12 research outputs found

    Randomised trial of oral versus sequential intravenous/oral cephalosporins in children with pyelonephritis

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    The hypothesis was tested that oral antibiotic treatment in children with acute pyelonephritis and scintigraphy-documented lesions is equally as efficacious as sequential intravenous/oral therapy with respect to the incidence of renal scarring. A randomised multi-centre trial was conducted in 365 children aged 6 months to 16years with bacterial growth in cultures from urine collected by catheter. The children were assigned to receive either oral ceftibuten (9mg/kg once daily) for 14days or intravenous ceftriaxone (50mg/kg once daily) for 3days followed by oral ceftibuten for 11days. Only patients with lesions detected on acute-phase dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scintigraphy underwent follow-up scintigraphy. Efficacy was evaluated by the rate of renal scarring after 6 months on follow-up scintigraphy. Of 219 children with lesions on acute-phase scintigraphy, 152 completed the study; 80 (72 females, median age 2.2 years) were given ceftibuten and 72 (62 females, median age 1.6years) were given ceftriaxone/ceftibuten. Patients in the intravenous/oral group had significantly higher C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations at baseline and larger lesion(s) on acute-phase scintigraphy. Follow-up scintigraphy showed renal scarring in 21/80 children treated with ceftibuten and 33/72 with ceftriaxone/ceftibuten (p = 0.01). However, after adjustment for the confounding variables (CRP and size of acute-phase lesion), no significant difference was observed for renal scarring between the two groups (p = 0.2). Renal scarring correlated with the extent of the acute-phase lesion (r = 0.60, p < 0.0001) and the grade of vesico-ureteric reflux (r = 0.31, p = 0.03), and was more frequent in refluxing renal units (p = 0.04). The majority of patients, i.e. 44 in the oral group and 47 in the intravenous/oral group, were managed as out-patients. Side effects were not observed. From this study, we can conclude that once-daily oral ceftibuten for 14days yielded comparable results to sequential ceftriaxone/ceftibuten treatment in children aged 6months to 16years with DMSA-documented acute pyelonephritis and it allowed out-patient management in the majority of these childre

    Übersetzungsapps fĂŒr Pflegende aus dem Ausland : Bedarf – Potenzial – Risiken

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    Agenturen, die aufgrund des Personalmangels Pflegende aus dem Ausland fĂŒr die Deutschschweiz rekrutieren, sorgen in der Regel dafĂŒr, dass diese einen Kurs in Standarddeutsch besuchen. In der Praxis sind jedoch viele bei ihrem Arbeitsantritt nicht sprachsicher. Hinzu kommt, dass Ă€ltere Menschen oft alters- oder krankheitsbedingt Hör- und Sprechverluste haben und es gewohnt sind, auf Schweizerdeutsch zu kommunizieren. Dieses Projekt soll das Potenzial kĂŒnstlicher Intelligenz fĂŒr solche Situationen eruieren sowie den Bedarf an einer branchenspezifischen Lösung, die mithilfe von automatischer Spracherkennung, maschineller Übersetzung und Sprachsynthese Phrasen und SĂ€tze in Echtzeit von einer Sprache in eine andere ĂŒbertrĂ€gt und wiedergibt

    Preclinical Characterization of a Next-Generation Brain Permeable, Paradox Breaker BRAF Inhibitor

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    PURPOSE Disease progression in BRAF V600E/K positive melanomas to approved BRAF/MEK inhibitor therapies is associated with the development of resistance mediated by RAF dimer inducing mechanisms. Moreover, progressing disease after BRAFi/MEKi frequently involves brain metastasis. Here we present the development of a novel BRAF inhibitor (Compound Ia) designed to address the limitations of available BRAFi/MEKi. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN The novel, brain penetrant, paradox breaker BRAFi is comprehensively characterized in vitro, ex vivo, and in several preclinical in vivo models of melanoma mimicking peripheral disease, brain metastatic disease, and acquired resistance to first-generation BRAFi. RESULTS Compound Ia manifested elevated potency and selectivity, which triggered cytotoxic activity restricted to BRAF-mutated models and did not induce RAF paradoxical activation. In comparison to approved BRAFi at clinical relevant doses, this novel agent showed a substantially improved activity in a number of diverse BRAF V600E models. In addition, as a single agent, it outperformed a currently approved BRAFi/MEKi combination in a model of acquired resistance to clinically available BRAFi. Compound Ia presents high central nervous system (CNS) penetration and triggered evident superiority over approved BRAFi in a macro-metastatic and in a disseminated micro-metastatic brain model. Potent inhibition of MAPK by Compound Ia was also demonstrated in patient-derived tumor samples. CONCLUSIONS The novel BRAFi demonstrates preclinically the potential to outperform available targeted therapies for the treatment of BRAF-mutant tumors, thus supporting its clinical investigation

    Functional and Radiologic Outcomes of Degenerative Versus Traumatic Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears Involving the Supraspinatus Tendon.

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    BACKGROUND Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR) is among the most commonly performed orthopaedic procedures. Several factors-including age, sex, and tear severity-have been identified as predictors for outcome after repair. The influence of the tear etiology on functional and structural outcome remains controversial. PURPOSE To investigate the influence of tear etiology (degenerative vs traumatic) on functional and structural outcomes in patients with supraspinatus tendon tears. STUDY DESIGN Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2. METHODS Patients undergoing ARCR from 19 centers were prospectively enrolled between June 2020 and November 2021. Full-thickness, nonmassive tears involving the supraspinatus tendon were included. Tears were classified as degenerative (chronic shoulder pain, no history of trauma) or traumatic (acute, traumatic onset, no previous shoulder pain). Range of motion, strength, the Subjective Shoulder Value, the Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS), and the Constant-Murley Score (CMS) were assessed before (baseline) and 6 and 12 months after ARCR. The Subjective Shoulder Value and the OSS were also determined at the 24-month follow-up. Repair integrity after 12 months was documented, as well as additional surgeries up to the 24-month follow-up. Tear groups were compared using mixed models adjusted for potential confounding effects. RESULTS From a cohort of 973 consecutive patients, 421 patients (degenerative tear, n = 230; traumatic tear, n = 191) met the inclusion criteria. The traumatic tear group had lower mean baseline OSS and CMS scores but significantly greater score changes 12 months after ARCR (OSS, 18 [SD, 8]; CMS, 34 [SD,18] vs degenerative: OSS, 15 [SD, 8]; CMS, 22 [SD, 15]) (P < .001) and significantly higher 12-month overall scores (OSS, 44 [SD, 5]; CMS, 79 [SD, 9] vs degenerative: OSS, 42 [SD, 7]; CMS, 76 [SD, 12]) (P≀ .006). At the 24-month follow-up, neither the OSS (degenerative, 44 [SD, 6]; traumatic, 45 [SD, 6]; P = .346) nor the rates of repair failure (degenerative, 14 [6.1%]; traumatic 12 [6.3%]; P = .934) and additional surgeries (7 [3%]; 7 [3.7%]; P = .723) differed between groups. CONCLUSION Patients with degenerative and traumatic full-thickness supraspinatus tendon tears who had ARCR show satisfactory short-term functional results. Although patients with traumatic tears have lower baseline functional scores, they rehabilitate over time and show comparable clinical results 1 year after ARCR. Similarly, degenerative and traumatic rotator cuff tears show comparable structural outcomes, which suggests that degenerated tendons retain healing potential