1,008 research outputs found
Critically exploring the challenges of successful integration for French-speaking newcomers from visible minority groups within London, Ontario’s Francophone minority community
This critical ethnography examines the experiences of French-speaking immigrants from visible minority groups within the London, Ontario Francophone minority community (FMC). It challenges assumptions embedded within understandings of ‘successful’ integration, and highlights barriers faced by immigrants in enacting occupation and negotiating identity. The study draws on occupational science and migration studies, and the theoretical framework incorporates key concepts from Goffman and Bourdieu’s theories of performance and practice and anti-racist and postcolonial feminist literature. Eight immigrants participated in up to five sessions consisting of narrative and in-depth interviews, creating a mental map, and engaging in routine occupations. Six respondents from local organizations participated in an in-depth interview, and relevant government documents were critically reviewed. Findings highlight that integration involves a process of ‘starting over’ entailing becoming aware of differences in fields and habitus within and between home and host societies, learning ‘how things work’ in the host community, voicing the unspoken assumptions characterizing fields and habitus, and negotiating performances in social interactions. This negotiation is enabled or constrained by immigrants’ differential access to capital, which is related to ways immigrants’ intersecting markers of identity are constructed within particular places and ultimately has implications for their occupational possibilities. Better understanding integration into FMCs requires problematizing the process and outcomes of successful integration implied in government documents. Current understandings of successful integration must be questioned in order to attend to the diversity among and within FMCs, and to challenge processes of exclusion that hinder newcomers’ integration and sense of being and belonging
The Challenge of Successful Integration for Francophone Immigrants within Minority Communities
A critical ethnography was undertaken to explore the integration experiences of French-speaking newcomers from visible minority groups residing with the London, Ontario Francophone minority community. Findings highlight a complex negotiation process involving learning the tacit social norms characterizing the host society
New Representations of the Perturbative S-Matrix
We propose a new framework to represent the perturbative S-matrix which is
well-defined for all quantum field theories of massless particles, constructed
from tree-level amplitudes and integrable term-by-term. This representation is
derived from the Feynman expansion through a series of partial fraction
identities, discarding terms that vanish upon integration. Loop integrands are
expressed in terms of "Q-cuts" that involve both off-shell and on-shell
loop-momenta, defined with a precise contour prescription that can be evaluated
by ordinary methods. This framework implies recent results found in the
scattering equation formalism at one-loop, and it has a natural extension to
all orders---even non-planar theories without well-defined forward limits or
good ultraviolet behavior.Comment: 4+1 pages, 4 figure
Twistors, Harmonics and Holomorphic Chern-Simons
We show that the off-shell N=3 action of N=4 super Yang-Mills can be written
as a holomorphic Chern-Simons action whose Dolbeault operator is constructed
from a complex-real (CR) structure of harmonic space. We also show that the
local space-time operators can be written as a Penrose transform on the coset
SU(3)/(U(1) \times U(1)). We observe a strong similarity to ambitwistor space
constructions.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures, v2: replaced with published version, v3: Added
Spinor Helicity and Dual Conformal Symmetry in Ten Dimensions
The spinor helicity formalism in four dimensions has become a very useful
tool both for understanding the structure of amplitudes and also for practical
numerical computation of amplitudes. Recently, there has been some discussion
of an extension of this formalism to higher dimensions. We describe a
particular implementation of the spinor-helicity method in ten dimensions.
Using this tool, we study the tree-level S-matrix of ten dimensional super
Yang-Mills theory, and prove that the theory enjoys a dual conformal symmetry.
Implications for four-dimensional computations are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure
Collinear and Soft Limits of Multi-Loop Integrands in N=4 Yang-Mills
It has been argued in arXiv:1112.6432 that the planar four-point integrand in
N=4 super Yang-Mills theory is uniquely determined by dual conformal invariance
together with the absence of a double pole in the integrand of the logarithm in
the limit as a loop integration variable becomes collinear with an external
momentum. In this paper we reformulate this condition in a simple way in terms
of the amplitude itself, rather than its logarithm, and verify that it holds
for two- and three-loop MHV integrands for n>4. We investigate the extent to
which this collinear constraint and a constraint on the soft behavior of
integrands can be used to determine integrands. We find an interesting
complementarity whereby the soft constraint becomes stronger while the
collinear constraint becomes weaker at larger n. For certain reasonable choices
of basis at two and three loops the two constraints in unison appear strong
enough to determine MHV integrands uniquely for all n.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures; v2: very minor change
Ultraviolet asymptotics of scalar and pseudoscalar correlators in hot Yang-Mills theory
Inspired by recent lattice measurements, we determine the short-distance (a
> omega >> pi T) asymptotics
of scalar (trace anomaly) and pseudoscalar (topological charge density)
correlators at 2-loop order in hot Yang-Mills theory. The results are expressed
in the form of an Operator Product Expansion. We confirm and refine the
determination of a number of Wilson coefficients; however some discrepancies
with recent literature are detected as well, and employing the correct values
might help, on the qualitative level, to understand some of the features
observed in the lattice measurements. On the other hand, the Wilson
coefficients show slow convergence and it appears uncertain whether this
approach can lead to quantitative comparisons with lattice data. Nevertheless,
as we outline, our general results might serve as theoretical starting points
for a number of perhaps phenomenologically more successful lines of
investigation.Comment: 27 pages. v2: minor improvements, published versio
Multi-Regge kinematics and the moduli space of Riemann spheres with marked points
We show that scattering amplitudes in planar N = 4 Super Yang-Mills in
multi-Regge kinematics can naturally be expressed in terms of single-valued
iterated integrals on the moduli space of Riemann spheres with marked points.
As a consequence, scattering amplitudes in this limit can be expressed as
convolutions that can easily be computed using Stokes' theorem. We apply this
framework to MHV amplitudes to leading-logarithmic accuracy (LLA), and we prove
that at L loops all MHV amplitudes are determined by amplitudes with up to L +
4 external legs. We also investigate non-MHV amplitudes, and we show that they
can be obtained by convoluting the MHV results with a certain helicity flip
kernel. We classify all leading singularities that appear at LLA in the Regge
limit for arbitrary helicity configurations and any number of external legs.
Finally, we use our new framework to obtain explicit analytic results at LLA
for all MHV amplitudes up to five loops and all non-MHV amplitudes with up to
eight external legs and four loops.Comment: 104 pages, six awesome figures and ancillary files containing the
results in Mathematica forma
Model and parameter dependence of heavy quark energy loss in a hot and dense medium
Within the framework of the Langevin equation, we study the energy loss of
heavy quark due to quasi-elastic multiple scatterings in a quark-gluon plasma
created by relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We investigate how the initial
configuration of the quark-gluon plasma as well as its properties affect the
final state spectra and elliptic flow of D meson and non-photonic electron. We
find that both the geometric anisotropy of the initial quark-gluon plasma and
the flow profiles of the hydrodynamic medium play important roles in the heavy
quark energy loss process and the development of elliptic flow. The relative
contribution from charm and bottom quarks is found to affect the transverse
momentum dependence of the quenching and flow patterns of heavy flavor decay
electron; such influence depends on the interaction strength between heavy
quark and the medium.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure
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