have positive and significant effect on the qualityof financial reports written by the provincial government of Southeast Sulawesi, eitherpartially or simultaneously. It means that the better the competence of financial managementand the accounting system of local finance, the better the quality of financial reports that areproduced

    Pengaruh Pengawasan Dewan, Pemahaman Peraturan dan Undang – Undang terhadap Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah dengan Good Government Governance sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    The Effect of Board Supervision of Rules and Laws Understanding on the Managementof Local Finance with Good Government Governance as an Intervening Variable (A Study ofSKPD in South Konawe Regency).”Supervised by Andi Basru Wawo, as Supervisor I, andHusin, as Supervisor II.This study aimed to analyze the effect of board supervision and understanding of rulesand laws on the management of local finance with good government governance as anintervening variable. The study was a causal research and the objects of the study were 31SKPD in South Konawe regency. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The data wereanalyzed using a technique of path analysis on the SPSS version 20.Result of partial analysis showed that board supervision had a positively significanteffect on good government governance, understanding of rules and laws had a positivelysignificant effect on good government governance,board supervision had a positivelysignificant effect on the management of local finance, understanding of rules and laws had apositively insignificant effect on the management of local finance, good governmentgovernance could act as an intervening variable in the relationship between boardsupervision, understanding of rules and laws, and the management of local finance

    Dampak Tanaman Transgenik Bt Terhadap Populasi Serangga Pengendali Hayati

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    An alternative technique to improve plant resistance to insect pests is plant transformation using the genetic engineering technology. Several transgenic plants resistant to insect have been produced and commercially released to environment in some industrial and developing countries. Before release, transgenic plants need to be assessed for their potential risks to human health and environment. One of the environmental risk assessments is the potential risk to non-target insects, including the biocontrol insects. Laboratories, glasshouse, and field experiments have been conducting the study of the impact of transgenic plant resistance to insect, especially transgenic Bt plants to the population of predators and parasitoids. However the results were controversial. The objective of this review is to inform some of controversial results, and to suggest serial experiments need to be done to solve the problem. The impact of the transgenic plant resistance to insects depends on several factors, such as genes that are used to transform the plants, the kind of plant pests, and the kind and stages of the insect natural enemies. Results of the experiments were influenced by sites of the experiments (laboratory, glasshouse, or field) and contact of the natural enemies to the toxin. Some experiments showed that the transgenic Bt plants have no impact to the natural enemies population, and otherwise. Due to the controversial results, the experiment and assessment should be done in depth and carefully studied. A sequential experiments need to be adopted to avoid the misleading interpretation, and the assessment need to be based on a case by case study

    The thermoluminescence response of doped SiO2 optical fibres subjected to fast neutrons

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    This paper describes a preliminary study of the thermoluminescence (TL) response of doped SiO2 optical fibres subjected to 241AmBe neutron irradiation. The TL materials, which comprise Al- and Ge-doped silica fibres, were exposed in close contact with the 241AmBe source to obtain fast neutron interactions through use of measurements obtained with and without a Cd filter (the filter being made to entirely enclose the fibres). The neutron irradiations were performed for exposure times of 1-, 2-, 3-, 5- and 7-days in a neutron tank filled with water. In this study, use was also made of the Monte Carlo N-particle (MCNPTM) code version 5 (V5) to simulate the neutron irradiations experiment. It was found that the commercially available Ge-doped and Al-doped optical fibres show a linear dose response subjected to fast neutrons from 241AmBe source up to seven days of irradiations. The simulation performed using MCNP5 also exhibits a similar pattern, albeit differing in sensitivity. The TL response of Ge-doped fibre is markedly greater than that of the Al-doped fibre, the total absorption cross section for Ge in both the fast and thermal neutrons region being some ten times greater than that of Al