29 research outputs found

    Bandwidth and density for block graphs

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    The bandwidth of a graph G is the minimum of the maximum difference between adjacent labels when the vertices have distinct integer labels. We provide a polynomial algorithm to produce an optimal bandwidth labeling for graphs in a special class of block graphs (graphs in which every block is a clique), namely those where deleting the vertices of degree one produces a path of cliques. The result is best possible in various ways. Furthermore, for two classes of graphs that are ``almost'' caterpillars, the bandwidth problem is NP-complete.Comment: 14 pages, 9 included figures. Note: figures did not appear in original upload; resubmission corrects thi

    When Intervention Becomes Imperative: A Case Report of Spontaneous Vulvar Edema During Pregnancy

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    Spontaneous idiopathic vulvar edema during the second trimester is a rare condition. The approach to managing this condition involves relieving symptoms, identifying underlying causes, and implementing appropriate treatment. Managing such cases during pregnancy is challenging because of concerns for potential adverse fetal outcomes. Conservative management expects the condition to be relieved spontaneously postpartum, whereas invasive treatment offers a more rapid resolution. Treatment choices are controversial because each method has its pros and cons and influences the delivery process to a certain extent. Surgical drainage becomes a viable option when patients are not responsive to medications. We report a case of spontaneous massive vulvar edema in a 22-year-old primigravida in her 23rd week of pregnancy. After ruling out other notable causes of vulvar edema, we decided to intervene using an invasive procedure because she complained of progressive symptoms and discomfort. Subsequently, the edema subsided postprocedure, and the patient experienced successful labor with no complications. This report aims to alert clinicians that drainage attempts should be considered in pregnant patients with worsening symptoms

    Multifunctional nanocarriers of Fe3O4@PLA-PEG/curcumin for MRI, magnetic hyperthermia and drug delivery

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    Background: Despite medicinal advances, cancer is still a big problem requiring better diagnostic and treatment tools. Magnetic nanoparticle (MNP)-based nanosystems for multiple-purpose applications were developed for these unmet needs. Methods: This study fabricated novel trifunctional MNPs of Fe3O4@PLA-PEG for drug release, MRI and magnetic fluid hyperthermia. Result: The MNPs provided a significant loading of curcumin (∌11%) with controllable release ability, a high specific absorption rate of 82.2 W/g and significantly increased transverse relaxivity (r2 = 364.75 mM-1 s-1). The in vivo study confirmed that the MNPs enhanced MRI contrast in tumor observation and low-field magnetic fluid hyperthermia could effectively reduce the tumor size in mice bearing sarcoma 180. Conclusion: The nanocarrier has potential for drug release, cancer treatment monitoring and therapy.The authors are grateful for the financial support by AOARD under award FA2386-17-1-4042. The Spanish government is acknowledged for the “Nanotechnology in translational hyperthermia (HIPERNANO)” research network (RED2018102626-T) and for funding under the project number MAT2017-83631-C3. NTK Thanh thanks EPSRC (EP/M015157/1). The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed

    Chapitre 27 - Développement des moyens de recherche institutionnelle pour des approches intégrées dans les pays en développement : un exemple tiré du Vietnam

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    Introduction L’architecture mondiale de la santĂ©, les changements environnementaux, le dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique rapide et d’autres changements planĂ©taires sans prĂ©cĂ©dent compliquent le dĂ©veloppement prĂ©sent et futur. C’est ce que dĂ©montre la JournĂ©e mondiale de l’eau des Nations unies (UNW, 2014), le thĂšme « eau et Ă©nergie » et les politiques, programmes et outils de dĂ©veloppement sont Ă  la traĂźne de ces changements planĂ©taires ..

    One health, une seule santé

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    One Health, « Une seule santĂ© », est une stratĂ©gie mondiale visant Ă  dĂ©velopper les collaborations interdisciplinaires pour la santĂ© humaine, animale et environnementale. Elle promeut une approche intĂ©grĂ©e, systĂ©mique et unifiĂ©e de la santĂ© aux Ă©chelles locale, nationale et mondiale, afin de mieux affronter les maladies Ă©mergentes Ă  risque pandĂ©mique, mais aussi s'adapter aux impacts environnementaux prĂ©sents et futurs. Bien que ce mouvement s’étende, la littĂ©rature en français reste rare. Traduit de l’anglais, coordonnĂ© par d’éminents Ă©pidĂ©miologistes et s'appuyant sur un large panel d' approches scientifiques rarement rĂ©unies autour de la santĂ©, cet ouvrage retrace les origines du concept et prĂ©sente un contenu pratique sur les outils mĂ©thodologiques, la collecte de donnĂ©es, les techniques de surveillance et les plans d’étude. Il combine recherche et pratique en un seul volume et constitue un ouvrage de rĂ©fĂ©rence unique pour la santĂ© mondiale

    Bandwidth And Density For Block Graphs

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    . The bandwidth of a graph G is the minimum of the maximum difference between adjacent labels when the vertices have distinct integer labels. We provide a polynomial algorithm to produce an optimal bandwidth labeling for graphs in a special class of block graphs (graphs in which every block is a clique), namely those where deleting the vertices of degree one produces a path of cliques. The result is best possible in various ways. Furthermore, for two classes of graphs that are "almost" caterpillars, the bandwidth problem is NP-complete. 1. INTRODUCTION The bandwidth problem for a graph asks for a linear layout to minimize stretching of edges (see [10] for a VLSI circuit layout application). The bandwidth of an injection f : V (G) ! Zis B(f) = max uv2E(G) jf(u) \Gamma f(v)j. The bandwidth B(G) of a graph G is minB(f) over all such injections; a numbering achieving the minimum is optimal. Surveys on bandwidth include [2] and [3]. Let n(G) = jV (G)j. Every numbering of G uses two labels..

    A Comparative Study on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making in Dressing Process for Internal Grinding

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    The MCDM problem is very important and often encountered in life and in engineering as it is used to determine the best solution among various possible alternatives. In this paper, the results of the MCDM problem in the dressing process for internal grinding are presented. To perform this work, an experiment with six input parameters, including the depth and the time of fine dressing, the depth and the time of coarse dressing, non-feeding dressing, and dressing feed rate, was conducted. The experiment was designed according to the Taguchi method with the use of L16 orthogonal arrays. In addition, TOPSIS, MARCOS, EAMR and MAIRCA methods were selected for the MCDM to obtain the minimum SR and the maximum MRR simultaneously. In addition, the weight determination for criteria was implemented by MEREC and entropy methods. From the results, the best solution to the multi-criteria problem for the dressing process in internal grinding has been proposed

    Diarrhea risks by exposure to livestock waste in Vietnam using quantitative microbial risk assessment

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    Objectives The aim of this paper was to assess the diarrhea risks caused by various pathogens among those exposed to biogas wastewater through different activities. Methods Application of quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) of biogas wastewater was conducted in Hanam Province, Vietnam. A total of 451 representatives from households that use biogas were interviewed about their practices of handling biogas plant and reuse of biogas effluent for irrigation. In addition, 150 samples of biogas wastewater were analyzed for Escherichia coli, Cryptosporidium parvum, and Giardia lamblia. Risk characterization was calculated using Monte Carlo simulation. Results The annual diarrhea risk caused by exposure to biogas effluent through irrigation activities ranged from 17.4 to 21.1% (E. coli O157:H7), 1.0 to 2.3% (G. lamblia), and 0.2 to 0.5% (C. parvum), while those caused through unblocking drains connected to biogas effluent tanks were 22.0% (E. coli), 0.7% (G. lamblia), and 0.5% (C. parvum). Conclusions Further measures are needed to reduce the risk by either improving the microbial quality of biogas effluent or by ensuring the use of personal protective measures when exposed to biogas wastewater