140 research outputs found

    Selection of High Strength Encapsulant for MEMS Devices Undergoing High Pressure Packaging

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    Deflection behavior of several encapsulant materials under uniform pressure was studied to determine the best encapsulant for MEMS device. Encapsulation is needed to protect movable parts of MEMS devices during high pressure transfer molded packaging process. The selected encapsulant material has to have surface deflection of less than 5 ?m under 100 atm vertical loading. Deflection was simulated using CoventorWare ver.2005 software and verified with calculation results obtained using shell bending theory. Screening design was used to construct a systematic approach for selecting the best encapsulant material and thickness under uniform pressure up to 100 atm. Materials considered for this study were polyimide, parylene C and carbon based epoxy resin. It was observed that carbon based epoxy resin has deflection of less than 5 ?m for all thickness and pressure variations. Parylene C is acceptable and polyimide is unsuitable as high strength encapsulant. Carbon based epoxy resin is considered the best encapsulation material for MEMS under high pressure packaging process due to its high strength.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing

    Relasi antara Penggunaan Android dan Perubahan Sosial Perdesaan

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    Social changes is all changes on social institutions within community which impacting on its system including values, norms and patern of behaviour between groups in community, technology is one of the cause. Technology of media cq Android pressumed will give impact on traditional rural so- cial system, thus these mixed-method research intended to study how far the impact of the USAge of Android on rural social changes.The present of internet followed by the more personalized Android in the rural community has made a transformation on interaction dimension between member of community both in Babakan village as urban-rural, and Petir as rural-village. The ownership and USAge of Android between member of community today has various of meanings, whether to build peer-relation,tighten the family cohesion or to support the economic activities. The social change as impact of the USAge of Android apparrently only occurs on interaction dimension without changing the structural or the cultural dimension. Research found, the prolonged social norms which has been rooted and maintaned by the community still able to work as social control mechanism, however the research shows the indication that the rationlisation on individual is ongoing, this may more or less loosen the social cohesion of rural community

    European household waste management schemes: Their effectiveness and applicability in England.

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    This paper reviews European household waste management schemes and provides an insight into their effectiveness in reducing or diverting household waste. The paper also considers the feasibility of replicating such schemes in England. Selected case studies include those implemented using variable charging schemes, direct regulation and household incentivisation (reduced disposal charges). A total of 15 case studies were selected from developed countries in the EU where some schemes have operated for more than a decade. Criteria for assessing the effectiveness and replicability of schemes were developed using scheme progress towards targets, response time, compatibility with government policy, ease of administration and operation, and public acceptance as attributes. The study demonstrates the capability of these schemes to significantly reduce household waste and suggests changes to allow their possible adoption in England. One of the main barriers to their adoption is the Environmental Protection Act, 1990 that prevents English local authorities (LAs) from implementing the variable charging method for household waste management. This barrier could be removed through a change in legislation. The need to derive consistent data and standardise the method of measuring the effectiveness of schemes is also highlighted

    Sistem Dan Prosedur Pemberian Kredit Modal Kerja Dalam Upaya Meminimalisir Tunggakan Kredit (Studi Pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kantor Unit Tanjungrejo Malang)

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    This study aims to determine the systems and procedures for the provision of working capital credit, and to know how to minimize credit arrears on PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Unit Office Tanjungrejo Malang. This study uses descriptive. The focus of this research is the organizational structure, procedures the provision, and acceptance of credits, forms and documents relating to the procedures for granting and receiving installments. The data sources of this study used secondary data which was obtained from the Accounts Officer and the Head Unit. Data collection techniquewas documentation. The results found that the division of labor in the organization structure has been going well, but for the number of the loan officer personnel still need to be added. An entry form is completed by Customer Service, allowing the error possibility of data entry fromdebtor candidates. Forms and documents used were also quite good because it was easily understood by them, and made them easy to fulfill the form. For the causal factors of credit arrears is accidental problem that occurred in debtor members, and the decline of debtor\u27s business The advice from this study is there should be additional number of personnel on the Account Officer. The debtor data must be fulfilled by debtor to avoid data error that harming the bank. Implementation of visits or inspections on the spot should be done frequently, control on debtors need to be done regularlyto identify early problems that may arise and help find the way out

    Analisis Efektivitas Penerimaan Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan dan Kontribusinya terhadap Pendapatan Pajak Daerah (Studi pada Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Kota Malang Periode 2011-2014)

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    BPHTB is a potential local tax at Malang. Realization BPHTB at Malang has always managed to exceed the planned target, but the other still a lot of problems that make collecting BPHTB not optimal. Percentage contribution of BPHTB to the Local Tax Revenue is great, BPHTB become a tax that dominates Total Local Tax Revenue. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of BPHTB, and it contribution to the Local Tax Revenues in Malang. The type of research is descriptive with qualitative approach. The results show that the level of effectiveness of BPHTB in Malang during the years 2011-2014 has been very good with an average 121.94%, but based on the survey results in mind that a lot of potential BPHTB that has not been optimized. Contribution of BPHTB to the Local Tax Revenue at Malang in 2011-2014 has been good with an average 44.49%, This happens because the transaction on acquisition of land and buildings at Malang high, it causing of continued increase in property prices at Malang. The situation is feared impact on poor people increasingly can not afford to buy housing at Malang

    Nutrition Anemia and Physical Endurance Among Civil Construction Workers

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    Penyelidikan ini adalah untuk membuktikan suatu hypothesa bahwa ada pengaruh dari keadaan gizi dan kesehatan terhadap kemampuan bekerja para pekerja. Sejumlah 571 pekerja laki-laki telah dipilih dari tiga daerah tempat bekerja yaitu : Rentang, Seladarma (pembuatan canalj Halim Perdanakusuma (pembuatan lapangan terbang) Didapatkan bahwa seluruh pekerja mempunyai nilai gizi yang borderline dan tidak ada perbedaan didalam keadaan fisik mereka, namun masih terdapat rata-rata 30 percent menderita anemia. Anemia banyak disertai dengan rendahnya kadar Iron darah pada pekerja di Rentang dan Seladarma hal ini tidak terdapat pada pekerja di Halim. (Table 4). Mengenai infeksi cacing terutama cacing tambang maka diseluruh pekerja menderita infeksi cacing tersebut tingkat pertama yaitu infeksi ringan yang tidak akan mempengaruhi keadaan fisik kecuali hanya kekurangan Iron didalam darah. Untuk mengetahui kemampuan bekerja maka telah dipakai Harvard Step Test Scores selama 5 menit. Dan ternyata bila pekerja-pekerja tersebut dibagi dua group yaitu yang diatas dan yang dibawah nilai Hb. 11 Gm/100 ml maka terdapat perbedaan yang menyolok sekali atas kemampuan pekerja tersebut didalam melakukan test fisik. Hal ini sesuai dengan penyelidikan Veteri. Perlu juga disini diketahui bahwa pekerja berasal dari Rentang dan Seladarma lebih banyak menggunakan tenaga kaki oleh karena selalu naik dan turun canal. Kesimpulan penyelidikan ini adalah adanya pengaruh yang positip antara faktor makanan dan infeksi cacing dengan kemampuan bekerja yang dewasa ini amat diperlukan didalam pembangunan negara

    Microdistribution of Tin in Newly Synthesized Organotin(IV)-Treated Tropical Wood Cells

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    Penetration of wood preservatives into the wood cell is believed to be important to protect the wood from biodegradation especially fungal degradation. preservatives effectiveness depends on the amount of uptake or retention as well as its uniform distribution within the wood cells. Interest on organotin(IV) complexes both mono- and disubstituted organotin(IV) is increasing due to their interesting structural features, biocidal properties and environmentally friendly. The microdistribution of tin-based preservative in tropical woods was examined using Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) analyzer. Bulk specimens of 1% organotin(IV)-treated cubes were used to examine the microdistribution of tin in Alstonia scholaris, Macaranga triloba and Hevea brasiliensis woods. Conventional SEM-EDX was able to detect spatial distribution of tin in wood microstructure. The SEM-EDX distribution maps and linescan analyses showed that the deposition of tin were uneven with respect to cell microstructure in all woods studied with relatively higher tin accumulation in the ray cells and middle lamella than in the fibre cell wall. The results indicated that ray as the penetration pathway of organotin(IV) solution into the wood microstructure capable of penetrating the cell wall

    A Study on the Effects Administration of One Dose of 300.000 I.u. Oral Vitamin a and Deworming for Prevention and Treatment of Vitamin a Deficiency

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    Suatu penyelidikan tentang pencegahan dan pengobatan defisiensi citamin A pada anak-anak prasekolah telah dikerjakan didesa Tegal dan Iwul, Bogor dengan memberikan preparat vitamin A oral dosis tinggi. Preparat tersebut mengandung emulsi retinyl-palminate 300.000 I.U. yang dicampur dengan 100 I.U. citamin E (tocopheryl acetate). Dua golongan anak yaitu 100 tanpa dan 75 dengan xerophthalmia dipergunakan untuk studi tersebut. Mereka dibagi lagi dalam 4 kelompok. Kelompok pertama diberikan hanya vitamin A oral. Kelompok kedua diberikan obat cacing (deworming) terlebih dahulu sebelum diberikan vitamin A oral, dengan combantrin (pyrantel pamoate) single dose 10 mg/kg. berat badan. Kelompok ketiga diberi obat cacing dan placebo dan kelompok keempat hanya diberi placebo. Ternyata pada pemeriksaan setelah 6 dan 12 bulan kemudian semua anak tanpa xerophthalmia tetap terlindung dari xeropthalmia setelah diberikan vitamin A baik dengan atau tanpa deworming terlebih dahulu. Sedangkan 5-8 persen anak dengan xerophthalmia tidak dapat disembuhkan. Obat ca­cing tidak jelas menunjukkan pengaruhnya untuk memperbaiki penggunaan oral vitamin A, tetapi obat cacing dan vitamin A oral tersebut menunjukkan pengaruh baik terhadap keadaan gizi. Sedangkan terhadap kejadian penyakit, pengaruhnya tidak begitu jelas

    Prevalensi Anemia Anak Sekolah Dasar Di Daerah Penghasil Dan Bukan Penghasil Sayuran Hijau Di Kabupaten Bogor

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian secara cross-sectional untuk mengetahui gambaran dan perbedaan konsumsi sayuran hijau dan prevalensi anemia anak SD di daerah penghasil dan bukan penghasil sayuran hijau di Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian dilakukan di tlga desa penghasil sayuran hijau di Kecamatan Ciampea dan tiga desa bukan penghasil sayuran hijau di Kecamatan Nanggung di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anak SD di daerah penghasil sayuran hijau lebih sering dan lebih banyak mengkonsumsi sayuran hijau dibandingkan dengan anak SD di daerah bukan penghasil sayuran hijau (P<0.05). Prevalensi anemia pada anak SD di daerah penghasil sayuran hijau tidak berbeda nyata dengan anak SD di daerah bukan penghasil sayuran hijau. Tetapi rata-rata kadar Hb anak SD di daerah penghasil sayuran hijau berbeda nyata dengan anak SD di daerah bukan penghasil sayuran hijau (12.3 g/dl vs 11.9 g/dl). Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh nyata pada kadar Hb anak SD di daerah penghasil sayuran hijau ialah frekuensi makan sayur dan konsumsi zat besi dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.38009 dan 0.32432. Demikian juga faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar Hb anak SD di daerah bukan penghasil sayuran hijau ialah konsumsi zat besi dan frekuensi makan sayur dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0.49240 dan 0.43696
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