342 research outputs found

    Ultra-high molecular weight silphenylene-siloxane polymers

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    Silphenylene-siloxane copolymers with molecular weights above one million were prepared using a two stage polymerization technique. The technique was successfully scaled up to produce 50 grams of this high polymer in a single run. The reactive monomer approach was also investigated using the following aminosilanes: bis(dimethylamino)dimethylsilane, N,N-bis(pyrrolidinyl)dimethylsilane and N,N-bis(gamma-butyrolactam)dimethylsilane). Thermal analyses were performed in both air and nitrogen. The experimental polymers decomposed at 540 to 562 C, as opposed to 408 to 426 C for commercial silicones. Differential scanning calorimetry showed a glass transition (Tg) at -50 to -55 C for the silphenylene-siloxane copolymer while the commercial silicones had Tg's at -96 to -112 C

    Field dependent effective masses in YbAl3_{3}

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    We show for the intermediate valence compound YbAl3_{3} that the high field (40 B\lesssim B \lesssim 60T) effective masses measured by the de Haas-van Alphen experiment for field along the direction are smaller by approximately a factor of two than the low field masses. The field BB^{*} \sim 40T for this reduction is much smaller than the Kondo field BKkBTK/μBB_{K} \sim k_{B}T_{K}/\mu_{B} (TKT_{K}\sim 670K) but is comparable to the field kBTcoh/μBk_{B}T_{coh}/\mu_{B} where TcohT_{coh}\sim 40K is the temperature for the onset of Fermi liquid coherence. This suggests that the field scale BB^{*} does not arise from 4ff polarization but is connected with the removal of the anomalies that are known to occur in the Fermi liquid state of this compound.Comment: 7 pages plus 3 figures Submitted to PRL 9/12/0

    Magnetism and unconventional superconductivity in Cen_nMm_mIn3n+2m_{3n+2m} heavy-fermion crystals

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    We review magnetic, superconducting and non-Fermi-liquid properties of the structurally layered heavy-fermion compounds Cen_nMm_mIn3n+2m_{3n+2m} (M=Co, Rh, Ir). These properties suggest d-wave superconductivity and proximity to an antiferromagetic quantum-critical point.Comment: submitted 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT-23), Aug. 200

    High pressure investigation of the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet U_3Ni_5Al_19

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    Measurements of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and electrical resistivity at applied pressures up to 55 kbar have been carried out on single crystals of the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet U_3Ni_5Al_19, which crystallizes in the Gd_3Ni_5Al_19 orthorhombic structure with two inequivalent U sites. At ambient pressure, a logarithmic T-dependence of the specific heat and T-linear electrical resistivity below 5 K indicates non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior in the presence of bulk antiferromagnetic order at T_N=23 K. Electrical resistivity measurements reveal a crossover from non-Fermi liquid to Fermi liquid behavior at intermediate pressures between 46 kbar and 51 kbar, followed by a return to NFL T^{3/2} behavior at higher pressures. These results provide evidence for an ambient pressure quantum critical point and an additional antiferromagnetic instability at P_c=60 kbar.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Heat Capacity in Magnetic and Electric Fields Near the Ferroelectric Transition in Tri-Glycine Sulfate

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    Specific-heat measurements are reported near the Curie temperature (TCT_C~= 320 K) on tri-glycine sulfate. Measurements were made on crystals whose surfaces were either non-grounded or short-circuited, and were carried out in magnetic fields up to 9 T and electric fields up to 220 V/cm. In non-grounded crystals we find that the shape of the specific-heat anomaly near TCT_C is thermally broadened. However, the anomaly changes to the characteristic sharp λ\lambda-shape expected for a continuous transition with the application of either a magnetic field or an electric field. In crystals whose surfaces were short-circuited with gold, the characteristic λ\lambda-shape appeared in the absence of an external field. This effect enabled a determination of the critical exponents above and below TCT_C, and may be understood on the basis that the surface charge originating from the pyroelectric coefficient, dP/dTdP/dT, behaves as if shorted by external magnetic or electric fields.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 Figures. To Appear in Applied Physics Letters_ January 200

    A Novel Dielectric Anomaly in Cuprates and Nickelates: Signature of an Electronic Glassy State

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    The low-frequency dielectric response of hole-doped insulators La_{2}Cu_{1-x}Li_{x}O_{4} and La_{2-x}Sr_{x}NiO_{4} shows a large dielectric constant \epsilon ^{'} at high temperature and a step-like drop by a factor of 100 at a material-dependent low temperature T_{f}. T_{f} increases with frequency and the dielectric response shows universal scaling in a Cole-Cole plot, suggesting that a charge glass state is realized both in the cuprates and in the nickelates.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A New Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeIrIn5: Relative of the Cuprates?

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    CeIrIn5 is a member of a new family of heavy-fermion compounds and has a Sommerfeld specific heat coefficient of 720 mJ/mol-K2. It exhibits a bulk, thermodynamic transition to a superconducting state at Tc=0.40 K, below which the specific heat decreases as T2 to a small residual T-linear value. Surprisingly, the electrical resistivity drops below instrumental resolution at a much higher temperature T0=1.2 K. These behaviors are highly reproducible and field-dependent studies indicate that T0 and Tc arise from the same underlying electronic structure. The layered crystal structure of CeIrIn5 suggests a possible analogy to the cuprates in which spin/charge pair correlations develop well above Tc

    Kondo Insulator: p-wave Bose Condensate of Excitons

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    In the Anderson lattice model for a mixed-valent system, the dfd-f hybridization can possess a pp-wave symmetry. The strongly-correlated insulating phase in the mean-field approximation is shown to be a pp-wave Bose condensate of excitons with a spontaneous lattice deformation. We study the equilibrium and linear response properties across the insulator-metal transition. Our theory supports the empirical correlation between the lattice deformation and the magnetic susceptibility and predicts measurable ultrasonic and high-frequency phonon behavior in mixed-valent semiconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 3 encapsulated PostScript figure

    Coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity in CeRh1-xIrxIn5

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    We report a thermodynamic and transport study of the phase diagram of CeRh1-xIrxIn5. Superconductivity is observed over a broad range of doping, 0.3 < x < 1, including a substantial range of concentration (0.3 < x <0.6) over which it coexists with magnetic order (which is observed for 0 < x < 0.6). The anomalous transition to zero resistance that is observed in CeIrIn5 is robust against Rh substitution. In fact, the observed bulk Tc in CeRh0.5Ir0.5In5 is more than double that of CeIrIn5, whereas the zero-resistance transition temperature is relatively unchanged for 0.5 < x < 1