109 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The research was conducted in the Industrial Area of Makassar. South Sulawesi, Indonesia, with the aim of designing a model of optimization of industrial supervisors in managing a workforce that is based on the determination of the model. Research conducted for tin- industry supervisor, the problem refers to the method of research, in which: optimization models in workforce management, comhn ted by Coal Programming Design Analysis for the optimal solution and objective function scale supervisors Likers for optimization of industrial conformity, over seven instruments with 16 indicators of 23 KPIs (key performance indicators). The results of this study indicate, that the solution of the goal programming for instruments: (1) the determination of analytical calculations have been highly optimized workload management. This is evident from the obtained solution, that the indicator evaluation and analysis of the workload has been manageable with highly optimized: (2) the calculation determining the needs of already highly optimized workforce. This is evident from the obtained solution, that both indicators of workforce management is highly optimized, although the need for workforce planning has not managed optimally; (3) the determination of the calculation of available production capacity is optimal. This is evident from the obtained solution, that both indicators of workforce, the availability of certain equipment, availability of time, and labor standarts, highly optimized management, although in calculating the router level, the level of outcomes, efficiency hours, and shift work have not managed optimally; (4) the calculation of highly optimized product pricing. This is evident from the obtained solution, that indicator plus price costing, break-even cost, and determination in relation to the market price has been highly optimized management, although the mark-up pricing has not managed optimally; (5) determination of the calculation method of work has been highly optimized. This is evident from the obtained solution, that work measurement indicators and measurement work has been managed optimally; (6) the calculation determining the optimal scheduling of the work already. This is evident from the obtained solution, that the calculation of the indicator forward and backward calculations have been managed optimally; and (7) the calculation of incentive wage determination has been highly optimized. This is evident from the obtained solution, that the indicator calculations based incentive units are produced and managed by time already highly optimized. Keywords: Optimization, workload, needs, capacities, products, methods, scheduling, incentive

    The effect of attitude and local wisdom toward community behavior in rural infrastructure development program in South Sulawesi

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    ABSTRACT This research aims to find the dominant variables that influence on community behavior incommunity empowerment by using multiple linear regression models. Sampling procedures individuals were randomized to receive 200 respondent by using proportional stratified random sampling technique. While the types and data analysis categorized in quantitative research. The variables in this research that is empowerment attitude variable (X1), local wisdom (X2) and community behavior (Y1). From the analysis of the independent variables on the dependent variable in this study was obtained equation model Y = 8.074 + 0.279 X1 + 0.481 X2. Value Standardized Coefficients Beta attitude variable to variable behavior is positive of 0.316 and the Sig. obtained 0.000> 0.05, it can be interpreted that if the community attitude is improved, the higher community behavior in rural infrastructure development program be higher, or vice versa. Coefficients Beta Standardized value variable to variable behavior of local wisdom is positive by 0.518 and the Sig. value obtained for 0.000> 0.05, it can be interpreted that, if the community attitudeis higher, at the same level the community behavior of rural infrastructure development program be higher as well, or vice versa. The conclusion of this description means that the tendency of local wisdom variables influence more dominant variables influence the behavior despite being compared with the influence of variables that affect the weak attitude in influencing behavioral variables. Keywords : Attitude, Local Wisdom, Community Behaviou

    Key Competencies in The Industrial Age 4.0

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    The main problem in this article is the changing times and the phase of industrialization provides consideration in several fields of life. That change of time also has an impact on the way of life, shape of thinking, behavior, and human needs. In the industrial sector several key competencies are needed to meet those needs of community. This article is a literature review aimed at describing several key competencies needed in the industrial era 4.0. This article focuses on the grouping of key competencies in four major aspects items, namely, 1) personality competencies, 2) activities and actions competencies, 3) social communication competencies, and 4) technical and methodological competencie

    Model Pelatihan Mendesain Tekstil Menggunakan Adobe Photoshop Untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru SMK Tata Busana

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    Model pelatihan mendesain tekstil menggunakan adobe photoshop ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan model pengembangan pelatihan mendesain tekstil menggunakan adobe photoshop, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini penelitian pengembangan (R&D) untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru Tata Busana di Kabupaten Gowa. Tempat penelitian di SMK Negeri 2 Gowa dengan subjek uji coba adalah guru SMK Tata Busana Se-Kabupaten Gowa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan model pelatihan mendesain tekstil menggunakan adobe photoshop mengacu pada model pengembangan ADDIE dan telah memenuhi kriteria Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation sehingga dihasilkan silabus, skenario kegiatan pembelajaran, buku panduan model dan modul yang tervalidasi. Kata Kunci : Adobe photoshop, Pelatihan, Pengembangan model

    Development and Application of ATMega 2560 Based Trainer in Supporting the Learning Process in the Faculty of Engineering State University of Makassar

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    Abstrak: Abstract. This study aimed to determine the student’s response and the application effectiveness of ATMega 2560-based microcontroller trainers in supporting the agricultural robotics learning in the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Makassar. This study was a research and development study using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) approach. The student’s response to the application of ATMega 2560-based microcontroller trainers was collected using questionnaires. The samples size of students in this study were 30 students from the Faculty of Engineering, Makassar State University. Information on the application effectiveness of ATMega 2560-based microcontroller trainers was collected from the observations results of learning outcomes, which were conducted through pre-test and post-test. The analysis results on the student’s response showed an average result of 3.65, which means that they were in a good category. The average results of the pre-test and post-test obtained for the analysis of effectiveness were 60.55 and 83.50, respectively. This showed an increase in student learning outcomes which were above the minimum standard and were in a good category. The application of ATMega 2560-based microcontroller trainers received a good response from students and was effective in supporting the agricultural robotics learning in Faculty of Engineering, State University of Makassar

    Analysis of Making Shredded Carp (Caprinus Carpio Sp.) with Giving Heart of Banana as Additional Material

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    Abstract: The research aims to know nutritional value of carp based on the results of proonimat shredded test of carp produced as well as the most favored results of processing of carp shredded based on organoleptic tests. Research is an experimental research with Completely Randomized Design with three repetitions The research variable is the addition of banana heart to the making of carp abon namely A treatment comparison of carp meat and heart of banana respectively 55%: 45%, B treatment comparison of carp meat and banana heart each 50%: 50%, C treatment comparison of carp meat and banana heart each 45%: 55%, as well as the control of the making of carp shredded without the addition of banana heart. Test conducted consists of proximate and organoleptic test. The proximate test of fish carp was carried out on the parameters water content, protein content, fat content, and ash content. While organoleptic test done to know levels of pleasure panelist against abon carp produced. Panelists used was a semi-trained panelist consisting of 15 people with the range of preferred score used is 5-1. Furthermore, data is processed and analyzed by descriptive analysis. The research result shows result of proonimat shredded test of goldfish produced has the lowest water content in A treatment of 11.1%, the highest protein content obtained in B treatment of 19.86%, the highest carbohydrate content also occurs in B treatment of 40.76%, the highest fat content obtained in treatment A of 23.93%, The treatment that meets the SII standard requirement is a maximum of 9% only on A treatment and control. Furthermore, organoleptic test results shows the highest color organoleptic value lies in the C treatment of 4.07, the highest organoleptic value of texture was obtained at C treatment, the highest taste organoleptic value was obtained at C treatment of 4.2, and the best treatment of aroma was obtained at C treatment of 3.67


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    Ikan mas merupakan salah satu sumber protein hewani yang banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat, mudah didapat, dan harganya murah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai jenis bahan bakar pengasapan pada pengasapan ikan mas dengan berbagai suhu dan waktu berbeda terhadap nilai gizi ikan mas asap dan tingkat penerimaan panelis. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Program Studi Pendidikan Teknologi Pertanian Fakultas teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar. Penelitian akan berlangsung selama sembilan bulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial yaitu faktor jenis bahan bakar dan suhu ruang pengasapan. Jenis bahan bakar yang digunakan adalah tempurung kelapa dan serbuk gergaji, sedangkan suhu ruang pengasapan yang diaplikasikan adalah suhu 60-65oC dan suhu 70-75oC. Masing-masing perlakuan dengan tiga ulangan. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah kadar protein, kadar air, kadar protein, kadar lemak dan kadar abu, serta nilai hedonik abon ikan mas yang meliputi rasa, warna, aroma dan tekstur. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif. Luaran dari penelitian ini adalah metode, jurnal ilmiah internasiona

    Analysis of the Use of Various Types of Fuel and Smoking Room Temperaturevalue of Nutrition and Organoleptic Smoke Carp (Cyprinuscarpio sp.)

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    Abstract : This study aims to determine the influence of various types smoke fuel on smoked carp with different temperatures to the nutritional value of smoked carp as well as the level of panelist acceptance of smoked carp fish.The tool used in this research is smoke cabinet. While the material used consists of carp as much as 60 head, coconut shell 13 kg, sawdust, 32 kg, 6.5 kg salt kitchen. The data collected consisted of data of proximate test and organoleptic test. Proximate test parameters were protein content, fat content analysis, ash content analysis and carbohydrate analysis. While on organoleptic testing using the sense of sight, sense of smell, sense of touch, and sense of taste. Data analysis used is descriptive analysis. The results showed that based on the results of proximate test on smoked carp fish produced in research with different treatment of fuel and suhub sources found the lowest water content in treatment A of 70.1%, the highest protein content in treatment C of 19.35% , the highest fat content in the C treatment was 2.92% and the lowest ash content in treatment B was 9.47%. Furthermore, the result of organizational test of panelist's favorite on color, aroma, texture and taste shows the best treatment is D treatment that is the treatment of curing fish with temperature 65-70oC with coconut shell fuel


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan kacang tunggak terhadap mutu tempe yang dihasilkan serta tingkat untuk mengetahui penerimaan panelis terhadap tempe kacang tunggak yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 (empat) taraf perlakuan yaitu perlakuan K (pembuatan tempe kedelai murni tanpa penambahan kacang tunggak 0% sebagai kontrol; perlakuan A (pembuatan tempe kedelai 75% dengan penambahan kacang tunggak 25%); perlakuan B (pmbuatan tempe kedelai 50% dengan penambahan kacang tunggak 50%); dan perlakuan C (pembuatan tempe kedelai 25% dengan penambahan kacang tunggak 75%. Masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan tiga kali ulangan sehingga total percobaan 4 x 3 = 12 satuan percobaan Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri atas data proksimat yang meliputi hasil analisa kadar air, protein, lemak, abu dan karbohidrat, sedangkan data organoleptik yang dikumpulkan terdiri atas warna, rasa, tekstur dan bau. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif. Luaran penelitian berupa jurnal internasional, produk, dan metode. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembuatan tempe yang dicampur dengan kacang tunggak untuk uji proksimat khususnya kadar air, perlakuan terbaik adalah perlakuan perlakuan A yaitu perlakuan pembuatan tempe kedelai 75% dengan penambahan kacang tunggak 25% sebesar 59,05%, terkait kadungan protein yang terkandung pada tempe, maka perlakuan terbaik adalah perlakuan A yaitu perlakuan pembuatan tempe kedelai 75% dengan penambahan kacang tunggak 25% sebesar 16,69%, terkait kandungan lemak, maka perlakuan terbaik adalah perlakuan K yaitu perlakuan dengan bahan seluruhnya merupakan bahan kedelai sebesar 4,24%, sedangkan hasil uji organoleptik untuk pengujian aroma, warna, tekstur dan rasa,maka panelis lebih menyukai perlakuan Kontrol yaitu perlakuan dimana semua bahan pembuatan tempe terbuat dari bahan kedelai. Kata Kunci: Tempe, Kacang tunggak, proses, fermentasi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu pengeringan (cabinet dryer) yang berbeda terhadap mutu dendeng ikan nila yang dihasilkan, serta untuk mengetahui penerimaan panelis terhadap dendeng ikan nila yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga kali ulangan. Variabel penelitian adalah suhu pengeringan, yaitu pengeringan pada suhu 70oC, 75, oC dan 80oC dengan lama pengeringan selama 4 jam. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi penilaian objektif dan penilaian subjektif. Penilaian objektif dalam penelitian ini adalah uji kimiawi untuk mengetahui kandungan kadar air, protein dan lemak dari dendeng hasil eksperimen. Sedangkan Uji kesukaan atau uji organoleptik umumnya digunakan untuk menilai atau memperhitungkan reaksi konsumen terhadap sampel yang diujikan yang meliputi rasa, warna, aroma dan tekstur. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Luaran penelitian berupa jurnal internasional, metode dan produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil uji proksimat terhadap dendeng ikan bandeng yang dihasilkan terbaik pada perlakuan B yaitu pengeringan dengan suhu pengering 75oC untuk parameter kadar iar dan lemak, sedangkan untuk parameter protein terbaik pada perlakuan pengeringan dendeng ikan bandeng dengan suhu 70oC. Selanjutnya, untuk uji organoleptik yang terkait dengan warna, rasa, aroma dan tekstur menunjukkan pengeringan dendeng ikan bandeng terbaik pada perlakuan B yaitu perlakuan dengan suhu pengering 75oC. Kata kunci: Dendeng, ikan nila, suhu, pengeringa
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