1,348 research outputs found

    Inequality in the Literacy Levels in Pakistan: Existence and Changes Overtime

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    This paper attempts to identify the areas that are still lagging behind other parts of the country in terms of literacy levels and are unable to play their role in the velopment of human capital of the country. The analyses indicate that more than 75 per cent of the districts in the country are under-represented in terms of literacy levels. This includes a large portion of Balochistan province. A large proportion of the iterate population is concentrated in the national and provincial capitals. In general, Sindh lags behind in case of rural areas and NWFP in case of females. The analyses also dicate that the areas that are backward in terms of economic development are also those with low levels of literacy. Balochistan is the province that needs the greatest attention. An encouraging sign is the general decline in disparities in literacy levels over time. Moreover, the least literate areas have shown a significant improvement over time. wever, a lot of work needs to be put into these areas for them to come at par with other parts of the country.Pakistan; Literacy Levels; Inequality; Representation; Growth; Ranking; Census

    A Design of a Generic Profile-Based Queue System

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    Website and server hosting accounts impose resource limits which restrict the processing power available to applications. One technique to bypass these restrictions is to split up large jobs into smaller tasks that can then be queued and processed task by task. This is a fairly common need. However, different application jobs can differ widely in nature and in their requirements. Thus, a queue system built for one job type may not be entirely suitable for another. This situation could result in the having to implement separate, additional queue systems for different needs. This research proposes a generic queue core design that can accommodate a large variety of job types by providing a basic set of features which can be easily extended to add specificity. The design includes a detailed discussion on queue implementation, scheduling, directory structure and business tier logic. Furthermore, it features highly configurable, time-sensitive performance management that can be customized for any job type. This is provided as the ability to indicate desired performance profiles for any given slot of time during the week. Actual performance data based on the usage of a prototype is also included to demonstrate the significant advantage of using the queue system

    On the cohomology of joins of operator algebras

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    The algebra of matrices M with entries in an abelian von Neumann algebra is a C*-module. C*-modules were originally defined and studied by Kaplansky and we outline the foundations of the theory and particular properties of M. Furthermore, we prove a structure theorem for ultraweakly closed submodules of M, using techniques from the theory of type I finite von Neumann algebras. By analogy with the classical join in topology, the join for operator algebras A and B acting on Hilbert spaces H and K, respectively, was defined by Gilfeather and Smith. Assuming that K is finite dimensional, Gilfeather and Smith calculated the Hochschild cohomology groups of the join. We assume that M is the algebra of matrices with entries in a maximal abelian von Neumann algebra U, A is an operator algebra acting on a Hilbert space K, and B is an ultraweakly closed subalgebra of M containing U. In this new context, we redefine the join, generalize the calculations of Gilfeather and Smith, and calculate the cohomology groups of the join

    An Analysis of Public Expenditure on Education in Pakistan

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    Achieving economic growth is an important goal of any country. However, in recent years it has increasingly been realised that economic growth is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for human development. Pakistan provides a good example of a country which has historically enjoyed a respectable GDP growth rate and yet failed to translate this positive development into a satisfactory level of human development. Since its independence in 1947, Pakistan’s development policies have focused primarily on realising high economic growth and only incidentally on the task of providing social necessities. Such a process has given rise to a structure of production and distribution which has been only indirectly responsive to social goals. However, there is now a growing realisation that we could have done much better had we stressed human resource investments relatively more.

    Analysis of Public Expenditure on Education in Pakistan

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    This study attempts to analyse the priorities accorded to Education by the federal as well as the provincial governments. Since education is in large part a provincial responsibility, a comparative analysis of the performance of the public sector education in the four provinces of Pakistan would be useful to provide feedbacks to the provincial administrations of relative strengths and weaknesses of their educational system. Also, differences in priorities and performance among provinces provide useful insights, and, more importantly, raise many questions for planners. Such an analysis is also necessary for overall resource allocation. The analysis will be extended to district level but confined to Punjab and Sindh due to data constraints. The study will also examine the disparities in budget allocations to education in the two provinces.Education; Public expenditures; Pakistan

    Scented garden in Deccani Muslim literature

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    Optimization and analysis of cutting parameters using cryogenic media in machining of high strength alloy steel

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    In this research, liquid Argon is used as a cryogenic media to optimize the cutting parameters for evaluation of tool flank wear width of Tungsten Carbide Insert (CNMG 120404-WF 4215) while turning high strength alloy steel. Robust design concept of Taguchi L9 (34) method is applied to determine the optimum conditions. This analysis revealed is revealed that cryogenic impact is more significant in reduction of the tool flank wear
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