31,040 research outputs found

    Biomarkers in emergency medicine

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    Researchers navigate the ocean of biomarkers searching for proper targets and optimal utilization of them. Emergency medicine builds up the front line to maximize the utility of clinically validated biomarkers and is the cutting edge field to test the applicability of promising biomarkers emerging from thorough translational researches. The role of biomarkers in clinical decision making would be of greater significance for identification, risk stratification, monitoring, and prognostication of the patients in the critical- and acute-care settings. No doubt basic research to explore novel biomarkers in relation to the pathogenesis is as important as its clinical counterpart. This special issue includes five selected research papers that cover a variety of biomarker- and disease-related topics

    Is Jan Gehl’s theories correct? : a study about life between buildings in Malmo

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    Att röra sig i stĂ€dernas gaturum till fots hör för mĂ„nga till vardagen men varför och hur rör man sig? Jan Gehls Life Between Buildings gĂ„r igenom just detta och ger förklaringar pĂ„ vad som lockar mĂ€nniskor till gaturum men Ă€ven hur mĂ€nniskor beter sig i gaturummen. Denna uppsats syfte Ă€r att undersöka ifall Gehls teorier om livet mellan huskroppar stĂ€mmer överens med vad som hĂ€nder pĂ„ tvĂ„ av Malmös mest gĂ„ngtrafikerade gator. Detta Ă„stadkoms genom att först undersöka hur Malmö stad arbetar med sina gaturum, undersöka mer precist vad Gehl skriver om livet mellan hus och tvĂ„ platsstudier dĂ€r mĂ€nniskors rörelse och beteende observeras utifrĂ„n tre kategorier. Resultatet visar att Malmö stad i skrift pĂ„ mĂ„nga sĂ€tt försöker frĂ€mja det som Gehl föreslĂ„r attraherar fler mĂ€nniskor till gaturummen men att de brister i utförandet pĂ„ sina gator. Det observerade beteendet och rörelserna pĂ„ gatorna gĂ„r i linje med det som Gehl i sitt verk beskriver och man kan tydligt se vart mĂ€nniskor vĂ€ljer att gĂ„, sitta eller stĂ„. Vidare tar uppsatsen upp vad Malmö stad hade kunnat arbeta mer med utifrĂ„n vad Gehl skrivit. Uppsatsen avslutas med en del som tar upp faktorer som kan ha pĂ„verkat studiernas resultat.Moving around the city on foot is part of many people’s everyday life, but why and how do they move? Jan Gehl’s Life Between Buildings goes through this and provides explanations to what attracts people to the street as well as how people behave in the streets. The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether Gehl’s theories about life between buildings agree with what happens on two of Malmö’s most pedestrianized streets. This was achieved by first examining how Malmö city works with its open spaces, examining more precisely what Gehl writes about life between buildings and two case studies where peoples movement and behavior are observed based on three categories. The results show that Malmö city in many ways tries to implement what Gehl suggests promotes more people to use the street in text but that they fall short when it comes to execution of what they have written. The observed behavior and movement on the streets correlate to what Gehl describes in his work and you can clearly see where people choose to walk, sit, or stand. Furthermore, the essay addresses what Malmo city can improve in their open spaces based on what Gehl has written. The essay is concluded by a section that addresses factors which may have influenced the results of the studies

    The design process : Efficiency and quality in the garden designer’s methods

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    Designprocessen Àr en komplex och mÄngfacetterad process dÀr designern genom analys, syntes och utvÀrdering verkar för att skapa innovativa lösningar. Processen Àr en slags utbildning dÀr kunskapen anskaffas genom projekt och byggs genom upprepning av processen. Designmetodiken Àr vÀl studerad i teori men den praktiska delen, utifrÄn designerns egen synvinkel, Àr relativt outforskad. Denna studie undersöker sÄledes yrkesverksamma trÀdgÄrdsdesigners designprocess i syfte att ge en inblick i trÀdgÄrdsdesigners process och en uppfattning om hur de arbetar med effektivitet, prioriteringar och kvalité trots begrÀnsade tidsramar. Studien bygger pÄ en kvalitativ forskningsintervju med tre yrkesverksamma trÀdgÄrdsdesigners. Litteratur om Àmnet stÀlls i relation till resultatet av intervjuerna för att underlÀtta tolkning och analys. Studien pÄvisar tydliga moment inom designprocessen som Àr gemensamt för yrkesverksamma trÀdgÄrdsdesigners men uppvisar ocksÄ olikheter i designprocessen. Studien ÄskÄdliggör metoder och verktyg anvÀnda av tre trÀdgÄrdsdesigners. Vidare faststÀller studien en tydlig lÀnk mellan förbÀttring och uppbyggnaden av kunskap samt av effektivisering i designprocessen. Studien faststÀller tidsplanering som en viktig del i kartlÀggning av processen som kan ge en bild av utvecklingsomrÄden för att effektivisera arbetet. Studien föreslÄr att utveckling av processen sker i takt med pÄbyggnad av kunskap och upprepning av processen.The design process is a complex and multifaceted process where the designer works through analysis, synthesis and evaluation to create innovative solutions. The process is a kind of education where knowledge is acquired through projects and built through repetition of the process. The design methodology is well studied in theory, but the practical part, from the designer's own point of view, is relatively unexplored. This study examines the design process of professional garden designers with the aim of providing an insight into their process and an idea of how they work with efficiency, priorities and quality, despite limited time frames and resources. The study is based on a qualitative research interview with three professional garden designers. Literature on the subject is placed in relation to the results of the interviews to facilitate interpretation and analysis. The study demonstrates clear elements within the design process that are common to the professional garden designers, but also proves differences in the design process. The study shows the methods and tools used by three garden designers. Furthermore, the research establishes a clear link between improvement and building of knowledge, and efficiency within the design process. The study base time planning as an important part of mapping the process and provides a general idea of development areas to streamline work. Additionally, the study suggests development of the process in step with the accumulation of knowledge and repetition of the process. The results obtained in the study confirm the individual nature of the design process and the difficulty of drawing general conclusions

    Welfare Implications of Regionalism in the GATT

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    This paper investigates the welfare implications of an existence of a free trade agreement (FTA) and a customs union (CU) within the GATT. Two types of GATT regimes are considered in a completely symmetric world: a pure GATT regime without any type of the regional trade agreements (RTAs), and a modified GATT regime with one of them. The main results are for a range of sufficiently high discount rate, first that free trade and global welfare efficiency can be supported under the pure GATT regime but not under the modified regimes, and second that a country's ranking of the both regimes depends on (1) whether it belongs to an RTA or not and (2) which one of the RTAs it belongs to. The insight of these results are that the regionalism in the GATT may restrict free trade and thus fails to achieve the highest global welfare.Most Favored Nation Clause, Free Trade Agreements, Customs Unions

    PhysiotherapistÂŽs experiences of their own pain and meeting the patientÂŽs pain : a qualitative study

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to explore physiotherapistŽs own experiences and approaches to pain in relation to meeting the patientŽs pain. Method: Four physiotherapists working within a primary care setting were recruited. Semistructured interviews were conducted and the material was analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Results: The results showed that the participants achieved an increased awareness of the concept of pain throughout the interview. The perceived concept of pain was shown to reflect both a biomedical but also a biopsychosocial perspective. In dealing with patientŽs pain a broad competence was needed; skills concerning the interaction, communication and understanding of the patient but also being able to deal with the different demands connected to the work of being a physiotherapist. Conclusion: These results bring into light how the process of dialogue can bring forth an increased awareness of concepts related to the work of physiotherapists. The results also give rise to the question of how physiotherapists can get hold of and develop these skills needed in dealing with patientŽs pain, where perhaps support is needed in this process.Syftet: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka fysioterapeuters personliga erfarenheter och förhÄllningssÀtt till sin smÀrta i relation till mötet med patientens smÀrta. Metod: Fyra verksamma fysioterapeuter inom primÀrvÄrden rekryterades och datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Textmaterialet bearbetades genom kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet visade pÄ att en medvetenhet kring begreppet smÀrta tycktes vÀxa fram under intervjuernas gÄng. Denna medvetenhet speglade bÄde ett biomedicinskt och biopsykosocialt perspektiv. Vidare framkom behovet av en bred kompetens i mötet med patientens smÀrta; en förmÄga att interagera och kommunicera samt ha förstÄelse för patienten; och att kunna hantera krav relaterade till arbetet som fysioterapeut. Konklusion: Resultaten pekar pÄ hur samtal kan komma att vidareutveckla tankar kring begrepp relevanta för arbetet. Det lyfter Àven frÄgan kring hur fysioterapeuter kan komma att utveckla den kompetens som krÀvs i mötet med patienters smÀrta, dÀr ett eventuellt behov av stöd för detta finns

    Green walls in urban environments : a climate and environmental psychology perspective

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    I takt med att stĂ€derna vĂ€xer och att vi mĂ€nniskor ökar i antal blir det allt viktigare med olika typer av gröna inslag i stadsmiljön. Det handlar bĂ„de om att vi mĂ€nniskor mĂ„r bra sĂ„vĂ€l fysiskt som psykologiskt av att ha vĂ€xtlighet omkring oss samt att grönskan i staden kan bidra till ett bĂ€ttre klimat och mĂ„nga s.k. ekosystemtjĂ€nster. Dock kvarstĂ„r problemet att stĂ€derna Ă€r tĂ€ta och erbjuder begrĂ€nsat med ytor till möjlig vegetation. Detta arbete avser att undersöka hur vertikal vĂ€xtlighet i form av gröna vĂ€ggar skulle kunna vara en lösning att fĂ„ in grönska i staden dĂ€r ingen annan typ av vegetation Ă€r möjlig. BĂ„de gröna fasader och levande vĂ€ggar studeras med fokus pĂ„ vilka ekosystemtjĂ€nster de kan bidra med i staden samt vilka utmaningar som finns med implementering av dessa. Detta för att fĂ„ en helhetsbild av hur de kan fungera över tid samt se vad man bör tĂ€nka pĂ„ vid planering, installation och underhĂ„ll av vĂ€ggarna för att uppnĂ„ bĂ€sta möjliga resultat.As the cities are growing with an increasing population, a variety of green features in the urban environment becomes more important. It’s both because the presence of greenery has a positive impact both physical and psychological on human health, as well as the vegetation can contribute to a better environment and several ecosystem services. However, there are still some difficulties when it comes to the density of the cities and the fact that they offer a limited number of surfaces where vegetation is allowed to grow. This work aims to study how vertical greenery as green walls can be a solution to apply vegetation in the city where no other form of green feature is possible. An evaluation of both green facades and living walls is made focusing on the ecosystem services that they can contribute to in the city, but also the challenges that come with the implementation of them. This will hopefully give a wide perspective of how green walls can function over time and reveal what’s important throughout the process of planning, installing and maintain the walls to achieve the best possible result

    LokalsamhÀllets tillit i förÀndring

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    Denna kanditatuppsats inom landsbygdsutveckling syftar till att undersöka hur tilliten till kommunen inom ett lokalsamhĂ€lle har förĂ€ndrats till följd av byskolans nedlĂ€ggning. Det insamlade materialet frĂ„n intervjuer med lokalinvĂ„nare analyseras med hjĂ€lp av en teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt ur Rothsteins (2003, 1998) teori kring tillit till den offentliga sektorns institutioner, och TrĂ€gĂ„rdhs et al (2013) teori om variationer i lokalsamhĂ€llestillit för att dĂ€rmed bĂ€ttre förstĂ„ de resultat som framkommer. DĂ€rmed anvĂ€nds formuleringen ”tillit till kommunen” under uppsatsen för att visa pĂ„ anvĂ€ndning av Rothsteins (2003, 1998) mer övergripande teorier om staten och tillit och TrĂ€gĂ„rdhs et al (2013) teorier om tillit pĂ„ en mer lokal nivĂ„, dĂ€rav min koppling till kommunen. Det har gjorts fyra intervjuer med olika lokalinvĂ„nare i byn FolkĂ€rna dĂ€r mellanstadiet Lunds skola lades ner 2021. Under intervjuerna berördes frĂ„gor kring skolans betydelse för platsen, vilket samtliga informanter uttryckte starka kĂ€nslor kring. Det yttrade att skolan hade en stor betydelse för byns gemenskap, i och med anordning av aktiviteter, rörelse i byn, nĂ€tverksskapande mellan förĂ€ldrar/barn/lĂ€rare/familjer. Informanterna yttrade Ă€ven hur skolan spelade roll för barnens platsidentitet och kĂ€nsla av att höra hemma och ha en koppling till byn. Byskolans betydelse och platsidentitet Ă€r Ă€mnen som berörs i syfte att lĂ€gga grund till det huvudsakliga fokuset för uppsatsen, nĂ€mligen den förĂ€ndrade relationen till kommunen i och med skolnedlĂ€ggningen och processen kring besluttagandet. NedlĂ€ggningen av Lunds skola har varit ett mycket omtalat och omskrivet Ă€mne i FolkĂ€rna, Ă€ven i Avesta kommun i stort. I och med en skolreform i Avesta kommun 2020 stĂ€lldes mĂ„nga av kommunens byskolor inför nedlĂ€ggningshot, varav Lunds skola kom att bli den enda att lĂ€gga ner. Intervjuerna med informanterna visade att processen genom skolnedlĂ€ggningen skedde har pĂ„verkat deras förtroende till kommunen till det negativa, tilliten har alltsĂ„ försĂ€mrats. Varför det kom att resultera i det undersöks genom Rothstein (2003) teori om tilliten till det offentliga, pĂ„ vilka grunder vi kĂ€nner tillit och av vilka anledningar denne tillit skulle kunna försĂ€mrats. Detta kompletteras Ă€ven med TrĂ€dgĂ„rdhs (2013) teori om lokalsamhĂ€lletillit och pĂ„ vilka grunder tilliten i ett lokalsamhĂ€lle existerar, och hur den kan variera beroende pĂ„ lokalitet. Detta för att öka förstĂ„elsen om tillitens betydelse i olika beslutsprocesser, som inom exempelvis landsbygdsutveckling. Slutligen knyts resonemangen ihop med en beskrivning av en önskan frĂ„n informanternas sida om delaktighetsprocesser, bland annat medborgardialoger, under beslutsprocessen kring nedlĂ€ggningen av Lunds skola. Detta för att avsluta uppsatsen med exempel pĂ„ tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt som hade kunnat förbĂ€ttra erfarenheterna hos informanterna som var engagerade i beslutsprocessen och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt eventuellt bidragit med att tilliten till kommunen inte minskat lika mycket eller inte alls.This bachelor's thesis in rural development aims to investigate how trust in the municipality within a local community has changed over time as a result of the closure of the village school. The collected material is analyzed using a theoretical approach based on Rothstein's (2003, 1998) theory on trust in public sector institutions, and TrĂ€gĂ„rdh's et al (2013) theory on variations in local community trust to explain the results. Thus, the term "trust in the municipality" is used throughout the thesis to indicate the application of Rothstein's (2003, 1998) more overarching theories about the state and trust, as well as TrĂ€gĂ„rdh et als (2013) theories about trust on a more local level, hence my connection to the municipality. Four interviews were conducted with various local residents in the village of FolkĂ€rna, where Lund’s middle school was closed in 2021. During the interviews, questions were raised about the school's significance to the area, which all informants expressed strong feelings about. They stated that the school had great significance for the village's community, organizing activities, creating movement in the village, fostering networking between parents/children/teachers/families, and so on. The informants also mentioned how the school played a role in the children's place identity and sense of belonging, and connection to the village. The significance of the village school and place identity are subjects touched upon as a foundation for the main focus of the thesis, namely the changed relationship with the municipality due to the school closure and the process surrounding that decision. The closure of Lund's school has been a highly discussed and written-about topic in FolkĂ€rna, as well as in the larger Avesta municipality. Due to a school reform in Avesta municipality in 2020, many of the municipality's village schools were threatened with closure, of which Lund's school was the only one to actually close. The interviews with the informants revealed that the process by which the school closure occurred has negatively affected their trust in the municipality; in other words, trust has deteriorated. The reasons for this result are examined through Rothstein's (2003) theory on trust in the public sector, the foundations of this trust, and the reasons why it might have deteriorated. This is complemented by TrĂ€gĂ„rdh's (2013) theory on local community trust, the foundations of trust in a local community, and how it can vary depending on locality. This aims to increase the understanding of importance of trust in various decision-making processes such as in rural development for example. Finally, the arguments are tied together with a description of the informants’ desire for participation processes, including citizen dialogues, during the decision-making process regarding the closure of Lund School. This aims to conclude the thesis with examples of approaches that could have improved the experiences of the informants who were involved in the decision-making process and thereby potentially contributed to a lesser or no decrease in trust in the municipality

    Irrigation recommendations when establishing trees in urban environments : a survey and comparison

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    I samband med att stÀder förtÀtas, uppstÄr alltmer hÄrdgjorda ytor, vilket lett till ett vÀxande behov av grönska inom dessa miljöer. Behovet har mötts upp utav flertal lokala och regionala, kostnadskrÀvande satsningar. En del av dessa handlar om att plantera trÀd i staden dÄ de kan ge omrÄdet ett bÀttre klimat och bidra till den biologiska mÄngfalden. Relativt stora ekonomiska resurser tas i ansprÄk för att bygga dessa miljöer, vilket genererar höga krav pÄ att projekten nÄr uppstÀllda mÄl. TrÀden som planteras förvÀntas vÀxa och frodas över tid. För att detta skall vara möjligt krÀvs en god etablering. Etableringsfasen Àr ett kritiskt skede och under den perioden spelar skötsel och bevattning en avgörande roll för trÀdens tillvÀxt och framtida överlevnad. Denna uppsats syftar till att ta reda pÄ vilka bevattningsrekommendationer, bÄde generella och kommunspecifika, som finns för trÀd under etableringstiden. En dokumentstudie har genomförts dÀr handlingar och skrivelser gÀllande denna bevattning, i AMA, frÄn fyra kommuner samt en plantskola, studerats. Bevattningsrekommendationerna har sedan sammanstÀllts i tabeller utifrÄn rÄd som de innehÄller. Detta för att kunna jÀmföras med varandra. Kompletterande intervjuer har utförts, för att bredda bilden och för att ta reda pÄ hur rekommendationerna tagits fram. Studien vill svara pÄ om de generella rekommendationer som finns i AMA Àr tillrÀckliga, eller om dessa bör utvecklas. Slutsatsen Àr att det flertal faktorer som finns att beakta vid framtagandet av bevattningsrekommendationer gör att texten i AMA inte bör förÀndras. Vi anser att möjligheten till platsspecifika rekommendationer Àr viktig. DÀremot bör RA, de rÄd och anvisningar som finns som komplement till AMA, innehÄlla mer information om vad man bör beakta vid skrivelser om bevattningen. Detta för att understryka vikten av bevattningen och pÄ sÄ vis sÀkerstÀlla en tillrÀcklig budget för etableringsskötseln i upphandlingsskedet. Det skulle öka ett trÀds chans till god etablering. Det Àr viktigt att de resurser som satsas pÄ trÀdplanteringar inte gÄr till spillo pÄ grund av bristfÀllig bevattning. Studien vÀnder sig till alla som arbetar med handlingar i samband med projektering och plantering av trÀd i hÄrdgjorda miljöer.As our cities become denser and impervious surfaces make up larger parts of them, efforts to bring in greenery in the cities have increased. Part of these efforts is about planting trees as they can give us a better climate and contribute to biological diversity. Large sums of money are invested in these ventures, therefore it is important that they become successful, and to be successful, the trees that are planted need to survive. The most critical stage for a tree's survival is during the establishment phase where the tree needs intensive care. In this phase irrigation is of great importance for the survival of the tree and to make sure growth is not inhibited. This essay aims to find out what kind of recommendations exists regarding irrigation for trees during the establishment phase, both general recommendations and municipality-specific ones. A document study has been carried out where documents regarding this irrigation, from AMA, from four municipalities and from a plant nursery, have been studied. These have then been compiled in tables with categories based on the advice they contain so that they can be compared with each other. Interviews have been carried out to broaden the picture and try to find out how the recommendations were made and who were involved in the process. The study wants to answer whether the general recommendations found in AMA are sufficient, or whether these should be developed. The conclusion is that there are many factors to consider when making irrigation recommendations. This is assessed differently in different municipalities and depending on the conditions that apply when planting the trees. We do not want to propose any change in AMA, but on the other hand, in RA, the advice and instructions that are available as a supplement to AMA. We think that RA should contain more information about what should be taken into account when writing about the irrigation and what importance the irrigation has in terms of a tree's chance of establishment and survival. It is important that the resources invested in tree plantings are not wasted. The study is aimed at everyone who works with documents in connection with the planning and planting of trees in hardened environments
