936 research outputs found

    A Special Class of Rank 10 and 11 Coxeter Groups

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    In the course of investigating regular subalgebras of E(10) related to cosmological solutions of 11-dimensional supergravity supporting an electric 4-form field, a class of rank 10 Coxeter subgroups of the Weyl group of E(10) was uncovered (hep-th/0606123). These Coxeter groups all share the property that their Coxeter graphs have incidence index 3, i.e. that each node is incident to three and only three single lines. Furthermore, the Coxeter exponents are either 2 or 3, but never infinity. We here go beyond subgroups of the Weyl group of E(10) and classify all rank 10 Coxeter groups with these properties. We find 21 distinct Coxeter groups of which 7 were already described in hep-th/0606123. Moreover, we extend the classification to the rank 11 case and we find 252 inequivalent rank 11 Coxeter groups with incidence index 4, of which at least 28 can be regularly embedded into E(11).Comment: 20 pages, Typos corrected, Erratum added correcting the total number of rank 11 Coxeter graphs with incidence index

    Inhibition of WAVE Regulatory Complex Activation by a Bacterial Virulence Effector Counteracts Pathogen Phagocytosis.

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    To establish pathogenicity, bacteria must evade phagocytosis directed by remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. We show that macrophages facilitate pathogen phagocytosis through actin polymerization mediated by the WAVE regulatory complex (WRC), small GTPases Arf and Rac1, and the Arf1 activator ARNO. To establish extracellular infections, enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) Escherichia coli hijack the actin cytoskeleton by injecting virulence effectors into the host cell. Here, we find that the virulence effector EspG counteracts WRC-dependent phagocytosis, enabling EPEC and EHEC to remain extracellular. By reconstituting membrane-associated actin polymerization, we find that EspG disabled WRC activation through two mechanisms: EspG interaction with Arf6 blocked signaling to ARNO while EspG binding of Arf1 impeded collaboration with Rac1, thereby inhibiting WRC recruitment and activation. Investigating the mode of EspG interference revealed sites in Arf1 required for WRC activation and a mechanism facilitating pathogen evasion of innate host defenses.This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council and the Cambridge Isaac Newton Trust. V.K. and D.H. thank the Wellcome Trust for funding of a Senior Investigator Award to V.K. (101828/Z/13/Z), the MRC for a research grant to V.K. (MR/L008122/1), and a New Investigator Research Grant to D.H. (MR/M011771/1).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier (Cell Press) via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.09.03

    Estimating the Value of Medal Success at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games

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    We estimate Canadians’ willingness to pay (WTP) for success by Team Canada in the 2010 Winter Olympics. The Canadian government subsidized elite athletes in the run up to the 2010 Games through the Own the Podium program, which was designed to increase Canada’s medal count. WTP estimates from a contingent valuation method (CVM) study using data from nationally representative surveys before and after the Games suggest that Own the Podium generated intangible benefits of between 3 and 5 times its cost. The aggregate value of the intangible benefits generated by the program was between 719millionand719 million and 3.4 billion. Key Words: Olympic Games, contingent valuation method, willingness to pay

    Development of metal-organic framework (MOF) sensors for landmine detection

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    Rural populations in Colombia are significantly affected by anti-personnel mines used by revolutionary armed forces. These mines typically contain ammonium nitrate (AN) based explosive compositions. The international community is committed to tackling the danger posed by landmines and other improvised explosive devices (IEDs). This involves the removal of explosive materials installed in areas of conflict. Current technologies used for humanitarian demining can be separated into three distinct categories; metal detection, mechanical clearance, and detection using trained animals [1]. Metal detection is deemed to be most effective but as plastic-bodied IEDs are now also in use other detection approaches must be sought after. Cranfield University, Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Oxford University have proposed the development of a device capable of detecting AN based IEDs using an optoelectronic sensor. The goal of the project is to establish the scientific validity of the new sensing method for the detection of explosive materials found in landmines and IEDs, and to demonstrate its usefulness in locating buried explosive devices. This will entail optimising the sensitivity and selectivity of the sensor. A systematic series of MOFs comprising transition metal acetates/chlorides and terephthalic acid derivatives as linkers has been synthesised and structurally characterised. Cobalt and copper based salts have been paired with numerous organic ligands to create MOFs which have been responsive to concentrations of ~100 ppm ammonia in aqueous conditions. The developed MOFs have also been assessed for their response to ammonia in the gas phase and at representative concentrations throughout the project

    First detection of methanol towards a post-AGB object, HD101584

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    The circumstellar environments of objects on the asymptotic giant branch and beyond are rich in molecular species. Nevertheless, methanol has never been detected in such an object, and is therefore often taken as a clear signpost for a young stellar object. However, we report the first detection of CH3OH in a post-AGB object, HD101584, using ALMA. Its emission, together with emissions from CO, SiO, SO, CS, and H2CO, comes from two extreme velocity spots on either side of the object where a high-velocity outflow appears to interact with the surrounding medium. We have derived molecular abundances, and propose that the detected molecular species are the effect of a post-shock chemistry where circumstellar grains play a role. We further provide evidence that HD101584 was a low-mass, M-type AGB star

    Towards predictive modelling of near-edge structures in electron energy loss spectra of AlN based ternary alloys

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    Although electron energy loss near edge structure analysis provides a tool for experimentally probing unoccupied density of states, a detailed comparison with simulations is necessary in order to understand the origin of individual peaks. This paper presents a density functional theory based technique for predicting the N K-edge for ternary (quasi-binary) nitrogen alloys by adopting a core hole approach, a methodology that has been successful for binary nitride compounds. It is demonstrated that using the spectra of binary compounds for optimising the core hole charge (0.35 e0.35\,\mathrm{e} for cubic Ti1−x_{1-x}Alx_xN and 0.45 e0.45\,\mathrm{e} for wurtzite Alx_xGa1−x_{1-x}N), the predicted spectra evolutions of the ternary alloys agree well with the experiments. The spectral features are subsequently discussed in terms of the electronic structure and bonding of the alloys.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Medicines prescribed for asthma, discontinuation and perinatal outcomes, including breastfeeding: A population cohort analysis

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    ObjectivesTo explore associations between exposures to medicines prescribed for asthma and their discontinuation in pregnancy and preterm birth [MethodsDesign. A population-based cohort study. Setting. The Secure Anonymised Information Linkage [SAIL] databank in Wales, linking maternal primary care data with infant outcomes. Population. 107,573, 105,331, and 38,725 infants born 2000-2010 with information on premature birth, SGA and breastfeeding respectively, after exclusions. Exposures. maternal prescriptions for asthma medicines or their discontinuation in pregnancy. Methods. Odds ratios for adverse pregnancy outcomes were calculated for the exposed versus the unexposed population, adjusted for smoking, parity, age and socio-economic status.ResultsPrescriptions for asthma, whether continued or discontinued during pregnancy, were associated with birth atConclusionsPrescription of asthma medicines before or during pregnancy was associated with higher prevalence of adverse perinatal outcomes, particularly if prescriptions were discontinued during pregnancy. Women discontinuing medicines during pregnancy could be identified from prescription records. The impact of targeting close monitoring and breastfeeding support warrants exploration
