89 research outputs found

    Facilitating professional engagement with planning research

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    The context for this project is the limited connectivity between applied planning research and professional planning practice. The planning profession, by its very nature, is continually developing plans, policies and strategies to guide place-based management and development. An assumption guiding the research is that sound evidence is useful if not essential to inform good planning practice. This assumption does not hold for all planning practice - statutory planning and other policy implementation activities are, for example, largely informed by existing policy frameworks. However, in most strategic planning or policy development contexts (including statutory reform), an argument for the relevance of an evidence base can be made. While not all research aims to directly inform practice – such as research of a conceptual or theoretical nature – there is a significant amount of applied urban research produced that has discernible implications for policy and practice. Unfortunately, much of the research base that could inform and improve professional planning practice is difficult to access. There are also other barriers to knowledge exchange, including limited professional engagement with research outputs; and limited or poorly tailored research outputs for a professional audience. This project aims to provide recommendations on how to better connect Australian urban planning practice to the evidence base within urban planning research outputs. To do so the project explores barriers to, and opportunities for, better connecting professional planning practice with applied planning research

    Then: Reflection on the Importance of Furman as it was

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    Regulating Sustainable Production

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    Zoning that supports urban manufacturing may offer new opportunities to promote sustainability benefits ranging from improved job accessibility to reduced waste and resource use. However, industrial uses in urban areas face displacement from competing and conflicting uses. While the process of industrial gentrification is well documented, little work has examined how planning strategies and regulations affect urban manufacturing and its potential contribution to sustainable economic development. Drawing on a review of planning documents and interviews with food and beverage manufacturers, we examine how planning regulates the sustainability potential of manufacturing enterprises in Melbourne, Australia. In doing so, we contribute a deeper understanding of the ways that zoning affects urban manufacturing and the obstacles, tensions, and trade-offs urban planners face in creating a more sustainable local manufacturing base

    Use of Global Electrochemical Techniques to Characterize Localized Corrosion Behavior on Aluminum Alloys

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    Precipitated intermetallic phases strengthen aluminum aircraft alloys; these inclusions also establish localized electrochemical environments, significantly influencing the bulk corrosion behavior of such alloys. To gain insight on the effects of intermetallic phases on the bulk corrosion behavior, two established forms of electrochemical characterization techniques were used, polarization scans and impedance spectroscopy. This effort was undertaken to: Provide a statistical body of electrochemical data for aluminum alloys, Provide fundamental electrochemical parameters to aide in a continuum scale modeling effort, Validate the effect of solution chemistry on bulk corrosion behavior, Determine the influence of precipitated intermetallic phases on the bulk corrosion behavior, Decouple the metal-coating interface behavior from bulk corrosion behavior in continuing tests on coated aluminum

    Economics of pasture-based dairies (2012)

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    "Agriculture.""Dairy grazing.""Dairy grazing publication series: This publication is one in a series about operating and managing a pasture-based dairy. Although these publications often refer to conditions in Missouri, many of the principles and concepts described may apply to operations throughout the United States. A list of the publications in this series is available online at http://extension.missouri.edu/m168.""Revised from M168, Dairy Grazing Manual, by Joe Horner, Dairy Economist, Commercial Agriculture Program, Ryan Milhollin, Project Manager, Commercial Agriculture Program, Wayne Prewitt, West Central Region Agriculture Business Specialist.""This publication replaces Chapter 14, Economics of a Pasture-Based Dairy, in MU Extension publication M168, Dairy Grazing Manual. Original authors: Stacey A. Hamilton, Greg J. Bishop-Hurley and Ron Young, University of Missouri."New 2/12/Web

    Subclinical hepatitis E virus infection in laboratory ferrets in the UK

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    Ferrets are widely used for experimental modelling of viral infections. However, background disease in ferrets could potentially confound intended experimental interpretation. Here we report the detection of a subclinical infection of ferret hepatitis E virus (FRHEV) within a colony sub-group of female laboratory ferrets that had been enrolled on an experimental viral infection study (non-hepatitis). Lymphoplasmacytic cuffing of periportal spaces was identified on histopathology but was negative for the RNA and antigens of the administered virus. Follow-up viral metagenomic analysis conducted on liver specimens revealed sequences attributed to FRHEV and these were confirmed by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Further genomic analysis revealed contiguous sequences spanning 79-95 % of the FRHEV genome and that the sequences were closely related to those reported previously in Europe. Using in situ hybridization by RNAScope, we confirmed the presence of HEV-specific RNA in hepatocytes. The HEV open reading frame 2 (ORF2) protein was also detected by immunohistochemistry in the hepatocytes and the biliary canaliculi. In conclusion, the results of our study provide evidence of background infection with FRHEV in laboratory ferrets. As this infection can be subclinical, we recommend routine monitoring of ferret populations using virological and liver function tests to avoid incorrect causal attribution of any liver disease detected in in vivo studies

    International approaches to protecting and retaining trees on private urban land

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    Most studies of urban forest management look at vegetation on public land. Yet, to meet ambitious urban forest targets, cities must attempt to maintain or increase trees and canopy cover on private urban land too. In this study, we review and evaluate international approaches to protecting and retaining trees on private urban land. Our study combines a systematic academic literature review, two empirical social science studies on the views of urban forest professionals, and a global case study review of innovative regulations and incentives aimed at protecting and retaining trees on private urban land. Case studies were evaluated for the extent they exceeded minimum standards or went beyond ?business-as-usual?. We found that the most innovative mechanisms combine many regulations, instead of relying on a single regulation, and use financial incentives to retain or plant trees in newly developed or re-developed sites, as well as private residences. We did not find any cases where appropriate monitoring was in place to determine the efficacy and efficiency of these mechanisms. We also found no single simple solution that could effectively and efficiently protect and retain trees on private land. Only by combining policies, planning schemes, local laws, and financial incentives with community engagement and stewardship will cities protect and retain trees on private land. Useful and innovative ways to protecting and retaining trees on private land involves providing solutions at multiple governments levels, embedding trees in existing strategic policy and management solutions, incentivising positive behavior, creating regulations that require payment up front, and engaging the broader community in private tree stewardship.Peer reviewe
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