55 research outputs found

    Strange nuclear physics - a brief status report

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    This paper briefly reviews the present status of strange nuclear physics. Recently, significant progress has been made. One example to be discussed is a new, electroproduction experiment which offers the possibility of obtaining hypernuclear spectra with at least a factor of 3 better resolution than previously. However, many different experiments impact a spectrum of problems from weak interactions to astrophysics. Although in this short paper it is not possible to cover many topics in depth, sufficient information is provided so that the interested reader can obtain all of the most relevant material

    Strana nuklearna fizika – kratak pregled

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    This paper briefly reviews the present status of strange nuclear physics. Recently, significant progress has been made. One example to be discussed is a new, electroproduction experiment which offers the possibility of obtaining hypernuclear spectra with at least a factor of 3 better resolution than previously. However, many different experiments impact a spectrum of problems from weak interactions to astrophysics. Although in this short paper it is not possible to cover many topics in depth, sufficient information is provided so that the interested reader can obtain all of the most relevant material.Kratko se raspravlja o stranoj nuklearnoj fizici. Nedavno je načinjen važan napredak. Primjer koji se raspravlja je novo mjerenje elektrotvorbe koje pruža mogućnost za dobivanje Λ hiperjezgri s razlučivanjem boljim barem tri puta od dosadašnjih. Međutim, mnoga se različita mjerenja sučeljavaju s nizom teškoća od slabih međudjelovanja do astrofizike. Ovdje se ne raspravljaju podrobnije mnoge teme, ali se izlažu podaci kojima se može dobiti najveći dio povezane građe

    Strange nuclear physics - a brief status report

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    This paper briefly reviews the present status of strange nuclear physics. Recently, significant progress has been made. One example to be discussed is a new, electroproduction experiment which offers the possibility of obtaining hypernuclear spectra with at least a factor of 3 better resolution than previously. However, many different experiments impact a spectrum of problems from weak interactions to astrophysics. Although in this short paper it is not possible to cover many topics in depth, sufficient information is provided so that the interested reader can obtain all of the most relevant material

    Constraints on Type Ib/c and GRB Progenitors

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    Although there is strong support for the collapsar engine as the power source of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), we still do not definitively know the progenitor of these explosions. Here we review the current set of progenitor scenarios for long-duration GRBs and the observational constraints on these scenarios. Examining these, we find that single-star models cannot be the only progenitor for long-duration GRBs. Several binary progenitors can match the solid observational constraints and also have the potential to match the trends we are currently seeing in the observations. Type Ib/c supernovae are also likely to be produced primarily in binaries; we discuss the relationship between the progenitors of these explosions and those of the long-duration GRBs.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figure