164 research outputs found
The hydrothermal alteration of oceanic basalts by seawater
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution October, 1976Considerable geological and geophysical evidence now exists to
support the hypothesis that seawater circulates through freshly intruded
basalt at the mid-ocean ridges. As a consequence of this process,
reactions between basalt and seawater take place at elevated temperatures.
The mineralogy and chemistry of hydrothermally altered pillow
basalts dredged from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and belonging to the
greenschist facies, have been studied in order to determine the
mineralogical changes that result from hyrdrothennal alteration, and to
assess the chemical fluxes that result from these reactions in terms of
their possible significance in elemental geochemical budgets as
potential sources and sinks for elements in seawater. Where possible,
pillow basalts were studied that showed varíous degrees of a1teration
within a single rock. Such samples provide the best evidence that they
have been affected by hydrothermal alteration, rather than regional burial
metamorphism, and provide the most useful information for elemental
flux calculatìons.
During hydrothermal alteration, plagioclase is generally albitised,
sometimes with the formation of epidote, and albite may be subsequently
a1tered to chlorite. Plagioclase, in association with skeletal
clinopyroxene, alters to chlorite and epidote. Olivine is pseudomorphed
by chlorite, and clinopyroxene alters to actinolite. The glassy matrix
alters to an intergrowth of actinolite and chlorite. Vein minerals
irclude chlorite, actinolite, epidote, quartz, and sulphides. On the basis
of their minaralogy, the samples may be subdivided into chlorite-rich
(>15% chlorite and 15% epidote and
<15% chlorite) assemblages. The chlorite-rich assemblages lose CaO
and gain MgO, while the epidote-rich samples show very little change in
composition compared with their basalt precursor. The epidote-rich
samples are more oxidised than their precursors, while the chlorite-rich
rocks can be further suhdivided into those that maintain the same
proportions of fetrous and ferric iron, and those that show an increase
in ferrous iron due to the precipitation of pyrite.
The major chemical changes that occur during hydrothermal
alteration of pillow basalts are uptake of MgO and H2O, and loss of
SiO2 and CaO. The concentrations of Na2O and K2O are apparently not
greatly changed, although. they do show some variations in the core-to
rim analyses. Consideration of the elemental fluxes in terms of
steady-state geochemical mass balances indicates that hydrothermal
alteration provides a sink for Mg, which is extremely important in
solving the problem of apparent excess magnesium input to the oceans.
The amount of calcium that is leached from the rock may be of
significance in the geochemical budget of calcium. The concentration
of silica in the circulating fluid is probably controlled by the
solubility of quartz, and considerable redistribution of silica
takes place within the basaltic pile. The changes in the redox conditions
during hydrothermal alteration do not affect the present-day
oxidation states of the atmosphere and hydrosphere.
Trace element analyses indicate that copper and strontium are
leached out of the rock and migrate in the circulating fluid, with
local precipitation of Cu as sulphides in veins. Li, B, Mn, Ba, Ni and
Co show sufficient variation in concentration and location within the
altered basalts to indicate that some leaching does take place, and hence
hydrothermal alteration of basalts could produce a metal-enriched
solution, which may be important in the formation of metalliferous
sediments at active mid-ocean ridges.Most of this work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grants OCE-74-2297l and DES-75-l6596
Cruise Report W-48 : scientific activities undertaken aboard R/V Westward, Woods Hole - St. Thomas, 10 October - 21 November 1979
Woods Hole - Antigua - St. Lucia - Bequia - St. Thomas, USVI, 10 October 1979 - 21 November 1979This Cruise Report is written in an attempt to accomplish two
objectives. Firstly, and more importantly, it presents a brief outline
of the scientific research completed aboard R/V Westward during W-48.
Reports of the status of on-going projects and of the traditional
academic program are presented. In addition, abstracts from the
research projects of each student are included. Secondly, for those
of us that participated, it represents the product of our efforts and
contains a record of other events that were an important part of the
trip, in particular the activities during port stops
Brucite formation and dissolution in oceanic serpentinite
© The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Klein, F., Humphris, S. E., & Bach, W. Brucite formation and dissolution in oceanic serpentinite. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 16, (2020): 1-5, doi:10.7185/geochemlet.2035.Brucite is an important, albeit elusive, hydrous mineral formed during serpentinisation, a vector of Mg from the mantle to seawater, and possibly a significant host of water in oceanic serpentinite. However, the abundance of brucite has not been quantified in oceanic serpentinite and its fate and related chemical fluxes remain uncertain. We used thermal analysis and confocal Raman spectroscopy to determine the abundance and distribution of brucite in serpentinite recovered by seafloor drilling (n = 48) and dredging (n = 22). Almost all (90 %) of the drilled serpentinite samples contained brucite. The brucite contents increased with increasing extent of serpentinisation and constituted up to 15.6 wt. % of the altered rock. In contrast, dredged serpentinites were devoid of brucite and lost 4.0 wt. % MgO on average, which translates to an estimated average annual flux of 1.3 × 1010 mole Mg and about 2 × 1010 mole alkalinity during seafloor weathering of serpentinite globally. Our data suggest that, on average, brucite stores ∼20 % of the water in unweathered serpentinite, making brucite one of the largest water carriers in slow and ultra-slow spreading oceanic lithosphere.Support for this project was provided by the Independent Research & Development Program at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the US National Science Foundation (NSF Award # 1059534 and 9986135), and the Special Priority Program 1144 of the German Science Foundation (BA 1605/1-1 and BA 1605/1-2). This research would not have been possible without samples supplied by the Ocean Drilling Program and the Seafloor Samples Laboratory at WHOI
Cemented mounds and hydrothermal sediments on the detachment surface at Kane Megamullion : a new manifestation of hydrothermal venting
Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2013. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (2013): 3352–3378, doi:10.1002/ggge.20186.Long-lived detachment faults are now known to be important in tectonic evolution of slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges, and there is increasing evidence that fluid flow plays a critical role in development of detachment systems. Here we document a new manifestation of low-temperature hydrothermal venting associated with the detachment fault that formed Kane Megamullion ∼3.3–2.1 m.y. ago in the western rift-valley wall of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Hydrothermal effects on the detachment surface include (1) cemented mounds of igneous rock and chalk debris containing hydrothermal Mn oxides and Fe oxyhydroxides, and (2) layered deposits of similar Fe-Mn minerals ± interbedded chalks. Mounds are roughly conical, ∼1–10 m high, and contain primarily basalts with lesser gabbro, serpentinite, and polymict breccia. The layered Fe-Mn-rich sediments are flat-bedded to contorted and locally are buckled into low-relief linear or polygonal ridges. We propose that the mounds formed where hydrothermal fluids discharged through the detachment hanging wall near the active fault trace. Hydrothermal precipitates cemented hanging-wall debris and welded it to the footwall, and this debris persisted as mounds as the footwall was exhumed and surrounding unconsolidated material sloughed off the sloping detachment surface. Some of the layered Fe-Mn-rich deposits may have precipitated from fluids discharging from the hanging-wall vents, but they also precipitated from low-temperature fluids venting from the exposed footwall through overlying chalks. Observed natural disturbance and abnormally thin hydrogenous Fe-Mn crusts on some contorted, hydrothermal Fe-Mn-rich chalks on ∼2.7 Ma crust suggest diffuse venting that is geologically recent. Results of this study imply that there are significant fluid pathways through all parts of detachment systems and that low-temperature venting through fractured detachment footwalls may continue for several million years off-axis.NSF grant 0118445 supported
data acquisition and processing for Knorr Cruise 180-
2. The Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution supported research and analytical
costs for this study.2014-03-0
The Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse hydrothermal field : a hydrothermal system on an active detachment fault
© The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 121 (2015): 8-16, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.02.015.Over the last ten years, geophysical studies have revealed that the Trans-Atlantic
Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal field (26°08’N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge) is located
on the hanging wall of an active detachment fault. This is particularly important in light
of the recognition that detachment faulting accounts for crustal accretion/extension along
a significant portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and that the majority of confirmed vent
sites on this slow-spreading ridge are hosted on detachment faults. The TAG
hydrothermal field is one of the largest sites of high-temperature hydrothermal activity
and mineralization found to date on the seafloor, and is comprised of active and relict
deposits in different stages of evolution. The episodic nature of hydrothermal activity
over the last 140 ka provides strong evidence that the complex shape and geological
structure of the active detachment fault system exerts first order, but poorly understood,
influences on the hydrothermal circulation patterns, fluid chemistry, and mineral
deposition. While hydrothermal circulation extracts heat from a deep source region, the
location of the source region at TAG is unknown. Hydrothermal upflow is likely focused
along the relatively permeable detachment fault interface at depth, and then the high
temperature fluids leave the low-angle portion of the detachment fault and rise vertically
through the highly fissured hanging wall to the seafloor. The presence of abundant
anhydrite in the cone on the summit of the TAG active mound and in veins in the crust
beneath provides evidence for a fluid circulation system that entrains significant amounts
of seawater into the shallow parts of the mound and stockwork. Given the importance of
detachment faulting for crustal extension at slow spreading ridges, the fundamental
question that still needs to be addressed is: How do detachment fault systems, and the
structure at depth associated with these systems (e.g., presence of plutons and/or high
permeability zones) influence the pattern of hydrothermal circulation, mineral deposition,
and fluid chemistry, both in space and time, within slowly accreted ocean crust?We acknowledge the National Science Foundation which has supported our research at the
TAG hydrothermal field through many awards for cruises, technological advancement of
equipment, analytical, and modeling work.2016-02-2
Heat flow and near-seafloor magnetic anomalies highlight hydrothermal circulation at Brothers volcano caldera, southern Kermadec arc, New Zealand
Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 46(14), (2019): 8252-8260, doi: 10.1029/2019GL083517.Brothers volcano is the most hydrothermally active volcano along the Kermadec arc, with distinct hydrothermal fields located on the caldera walls and on the postcollapse volcanic cones. These sites display very different styles of hydrothermal activity in terms of temperature, gas content, fluid chemistry, and associated mineralization. Here we show the results of a systematic heat flow survey integrated with near‐seafloor magnetic data acquired using remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles. Large‐scale circulation is structurally controlled, with a deep (~1‐ to 2‐km depth) central recharge through the caldera floor and lateral discharge along the caldera walls and at the summits of the postcollapse cones. Shallow (~ 0.1‐0.2 km depth) circulation is characterized by small‐scale recharge zones located at a distance of ~ 0.1–0.2 km from the active vent sites.We thank the Captains and crews of the R/V Sonne, Thompson, and Tangaroa and the engineers from Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution and MARUM for the successful operation of ABE, Sentry, Quest 4000, and Jason. The heat flow data surveys were funded by NSF grant OCE‐1558356 (PI Susan Humphris) and a grant from the German Ministry for Education and Research BMBF, project no. 03G0253A (PI Andrea Koschinsky). Funding from the New Zealand Government (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) helped enable this study. This paper was significantly improved by the comments from the Editor Rebecca Carey and from two unknown reviewers. The data used in this paper can be downloaded from the U.S. Lamont‐Doherty MGDS database.2020-01-1
The origin of hydrothermal chlorite- and anhydrite-rich sediments in the middle Okinawa Trough, East China Sea
© The Author(s), 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Chemical Geology 465 (2017): 35-51, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.05.020.During the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 331, five sites were drilled into the Iheya North Knoll hydrothermal system in the Okinawa Trough (OT) — a back-arc basin characterized by thick terrigenous sediment. Following up on the previous study by Shao et al. (2015), we present new mineralogical, geochemical, and Sr-Nd isotope data to investigate the origin of the hydrothermal sediments and characterize the hydrothermal system. The substrate at the Iheya North Knoll is dominated by pumiceous sediment and other volcanoclastic materials interbedded with hemipelagic (terrigenous and biogenous) sediments. Impermeable layers separate the hydrothermal sediments into distinct units with depth that are characterized by various assemblages of alteration materials, including polymetallic sulfides, sulfates, chlorite- and kaolinite-rich sediments. The rare earth elements (REEs) and Nd isotope data suggest that the chlorite-rich and kaolinite-rich layers primarily resulted from the alteration of pumiceous materials in different chemical and physical conditions. Kaolinite-rich sediment likely reflects low pH and low Mg concentration fluids, while chlorite-rich sediment formed from fluids with high pH and increased Mg contents, likely at higher temperatures. The Sr isotopic compositions of subsurface anhydrite reflect high seawater/hydrothermal fluid ratios in the mid-OT hydrothermal area. Compared with chlorite-rich sediments from other sediment-covered or felsic-hosted hydrothermal systems, the chlorite-rich sediments in the mid-OT are characterized by lower concentrations of Al and Fe but much higher Y, Zr, Hf, Th and REEs, indicative of the distinct nature of the precursor rocks in this region.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41376049 and 41225020), National Programme on Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction (GASI-GEOGE-03), AoShan Talents Program Supported by Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (No. 2015ASTP-OS11), Program of Shanghai Subject Chief Scientist (No. 14XD1403600), and Continental Shelf Drilling Program (No. GZH201100202)
Fifty Years of Scientific Ocean Drilling
Author Posting. © Oceanography Society , 2019. This article is posted here by permission of Oceanography Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Becker, K., Austin, J. A., Jr., Exon, N., Humphris, S., Kastner, M., McKenzie, J. A., Miller, K. G., Suyehiro, K., & Taira, A. Fifty years of scientific ocean drilling. Oceanography, 32(1), (2019):17-21, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2019.110.Nearly a century after the first systematic study of the global ocean and seafloor by HMS Challenger (1871–1876), US scientists began to drill beneath the seafloor to unlock the secrets of the ~70% of Earth’s surface covered by the seas. Fifty years of scientific ocean drilling by teams of international partners has provided unparalleled advancements in Earth sciences. Here, we briefly review the history, impacts, and scientific achievements of five decades of coordinated scientific ocean drilling
Cross-sectional evaluation of a longitudinal consultation skills course at a new UK medical school
Background: Good communication is a crucial element of good clinical care, and it is important to provide appropriate consultation skills teaching in undergraduate medical training to ensure that doctors have the necessary skills to communicate effectively with patients and other key stakeholders. This article aims to provide research evidence of the acceptability of a longitudinal consultation skills strand in an undergraduate medical course, as assessed by a cross-sectional evaluation of students' perceptions of their teaching and learning experiences. Methods: A structured questionnaire was used to collect student views. The questionnaire comprised two parts: 16 closed questions to evaluate content and process of teaching and 5 open-ended questions. Questionnaires were completed at the end of each consultation skills session across all year groups during the 2006-7 academic year (5 sessions in Year 1, 3 in Year 2, 3 in Year 3, 10 in Year 4 and 10 in Year 5). 2519 questionnaires were returned in total. Results: Students rated Tutor Facilitation most favourably, followed by Teaching, then Practice & Feedback, with suitability of the Rooms being most poorly rated. All years listed the following as important aspects they had learnt during the session: • how to structure the consultation • importance of patient-centredness • aspects of professionalism (including recognising own limits, being prepared, generally acting professionally). All years also noted that the sessions had increased their confidence, particularly through practice. Conclusions: Our results suggest that a longitudinal and integrated approach to teaching consultation skills using a well structured model such as Calgary-Cambridge, facilitates and consolidates learning of desired process skills, increases student confidence, encourages integration of process and content, and reinforces appreciation of patient-centredness and professionalism
Unraveling the sequence of serpentinization reactions : petrography, mineral chemistry, and petrophysics of serpentinites from MAR 15°N (ODP Leg 209, Site 1274)
Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 33 (2006): L13306, doi:10.1029/2006GL025681.The results of detailed textural, mineral chemical, and petrophysical studies shed new light on the poorly constrained fluid-rock reaction pathways during retrograde serpentinization at mid-ocean ridges. Uniformly depleted harzburgites and dunites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 15°N show variable extents of static serpentinization. They reveal a simple sequence of reactions: serpentinization of olivine and development of a typical mesh texture with serpentine-brucite mesh rims, followed by replacement of olivine mesh centers by serpentine and brucite. The serpentine mesh rims on relic olivine are devoid of magnetite. Conversely, domains in the rock that are completely serpentinized show abundant magnetite. We propose that low-fluid-flux serpentinization of olivine to serpentine and ferroan brucite is followed by later stages of serpentinization under more open-system conditions and formation of magnetite by the breakdown of ferroan brucite. Modeling of this sequence of reactions can account for covariations in magnetic susceptibility and grain density of the rocks.Funding for this research was
provided by USSSP and NSF-OCE grant 9986135. WB acknowledges
support through a fellowship by the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute
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