304 research outputs found

    Addressing Bias among Medical Care Teams on the Wards: A Perspective from Asian Medical Students in the United States

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    This piece provides a personal perspective of the bias that affects Asian-American medical students in the United States in the clinical wards. In the evolving landscape of medical education, discussions about race, professionalism, and structural change have come to the forefront, especially with regards to patient interactions. However, less has been discussed about bias that may be perpetuated within a clinical team: between medical students, residents, and faculty physicians. This piece builds on these personal experiences to highlight some steps that can range from the individual to institutional level to address some of these biases, especially as it pertains to Asian-American Medical Students. Overall, this piece shares perspectives that draw strongly on personal experiences in the hopes of creating change for both colleagues and aspiring physicians across the medical spectrum

    Directed avalanche processes with underlying interface dynamics

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    We describe a directed avalanche model; a slowly unloading sandbox driven by lowering a retaining wall. The directness of the dynamics allows us to interpret the stable sand surfaces as world sheets of fluctuating interfaces in one lower dimension. In our specific case, the interface growth dynamics belongs to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. We formulate relations between the critical exponents of the various avalanche distributions and those of the roughness of the growing interface. The nonlinear nature of the underlying KPZ dynamics provides a nontrivial test of such generic exponent relations. The numerical values of the avalanche exponents are close to the conventional KPZ values, but differ sufficiently to warrant a detailed study of whether avalanche correlated Monte Carlo sampling changes the scaling exponents of KPZ interfaces. We demonstrate that the exponents remain unchanged, but that the traces left on the surface by previous avalanches give rise to unusually strong finite-size corrections to scaling. This type of slow convergence seems intrinsic to avalanche dynamics.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    An Interface View of Directed Sandpile Dynamics

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    We present a directed unloading sand box type avalanche model, driven by slowly lowering the retaining wall at the bottom of the slope. The avalanche propagation in the two dimensional surface is related to the space-time configurations of one dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) type interface growth dynamics. We express the scaling exponents for the avalanche cluster distributions into that framework. The numerical results agree closely with KPZ scaling, but not perfectly.Comment: 4 pages including 5 figure

    Estimates and predictors of health care costs of esophageal adenocarcinoma : A population-based cohort study

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    Background: Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) incidence is increasing rapidly. Esophageal cancer has the second lowest 5-year survival rate of people diagnosed with cancer in Canada. Given the poor survival and the potential for further increases in incidence, phase-specific cost estimates constitute an important input for economic evaluation of prevention, screening, and treatment interventions. The study aims to estimate phase-specific net direct medical costs of care attributable to EAC, costs stratified by cancer stage and treatment, and predictors of total net costs of care for EAC. Methods: A population-based retrospective cohort study was conducted using Ontario Cancer Registry-linked administrative health data from 2003 to 2011. The mean net costs of EAC care per 30 patient-days (2016 CAD) were estimated from the payer perspective using phase of care approach and generalized estimating equations. Predictors of net cost by phase of care were based on a generalized estimating equations model with a logarithmic link and gamma distribution adjusting for sociodemographic and clinical factors. Results: The mean net costs of EAC care per 30 patient-days were 1016(951016 (95% CI, 955-1078)intheinitialphase,1078) in the initial phase, 669 (95% CI, 594−594-743) in the continuing care phase, and 8678(958678 (95% CI, 8217-$9139) in the terminal phase. Overall, stage IV at diagnosis and surgery plus radiotherapy for EAC incurred the highest cost, particularly in the terminal phase. Strong predictors of higher net costs were receipt of chemotherapy plus radiotherapy, surgery plus chemotherapy, radiotherapy alone, surgery alone, and chemotherapy alone in the initial and continuing care phases, stage III-IV disease and patients diagnosed with EAC later in a calendar year (2007-2011) in the initial and terminal phases, comorbidity in the continuing care phase, and older age at diagnosis (70-74 years), and geographic region in the terminal phase. Conclusions: Costs of care vary by phase of care, stage at diagnosis, and type of treatment for EAC. These cost estimates provide information to guide future resource allocation decisions, and clinical and policy interventions to reduce the burden of EAC
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