158 research outputs found

    Signals for Double Parton Scattering at the Fermilab Tevatron

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    Four double-parton scattering processes are examined at the Fermilab Tevatron energy. With optimized kinematical cuts and realistic parton level simulation for both signals and backgrounds, we find large samples of four-jet and three-jet+one-photon events with signal to background ratio being 20\%-30\%, and much cleaner signals from two-jet+two-photon and two-jet+e+ee^+e^- final states. The last channel may provide the first unambiguous observation of multiple parton interactions, even with the existing data sample accumulated by the Tevatron collider experiments.Comment: 7 pages, plain LaTeX, 2 tables, no figures. A compressed PS file is available by anonymous ftp at ftp://phenom.physics.wisc.edu/pub/preprints/1996/madph-96-945.ps.

    Double parton scatterings in b-quark pairs production at the LHC

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    A sizable rate of events where two pairs of b-quarks are produced contemporarily is foreseen at the CERN LHC, as a consequence of the large parton luminosity. At very high energies both single and the double parton scatterings contribute to the process, the latter mechanisms, although power suppressed, giving the dominant contribution to the integrated cross section.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Multiparton interactions and production of minijets in high energy hadronic collisions

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    We discuss the inclusive cross section to produce two minijets with a large separation in rapidity in high energy hadronic collisions. The contribution to the inclusive cross section from the exchange of a BFKL Pomeron is compared with the contribution from the exchange of two BFKL Pomerons, which is induced by the unitarization of the semi-hard interaction. The effect of the multiple exchange is studied both as a function of the azimuthal correlation and as a function of the transverse momentum of the observed minijets.Comment: TeX file, 20 pages, 4 figures available on reques

    Estimates of hadron azimuthal anisotropy from multiparton interactions in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 14 TeV

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    We estimate the amount of collective "elliptic flow" expected at mid-rapidity in proton-proton (p-p) collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), assuming that any possible azimuthal anisotropy of the produced hadrons with respect to the plane of the reaction follows the same overlap-eccentricity and particle-density scalings as found in high-energy heavy ion collisions. Using a Glauber eikonal model, we compute the p-p eccentricities, transverse areas and particle-multiplicities for various phenomenological parametrisations of the proton spatial density. For realistic proton transverse profiles, we find integrated elliptic flow v2 parameters below 3% in p-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 14 TeV.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. Very minor mods. Version to appear in EPJ-

    Multiple Parton Interactions in Z+jets production at the LHC. A comparison of factorized and non--factorized double parton distribution functions

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    We examine the contribution of Multiple Parton Interactions to Z+n-jets production at the LHC, n=2,3,4, where the Z boson is assumed to decay leptonically. We compare the results obtained with the correlated GS09 double parton distribution function with those obtained with two instances of fully factorized single parton distribution functions: MSTW2008LO and CTEQ6LO. It appears quite feasible to measure the MPI contribution to Z+2/3/4 jets already in the first phase of the LHC with a total luminosity of one inverse femtobarn at 7 TeV. If as expected the trigger threshold for single photons is around 80 GeV, Z+2-jets production may well turn out to be more easily observable than the gamma+3-jets channel. The MPI cross section is dominated by relatively soft events with two jets balancing in transverse momentum.Comment: 15 pages, 3 plot

    Aspects of four-jet production in polarized proton-proton collisions

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    We examine the intrinsic spin-dependence of the dominant gggggggg \rightarrow gggg subprocess contribution to four-jet production in polarized proton-proton collisions using helicity amplitude techniques. We find that the partonic level, longitudinal spin-spin asymmetry, a^LL\hat{a}_{LL}, is intrinsically large in the kinematic regions probed in experiments detecting four isolated jets. Such events may provide another qualitative or semi-quantitative test of the spin-structure of QCD in planned polarized pppp collisions at RHIC.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 2 uuencoded postscript files attache

    Associated Production of Heavy Quarkonia and Electroweak Bosons at Present and Future Colliders

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    We investigate the associated production of heavy quarkonia, with angular-momentum quantum numbers ^{2S+1}L_J = ^1S_0, ^3S_1, ^1P_1, ^3P_J (J = 0, 1, 2), and photons, Z bosons, and W bosons in photon-photon, photon-hadron, and hadron-hadron collisions within the factorization formalism of nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics providing all contributing partonic cross sections in analytic form. In the case of photoproduction, we also include the resolved-photon contributions. We present numerical results for the processes involving J/psi and chi_{cJ} mesons appropriate for the Fermilab Tevatron, CERN LHC, DESY TESLA, operated in the e^+ e^- and gamma gamma modes, and DESY THERA.Comment: 41 pages (Latex), 10 figures (Postscript

    Evidence for Colour-Octet Mechanism from CERN LEP2 gamma gamma -> J/psi + X Data

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    We present theoretical predictions for the transverse-momentum distribution of J/psi mesons promptly produced in gamma gamma collisions within the factorization formalism of nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics, including the contributions from both direct and resolved photons, and we perform a conservative error analysis. The fraction of J/psi mesons from decays of bottom-flavoured hadrons is estimated to be negligibly small. New data taken by the DELPHI Collaboration at LEP2 nicely confirm these predictions, while they disfavour those obtained within the traditional colour-singlet model.Comment: 11 pages (Latex), 3 figures (Postscript); updated experimental data included, references added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let