144 research outputs found

    Ion and electron detector for use in an ICR spectrometer

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    A detector for detecting ions and/or electrons present in a resonance cell of an ICR spectrometer is disclosed. The detector which operates on the Q-meter principle is driven by an external rf oscillator capable of providing rf frequencies up to about 15MHz at an adjustable low rf signal level, e.g., below 20mV. The detector is connected across the resonance of the cell to detect ions by detecting their cyclotron frequency. Electrons are detectable by connecting the detector across the cell's trapping plates and thereby detect the electrons' trapping motion, the frequency of which is in the megahertz range

    Upper atmosphere research satellite program

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    A satellite program to conduct research on the chemistry, energetics, and dynamics of the upper atmosphere was developed. The scientific goals of the Upper Atmospheric Research Program, the program requirements, and the approach toward meeting those requirements are outlined. An initial series of two overlapping spacecraft missions is described. Both spacecraft are launched and recovered by the STS, one in the winter of 1983 at a 56 deg inclination, and the other a year later at a 70 deg inclination. The duration of each mission is 18 months, and each carries instruments to make global measurements of the temperature, winds, composition, irradation, and radiance in the stratosphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere between the tropopause and 120 km altitude. The program requires a dedicated ground-based data system and a science team organization that leads to a strong interaction between the experiments and theory. The program includes supportive observations from other platforms such as rockets, balloons, and the Spacelab

    Miniature cyclotron resonance ion source using small permanent magnet

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    An ion source using the cyclotron resonance principle is described. A miniaturized ion source device is used in an air gap of a small permanent magnet with a substantially uniform field in the air gap of about 0.5 inch. The device and permanent magnet are placed in an enclosure which is maintained at a high vacuum (typically 10 to the minus 7th power) into which a sample gas can be introduced. The ion beam end of the device is placed very close to an aperture through which an ion beam can exit into the apparatus for an experiment

    International Conference on Problems Related to the Stratosphere

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    The conference focused on four main areas of investigation: laboratory studies and stratospheric chemistry and constituents, sources for and chemical budget of stratospheric halogen compounds, sources for and chemical budget of stratospheric nitrous oxide, and the dynamics of decision making on regulation of potential pollutants of the stratosphere. Abstracts of the scientific sessions of the conference as well as complete transcriptions of the panel discussions on sources for an atmospheric budget of holocarbons and nitrous oxide are included. The political, social and economic issues involving regulation of potential stratospheric pollutants were examined extensively

    Science aspects of a 1980 flyby of Comet Encke with a Pioneer spacecraft

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    Results are presented of an investigation of the feasibility of a 1980 flyby of Comet Encke using a Pioneer class spacecraft. Specific areas studied include: science objectives and rationale; science observables; effects of encounter velocity; science encounter and targeting requirements; selection and description of science instruments; definition of a candidate science payload; engineering characteristics of suggested payload; value of a separable probe; science instruments for a separable probe; science payload integration problems; and science operations profile

    Science aspects of 1980 ballistic missions to comet Encke, using Mariner and Pioneer spacecraft

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    Science aspects of a 1980 spacecraft reconnaissance of Comet Encke are considered. The mission discussed is a ballistic flyby (more exactly, a fly-through) of P/Encke, using either a spin stabilized spacecraft, without despin of instruments, or a 3-axis stabilized spacecraft

    Chemistry of chlorine in dense interstellar clouds

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    Laboratory experiments and theoretical modeling show that the chemistry of chlorine is fairly simple in dense interstellar clouds, with Cl and HCl as the only species whose fractional abundances are significant. The estimated fraction of gas-phase chlorine present as HCl lies between 25-65 percent, in good agreement with the recent observations of the ground state HCl transition by Blake, Keene, and Philips (1985). These results, combined with the observational limits on HCl, indicate that chlorine is not severely depleted in dense interstellar clouds
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