4,044 research outputs found

    An improved stress corrosion test medium for aluminum alloys

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    A laboratory test method that is only mildly corrosive to aluminum and discriminating for use in classifying the stress corrosion cracking resistance of aluminum alloys is presented along with the method used in evaluating the media selected for testing. The proposed medium is easier to prepare and less expensive than substitute ocean water

    Peroxisome Proliferator-activated receptor alpha gene variation influences age of onset and progression of type 2 diabetes

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    Dysregulation of fatty acid metabolism is important in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) is a master regulator of fatty acid catabolism, and PPAR activators delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. We examined association between three PPAR gene polymorphisms (an AC variant in intron 1, the L162V variant, and the intron 7 GC variant) and age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in 912 Caucasian type 2 diabetic subjects. Individually, PPAR gene variants did not influence age at diagnosis, but in combination, the rare alleles of both the intron 1 AC (P < 0.001) and intron 7 GC (P = 0.025) variants synergistically lowered age at diagnosis (interaction P < 0.001). Overall, the PPAR haplotype signficantly influenced age at diagnosis (P = 0.027), with the C-L-C and C-V-C haplotypes (intron 1-L162V-intron 7) accelerating onset of diabetes by 5.9 (P = 0.02) and 10 (P = 0.03) years, respectively, as compared with the common A-L-G haplotype, and was associated with an odds ratio for early-onset diabetes (age at diagnosis 45 years) of 3.75 (95% CI 1.65ā€“8.56, P = 0.002). Intron 1 C-allele carriers also progressed more rapidly to insulin monotherapy (AA 9.4 Ā± 1.5 and AC + CC 5.3 Ā± 1.1 years, P = 0.002). These data indicate that PPAR gene variation influences the onset and progression of type 2 diabetes

    Empirical model for quasi direct current interruption with a convoluted arc

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    This contribution considers various aspects of a quasi direct current, convoluted arc produced by a magnetic field (B-field) connected in parallel with an RLC circuit that have not been considered in combination. These aspects are the arc current limitation due to the arc convolution, changes in arc resistance due to the B-field and material ablation, and the relative significance of the RLC circuit in producing an artificial current zero. As a result, it has been possible to produce an empirical equation for predicting the current interruption capability in terms of the B-field magnitude and RLC components

    A Novel Approach to Power Circuit Breaker Design for Replacement of SF6

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    This contribution explores the role of PTFE ablation in enhancing current interruption for various background gases in high voltage circuit breakers. An assessment of the current interruption capability has been made in terms of the arcing duration and the contact gap length at which critical arc extinction is achieved. These observations are supported by measurements of the magnitude of extinction and re-ignition voltage peaks. Most previous and other current experimental work on gas filled circuit breaker design follows conventional wisdom in investigating arcing behaviours at elevated gas pressures (usually up to 6 bar). But in this work we concentrate on the effects of using low gas pressures (less than 1 bar) in the presence of a close-fitting shield of ablatant polymer material (PTFE) that surrounds the electrode assembly of an experimental high power circuit breaker. We demonstrate that for several different gases, arc extinction capability compares well under these conditions with SF6, suggesting that SF6 could be replaced entirely in this novel system by more environmentally friendly gases. Moreover, the critical contact gap lengths at extinction are only slightly greater than when using SF6 at 6 bar. Weight loss measurements from the ablatant shield suggest that a chemical puffer action is the most likely mechanism for achieving the observed arc extinctions in this system

    Global analysis reveals the complexity of the human glomerular extracellular matrix.

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    The glomerulus contains unique cellular and extracellular matrix (ECM) components, which are required for intact barrier function. Studies of the cellular components have helped to build understanding of glomerular disease; however, the full composition and regulation of glomerular ECM remains poorly understood. We used mass spectrometry-based proteomics of enriched ECM extracts for a global analysis of human glomerular ECM in vivo and identified a tissue-specific proteome of 144 structural and regulatory ECM proteins. This catalog includes all previously identified glomerular components plus many new and abundant components. Relative protein quantification showed a dominance of collagen IV, collagen I, and laminin isoforms in the glomerular ECM together with abundant collagen VI and TINAGL1. Protein network analysis enabled the creation of a glomerular ECM interactome, which revealed a core of highly connected structural components. More than one half of the glomerular ECM proteome was validated using colocalization studies and data from the Human Protein Atlas. This study yields the greatest number of ECM proteins relative to previous investigations of whole glomerular extracts, highlighting the importance of sample enrichment. It also shows that the composition of glomerular ECM is far more complex than previously appreciated and suggests that many more ECM components may contribute to glomerular development and disease processes. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium with the dataset identifier PXD000456

    Human paraoxonase gene cluster polymorphisms as predictors of coronary heart disease risk in the prospective Northwick Park Heart Study II

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    AbstractThe anti-atherogenic effect of HDL has been suggested to be partly due to the action of HDL-associated paraoxonase (PON). Three distinct enzymes have been identified, encoded by PON1, PON2 and PON3, clustered on chromosome 7q21ā€“q22. Two cSNPs in PON1 (L55M and Q192R) and one in PON2 (S311C) have been implicated as independent risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) in some, but not all, studies. A PON3 SNP (A99A) was identified and the effect of these four PON SNPs on HDL levels and CHD risk was examined in the prospective Northwick Park Heart Study II (NPHSII). Genotype frequencies did not differ between cases and controls but the CHD risk associated with smoking was significantly modified by PON1 L55M genotype. Compared to LL non-smokers, LL smokers had a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.30 (95% CI 0.81ā€“2.06) while M-allele carriers had a HR of 1.76 (1.17ā€“2.67). When genotypes were analysed in combination, men with the genotype PON1 55 LM/MM+PON2 311 CC, had HR of 3.54 (1.81ā€“6.93) compared to PON1 LL+PON2 SS/SC men (interaction P=0.004). These effects were independent of classical risk factors. These data demonstrate the importance of stratifying by environmental factors and the use of multiple SNPs for genetic analysis

    Investigating the Effect of Withania somnifera, Selenium and Hydrocortisone on Blood Count and Bronchial Lavage of Experimental Asthmatic BALB/c Mice

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    The murine asthmatic Balb/c mouse model was used to investigate the effect of W. somnifera L., theĀ  antioxidant selenium, W. somnifera and selenium in combination and hydrocortisone as positive controlĀ  on the number of white blood cells in blood smears and bronchial lavage smears as well as the plateletĀ  distribution of asthmatic Balb/c mice. The mice were sensitised, nebulized and treated over a period ofĀ  43 days and blood smears were made of each individual animal and bronchial lavage was performed byĀ  injecting 0.3ml of saline into the trachea of the mice, both on the day of termination. Light microscopyĀ  analysis of the bronchial lavage revealed a significant decrease in the number of eosinophils counted in theĀ  asthmatic and the different treatment groups. In the asthmatic group, numerous platelet clumps were foundĀ  distributed between white blood cells. Platelets were also found in the other treatment groups but are notĀ  as prevalent as in the asthmatic group. Results from the blood smears showed the same trends, where cellĀ  counts in control and hydrocortisone blood smears were decreased compared to that of the asthma group. ItĀ  is concluded that W. somnifera and W. somnifera combined with selenium significantly decreased the whiteĀ  blood cells in both bronchial lavage as well as blood smears, suggesting that W. somnifera indeed has anĀ  anti-inflammatory potential and it, in combination with an anti-oxidant like selenium, might successfullyĀ  be used in the treatment of asthma.
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