2 research outputs found

    Analisa Teknis Pengaruh Perlakuan Khusus Water Ballast Treatment Dengan Menggunakan Active Carbon Pada Kapal Dan Lingkungan

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    Pertukaran air balas yang dilakukan oleh kapal dari satu pelabuhan ke pelabuhan lain dapat menimbulkan suatu permasalahan. Pertukaran air balas tersebut dapat menyebabkan berpindahnya mikroorganisme berbahaya yang akan menjadi predator bagi ekosistem yang dituju. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut, IMO mengeluarkan beberapa aturan mengenai pembuangan air balas, yaitu air balas yang dikeluarkan kapal harus dalam kondisi bersih atau harus ada treatment terlebih dahulu sebelum dibuang. Pada tugas akhir ini, dikembangkan salah satu alternative treatment dengan menggunakan bahan kimia karbon aktif dengan objek kajian kapal SINAR SUMBA dengan rute pelayaran Singapura – Surabaya dan waktu perencanaan yang didesain selama 12 jam. Pemilihan metode uji sampel yang dilakukan di laboratorium dipilih untuk mengetahui aplikasi penggunaan karbon aktif terhadap air ballast Surabaya dan Singapura sudah sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan. Lalu selanjutnya merancang perencanaan sistem atau desain yang cocok untuk digunakan di kapal. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan filtrasi berbahan dasar karbon aktif, air yang dilalui karbon aktif ternyata mampu mengurangi jumlah mikroorganisme seperti E.Coli, Vibrio Cholerae, dan Intestinal Enterococci sesuai dengan standar IMO. Berdasarkan hasil laboratorium maka desain filter karbon aktif air ballast dapat diwujudkan. =============================================================================================== Ballast water exchange is made by a vessel from one port to another port can cause a problem. The ballast water exchange can be harmful microorganisms that shifts will be a predator for the ecosystem of the intended recipients. To prevent this, IMO issued several rules regarding the disposal of water ballast, ballast water i.e. issued a ship must be in clean condition or there should be a treatment first before being dumped. Various alternative treatments ever used to be able to satisfy this rule. In this final task, developed one of the alternative treatment with using chemicals activated carbon with the object of study of ship cruise route with SINAR SUMBA Singapore – Surabaya and time planning is designed for 12 hours. The selection of the method of test samples conducted in the laboratories chosen to know the applications the use of activated carbon to water ballasts of Surabaya and Singapore is in compliance with the specified standards. Then the next design planning systems or designs are suitable for use on the ship. From the results of the study showed that by using activated carbonfiltration, activated carbon the water turned out to be able to reduce the number of microorganisms such as E. Coli, Vibrio Cholerae, and Intestinal Enterococci in accordance with the IMO standards. Based on the results of the laboratory activated carbon filter design then the water ballast can be realized

    Technical Analysis of Influence of Special Treatment on Water Ballast Treatment by using Active Carbon on Vessel and Environment

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    Ballast water exchange is made by a vessel from one port to another port can cause a problem. The ballast water exchange can be harmful microorganisms that shifts will be a predator for the ecosystem of the intended recipients. To prevent this, IMO issued several rules regarding the disposal of water ballast, ballast water i.e. issued a ship must be in clean condition or there should be a treatment first before being dumped. Various alternative treatments ever used to be able to satisfy this rule. In this final task, developed one of the alternative treatment with using chemicals activated carbon with the object of study of ship cruise route with SINAR SUMBA Singapore – Surabaya and time planning is designed for12 hours. The selection of the method of test samples conducted in the laboratories chosen to know the applications the use of activated carbon to water ballasts of Surabaya and Singapore is in compliance with the specified standards. Then the next design planning systems or designs are suitable for use on the ship. From the results of the study showed that by using activated carbon- filtration, activated carbon the water turned out to be able to reduce the number of microorganisms such as E. Coli, Vibrio Cholerae, and Intestinal Enterococci in accordance with the IMO standards. Based on the results of the laboratory activated carbon filter design then the water ballast can be realized