1,261 research outputs found

    Quantum-well capture and interwell transport in semiconductor active layers

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    The dynamics of electrons and holes in multiquantum-well semiconductor gain media involves several different transport processes, such as diffusion and drift across the barrier region, as well as capture and escape transitions between the bound and the unbound states of the quantum wells. In addition to their fundamental interest, these processes are important because of their implications for the dynamic properties of multiquantum-well lasers and optical amplifiers. Experimentally, they have been studied with several time-domain optical techniques having (sub)picosecond resolution and, more recently, with frequency-domain techniques based on laser modulation measurements. This article gives a brief review of the work done in this area and then presents in detail a frequency-domain approach, four-wave mixing spectroscopy in semiconductor optical amplifiers, to investigate intrinsic capture and interwell equilibration. This technique allows one to extend the device modulation frequency to several hundreds of gigahertz, thus providing the required time resolution, and can be configured to isolate and directly study the transport process of interest

    A general resonance theory based on Mourre's inequality

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    We study the perturbation of bound states embedded in the continuous spectrum which are unstable by the Fermi Golden Rule. The approach to resonance theory based on spectral deformation is extended to a more general class of quantum systems characterized by Mourre's inequality and smoothness of the resolvent. Within the framework of perturbation theory it is still possible to give a definite meaning to the notion of complex resonance energies and of corresponding metastable states. The main result is a quasi-exponential decay estimate up to a controlled error of higher order in perturbation theory.Comment: 17 page

    Wavelength conversion at 10 Gb/s by four-wave mixing over a 30-nm interval

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    We show that the use of a long semiconductor optical amplifier increases the error-free conversion interval of a four-wave mixing (FWM)-based wavelength converter. 30-nm wavelength down-conversion and 15-nm up-conversion have been obtained at 10 Gb/s. This result is a significant improvement over the previous best performance of a FWM-based wavelength converter and suggests that the full erbium-doped fiber amplifier bandwidth can be covered with FWM wavelength converters

    30-nm wavelength conversion at 10 Gbit/s by four-wave mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier

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    Four-wave mixing (FWM) in semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) is currently the only available strictly transparent wavelength-conversion technique, which is not penalized by phase matching. The span of the conversion is limited primarily by conversion efficiency and signal-to-noise (SNR) issues, both of which are expected to improve with the use of longer SOAs. In this paper, we demonstrate significantly enhanced performance of long converters in a system experiment at 10 Gbit/s. The experiment shows for the first time, to our knowledge, that FWM wavelength down-conversions can span the full gain bandwidth of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers

    Limiting absorption principle and perfectly matched layer method for Dirichlet Laplacians in quasi-cylindrical domains

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    We establish a limiting absorption principle for Dirichlet Laplacians in quasi-cylindrical domains. Outside a bounded set these domains can be transformed onto a semi-cylinder by suitable diffeomorphisms. Dirichlet Laplacians model quantum or acoustically-soft waveguides associated with quasi-cylindrical domains. We construct a uniquely solvable problem with perfectly matched layers of finite length. We prove that solutions of the latter problem approximate outgoing or incoming solutions with an error that exponentially tends to zero as the length of layers tends to infinity. Outgoing and incoming solutions are characterized by means of the limiting absorption principle.Comment: to appear in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysi

    K-Ar age determinations of some Miocene-Pliocene basalts in Israel: their significance to the tectonics of the Rift Valley

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    Thirty samples of Upper Tertiary basalts intruding marine and continental sequences were by the K-Ar method. Four volcanic phases are recorded: (a) 24.8±1.5 Ma of the Raqabat e Na'ame dike in Central Sinai; (b) 20.4±0.7 Ma of basalt intrusions in Central Sinai and the Arava. Some of these are offset by E-W to NE-SW dextral faults of the Central Sinai - Negev Shear Zone; (c) 14.5±0.3 to 4.9±1.3 Ma of basalt flows in the Eastern Galilee and the Coastal Plain; (d) 2.7±0.6 Ma of ‘En Yahav dike. These results contribute to the correlation between Tertiary continental formations from different areas, and put limits on the age of tectonic events, such as folding in the Syrian arc, faulting in the Central Sinai - Negev Shear Zone and shearing along the Jordan Rif

    On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation of diatomic molecular resonances

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    We give a new reduction of a general diatomic molecular Hamiltonian, without modifying it near the collision set of nuclei. The resulting effective Hamiltonian is the sum of a smooth semiclassical pseudodifferential operator (the semiclassical parameter being the inverse of the square-root of the nuclear mass), and a semibounded operator localised in the elliptic region corresponding to the nuclear collision set. We also study its behaviour on exponential weights, and give several applications where molecular resonances appear and can be well located.Comment: 22 page

    Canonical Expansion of PT-Symmetric Operators and Perturbation Theory

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    Let HH be any \PT symmetric Schr\"odinger operator of the type −ℏ2Δ+(x12+...+xd2)+igW(x1,...,xd) -\hbar^2\Delta+(x_1^2+...+x_d^2)+igW(x_1,...,x_d) on L2(Rd)L^2(\R^d), where WW is any odd homogeneous polynomial and g∈Rg\in\R. It is proved that ¶H\P H is self-adjoint and that its eigenvalues coincide (up to a sign) with the singular values of HH, i.e. the eigenvalues of H∗H\sqrt{H^\ast H}. Moreover we explicitly construct the canonical expansion of HH and determine the singular values ÎŒj\mu_j of HH through the Borel summability of their divergent perturbation theory. The singular values yield estimates of the location of the eigenvalues \l_j of HH by Weyl's inequalities.Comment: 20 page

    Free Fermionic Heterotic Model Building and Root Systems

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    We consider an alternative derivation of the GSO Projection in the free fermionic construction of the weakly coupled heterotic string in terms of root systems, as well as the interpretation of the GSO Projection in this picture. We then present an algorithm to systematically and efficiently generate input sets (i.e. basis vectors) in order to study Landscape statistics with minimal computational cost. For example, the improvement at order 6 is approximately 10^{-13} over a traditional brute force approach, and improvement increases with order. We then consider an example of statistics on a relatively simple class of models.Comment: Standard Latex, 12 page

    Pa-AGOG, the founding member of a new family of archaeal 8-oxoguanine DNA-glycosylases

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    Oxidative damage represents a major threat to genomic stability, as the major product of DNA oxidation, 8-oxoguanine (GO), frequently mispairs with adenine during replication. In order to prevent these mutagenic events, organisms have evolved GO-DNA glycosylases that remove this oxidized base from DNA. We were interested to find out how GO is processed in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum, which lives at temperatures around 100 degrees C. To this end, we searched its genome for open reading frames (ORFs) bearing the principal hallmark of GO-DNA glycosylases: a helix-hairpin-helix motif and a glycine/proline-rich sequence followed by an absolutely conserved aspartate (HhH-GPD motif). Interestingly, although the P.aerophilum genome encodes three such ORFs, none of these encodes the potent GO-processing activity detected in P.aerophilum extracts. Fractionation of the extracts, followed by analysis of the active fractions by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, showed that the GO-processing enzyme has a molecular size of approximately 30 kDa. Mass spectrometric analysis of proteins in this size range identified several peptides originating from P.aerophilum ORF PAE2237. We now show that PAE2237 encodes AGOG (Archaeal GO-Glycosylase), the founding member of a new family of DNA glycosylases, which can remove GO from single- and double-stranded substrates with great efficienc
