194 research outputs found

    Hydrocarbon accumulation model based on threshold combination control and favorable zone prediction for the lower Enping Formation, Southern Lufeng sag

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    Deep complex oil and gas reservoirs are the future directions of oil and gas exploration. The exploration potential of Paleocene deposits in the Lufeng sag is enormous. However, due to the greater burial depth and complex oil and gas accumulation conditions of the Paleocene, few large-scale reservoirs have been discovered and the next exploration strategy is unclear. In this study, based on the Paleocene geological data of the Southern Lufeng sag, a model of hydrocarbon accumulation based on functional element control is constructed using geostatistical and numerical simulation techniques. The hydrocarbon accumulation elements, thresholds, boundaries and scopes are clarified, and the favorable zones of hydrocarbon accumulation of the lower Enping Formation are predicted using the model of hydrocarbon accumulation based on threshold combination control. The results indicate that the source rock, reservoir, caprock, and low-potential area are the four functional elements controlling hydrocarbon accumulation. Since there are three types of low-potential zones, a total of six accumulation elements are considered to control hydrocarbon accumulation, and the corresponding hydrocarbon accumulation control thresholds are determined by the model of hydrocarbon accumulation according to the controlling effects of these accumulation elements. The predicted Type I favorable zones are located in the eastern part of Lufeng 13 east sub-sag and the northern and southern parts of Lufeng 7 sub-sag; Type II favorable zones are located in the western part and around the Lufeng 13 east sub-sag; Type III favorable zones are adjacent to Type II favorable zones. The hydrocarbon shows are all located in the overlapping zone of five or more accumulation elements.Cited as: Zhang, L., Pang, X., Pang, H., Huo, X., Ma, K., Huang, S. Hydrocarbon accumulation model based on threshold combination control and favorable zone prediction for the lower Enping Formation, Southern Lufeng sag. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6(5): 438-450. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.05.0

    Assessing the economic impacts of a perfect storm of extreme weather, pandemic control, and export restrictions: A methodological construct

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    This article investigates the economic impacts of a multi-disaster mix comprising extreme weather, such as flooding, pandemic control, and export restrictions, dubbed a "perfect storm." We develop a compound-hazard impact model that improves on the ARIO model by considering the economic interplay between different types of hazardous events. The model considers simultaneously cross-regional substitution and production specialization, which can influence the resilience of the economy to multiple shocks. We build scenarios to investigate economic impacts when a flood and a pandemic lockdown collide and how these are affected by the timing, duration, and intensity/strictness of each shock. In addition, we examine how export restrictions during a pandemic impact the economic losses and recovery, especially when there is the specialization of production of key sectors. The results suggest that an immediate, stricter but shorter pandemic control policy would help to reduce the economic costs inflicted by a perfect storm, and regional or global cooperation is needed to address the spillover effects of such compound events, especially in the context of the risks from deglobalization

    Concentrators for Water Waves

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    近日,电子科学与技术学院陈焕阳教授课题组联合浙江大学王振宇课题组在水波能量收集研究方面取得重要突破,相关成果以“Concentrators for Water Waves”为题在线发表在《物理评论快报》杂志(PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 2018, 121,104501)。 自然界中存在储量巨大的水波能量资源,厦门等沿海城市拥有天然的海浪水波储能,收集和利用海浪能量却存在效率低下等诸多问题。最近,我校陈焕阳教授课题组联合浙江大学王振宇教授课题组,利用变换光学(Transformation optics)中能量收集器的设计思路,发明了一种新型结构来收集水波的能量,这种结构可以很好地将大面积水波的能量集中到一个很小的区域,更高效地收集能量。这种新方案的提出为水波研究提供了新思路和新方法,而这种新结构在海洋工程建设方面发挥的作用也将备受期待。 该成果入选杂志编辑推荐,被APS的Physics以“More Energy from Ocean Waves”为题聚焦报道,并被Nature以“Water waves grow tall with help from a trick of light”为题亮点报道。我校陈焕阳教授和浙江大学王振宇教授为共同通讯作者,并和柳清伙教授有诸多合作,双方课题组在理论和实验上紧密配合圆满完成。【Abstract】By introducing concepts from transformation optics to the manipulation of water waves, we design and experimentally demonstrate two annular devices for concentrating waves, which employ gradient depth profiles based on Fabry-Pérot resonances. Our measurements and numerical simulations confirm the concentrating effect of the annular devices and show that they are effectively invisible to the water waves. We show that transformation optics is thus an effective framework for designing devices to improve the efficiency of wave energy collection, and we expect potential applications in coastline ocean engineering.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation of China for Excellent Young Scientists (Grant No. 61322504), the National Basic Research Programme of China (Grant No. 2013CB035901), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No. 20720170015), and the National Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 51779224, No. 51579221, and No. 51279180). 这项工作在国家优青项目、面上项目、国家重点研发计划以及校长基金等的资助下完成

    Early detection of pine wilt disease tree candidates using time-series of spectral signatures

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    Pine wilt disease (PWD), caused by pine wood nematode (PWN), poses a tremendous threat to global pine forests because it can result in rapid and widespread infestations within months, leading to large-scale tree mortality. Therefore, the implementation of preventive measures relies on early detection of PWD. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based hyperspectral images (HSI) can detect tree-level changes and are thus an effective tool for forest change detection. However, previous studies mainly used single-date UAV-based HSI data, which could not monitor the temporal changes of disease distribution and determine the optimal detection period. To achieve these purposes, multi-temporal data is required. In this study, Pinus koraiensis stands were surveyed in the field from May to October during an outbreak of PWD. Concurrently, multi-temporal UAV-based red, green, and blue bands (RGB) and HSI data were also obtained. During the survey, 59 trees were confirmed to be infested with PWD, and 59 non-infested trees were used as control. Spectral features of each tree crown, such as spectral reflectance, first and second-order spectral derivatives, and vegetation indices (VIs), were analyzed to identify those useful for early monitoring of PWD. The Random Forest (RF) classification algorithm was used to examine the separability between the two groups of trees (control and infested trees). The results showed that: (1) the responses of the tree crown spectral features to PWD infestation could be detected before symptoms were noticeable in RGB data and field surveys; (2) the spectral derivatives were the most discriminable variables, followed by spectral reflectance and VIs; (3) based on the HSI data from July to October, the two groups of trees were successfully separated using the RF classifier, with an overall classification accuracy of 0.75–0.95. Our results illustrate the potential of UAV-based HSI for PWD early monitoring

    Hypermethylation of SOX2 Promoter in Endometrial Carcinogenesis

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    This paper aimed at investigating the expression and methylation profiles of SOX2, a gene coding for the stem cell-related transcription factor SOX2, in endometrial carcinomas. By methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MS-PCR), the methylation status of SOX2 promoter region in 72 endometrial carcinomas and 12 normal endometrial samples was examined. Methylated allele was found in 37.5% (27/72) of endometrial carcinomas but only in 8.3% (1/12) of normal endometrial, significantly more frequent in cancers (P = .0472). SOX2 mRNA level was significantly reduced in endometrial carcinoma compared with nonneoplastic endometrium (P = .045). A significant correlation between SOX2 mRNA expression and hypermethylation of SOX2 was found (P = .024). Hypermethylation of SOX2 tended to be more frequently found in type II serous or clear cell adenocarcinoma. SOX2 methylation was also significantly correlated with shorter survival of patients (P = .046). In conclusion, epigenetic mechanisms may play a crucial role on the transcriptional regulation of SOX2 and loss of SOX2 expression may be related to endometrial carcinogenesis

    Comparative Phospho- and Acetyl Proteomics Analysis of Posttranslational Modifications Regulating Intestine Regeneration in Sea Cucumbers

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    Sea cucumbers exposed to stressful circumstances eviscerate most internal organs, and then regenerate them rapidly under favorable environments. Reversible protein phosphorylation and acetylation are major modifications regulating protein function. Herein, for the first time, we perform quantitative phospho- and acetyl proteomics analyses of intestine regeneration in a sea cucumber species Apostichopus japonicus. We identified 1,862 phosphorylation sites in 1,169 proteins, and 712 acetylation sites in 470 proteins. Of the 147 and 251 proteins differentially modified by phosphorylation and acetylation, respectively, most were related to cytoskeleton biogenesis, protein synthesis and modification, signal recognition and transduction, energy production and conversion, or substance transport and metabolism. Phosphorylation appears to play a more important role in signal recognition and transduction than acetylation, while acetylation is of greater importance in posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones; energy production and conversion; amino acid and lipid transport and metabolism. These results expanded our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of posttranslational modifications in intestine regeneration of sea cucumbers after evisceration

    Prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: 2-year findings from EPICOR Asia.

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) have a generally poor prognosis and antithrombotic management patterns (AMPs) used post-acute coronary syndrome (ACS) remain unclear. Duration of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) and patient characteristics was evaluated in NSTEMI patients enrolled in EPICOR Asia. HYPOTHESIS: Patients stopping DAPT early may benefit from more intensive monitoring. METHODS: EPICOR Asia was a prospective, real-world, primary data collection, cohort study in adults with an ACS, conducted in eight countries/regions in Asia, with 2 year follow-up. Eligible patients were hospitalized within 48 hours of symptom onset and survived to discharge. We describe AMPs and baseline characteristics in NSTEMI patients surviving ≥12 months with DAPT duration ≤12 and > 12 months post-discharge. Clinical outcomes (composite of death, myocardial infarction, and stroke; and bleeding) were also explored. RESULTS: At discharge, 90.8% of patients were on DAPT (including clopidogrel, 99%). At 1- and 2-year follow-up, this was 79.2% and 60.0%. Patients who stopped DAPT ≤12 months post-discharge tended to be older, female, less obese, have prior cardiovascular disease, and have renal dysfunction. While causality cannot be inferred, the incidence of the composite endpoint over the subsequent 12 months was 10.6% and 3.1% with shorter vs longer use of DAPT, and mortality risk over the same period was 8.4% and 1.6%. CONCLUSIONS: Over 90% of NSTEMI patients were discharged on DAPT, with 60% on DAPT at 2 years. Patients stopping DAPT early were more likely to have higher baseline risk and may therefore benefit from more intensive monitoring during long-term follow-up

    PFKFB3 Control of Cancer Growth by Responding to Circadian Clock Outputs

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    Circadian clock dysregulation promotes cancer growth. Here we show that PFKFB3, the gene that encodes for inducible 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase as an essential supporting enzyme of cancer cell survival through stimulating glycolysis, mediates circadian control of carcinogenesis. In patients with tongue cancers, PFKFB3 expression in both cancers and its surrounding tissues was increased significantly compared with that in the control, and was accompanied with dys-regulated expression of core circadian genes. In the in vitro systems, SCC9 tongue cancer cells displayed rhythmic expression of PFKFB3 and CLOCK that was distinct from control KC cells. Furthermore, PFKFB3 expression in SCC9 cells was stimulated by CLOCK through binding and enhancing the transcription activity of PFKFB3 promoter. Inhibition of PFKFB3 at zeitgeber time 7 (ZT7), but not at ZT19 caused significant decreases in lactate production and in cell proliferation. Consistently, PFKFB3 inhibition in mice at circadian time (CT) 7, but not CT19 significantly reduced the growth of implanted neoplasms. Taken together, these findings demonstrate PFKFB3 as a mediator of circadian control of cancer growth, thereby highlighting the importance of time-based PFKFB3 inhibition in cancer treatment.China National Science Foundation [31110103905, 31422022]; National Institutes of Health [HL108922, HL095556, R01DK095828, R01DK095862]; Hatch Program of the National Institutes of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)SCI(E)[email protected]; [email protected]