54 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of the Ministry of Social Family's Hope Program (Program Keluarga Harapan) in Increasing the Welfare of the District of Medan Johor

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    The Ministry of Social Family's Hope Program (Program Keluarga Harapan) is a conditional cash transfer program for poor families or known internationally as Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). Social Family's Hope Program (Program Keluarga Harapan) is a social protection program that provides cash assistance to underprivileged households and for members of Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) Beneficiary Families who have health components (toddlers and pregnant women), education (elementary, junior high, and high school children), and welfare social (elderly and social disability).This program, in the short term aims to reduce the burden of underprivileged households and in the long run it is expected to break the intergenerational poverty chain, so that the next generation can get out of the poverty trap. The effectiveness of the Ministry of Social Family Hope Program is measured by several indicators, namely the accuracy of the targets, the implementation of program socialization, the achievement of program objectives, and program evaluation.This research was conducted in Medan Johor District. The methods in this research is descriptive research with quantitative research methods. Quantitative descriptive research uses words, images, and not entirely numbers when data is collected. The population in this research was 2,589 and using the multi-stage sampling method, through the proportionate stratified and simple random sampling stages a sample of 259 members of beneficiary families was taken.The results of the research indicate that in general, the implementation of the Ministry of Social Affairs' Family Hope Program in Medan Johor District has been running effectively. However, there are still some aspects that have not fully met the effectiveness of this program, such as officers (assistants) who have not performed their duties properly, Beneficiary Families who often do not attend group meetings, and issues such as zero balance, damaged or lost cards that there is no substitute yet, and the Beneficiary Families' behavior and point of view regarding assistance from the Government are not yet correct

    Peningkatan Kesadaran Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) pada Anggota Karang Taruna Desa Paya Rengas Kecamatan Hinai Kabupaten Langkat

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    Berdasarakan analisis situasi yang didapat dari KKN Mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara tahun 2019 di Desa Paya Rengas Kecamatan Hinai Kabupaten Langkat terdapat permasalahan masih rendahnya kesadaran perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS.  Untuk  meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) anggota karang taruna di desa paya rengas, perlu dilakukan kegiatan melalui diskusi, dan sosialisasi. Lokasi kegiatan pengabdian ini berada di Desa Paya Rengas Kecamatan Hinai Kabupaten Langkat. Tahapan kegiatan pengabdian ini telah dilaksanakan dengan melakukan survei lokasi pengabdian, penyiapan lokasi pengabdian, dan pemberian alat penunjang PHBS. Kegiatan sosialisasi tentang PHBS kepada anggota karang taruna telah dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi dan tanya jawab. Secara umum, kegiatan pengabdian ini berjalan dengan lancar. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik adalah bahwa peserta kegiatan pengabdian mengerti bahwa perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat sangat penting untuk mencegah berbagai penyakit merupakan bagian dari ajaran agama yang memiliki banyak keuntungan

    The correlation between broadcasting spill-over of Malaysian television and radio on Islamic religious knowledge of community members in East Aceh

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    This study attempts to examine the correlation between broadcasting spill-over of Malaysian television and radio (MTR) on Islamic religious knowledge of community members in East Aceh through uses and gratification theory. Quantitative approach by using relational method is employed as the method of the research. The location of the research is in 3 sub-districts of East Aceh namely Idi Rayeuk, Darul Aman and Nurussalam. The instrument of this research is questionnaire by using Likert-scale. The data were collected using survey method which involved 300 respondents selected from multi-stage sampling namely purposive, and accidental sampling. The data were analyzed by single-table analysis and Pearson product moment was utilized to test hypothesis which are then processed by SPSS v.19 software. The findings show that there is a correlation between broadcasting spill-over of MTR and Islamic religious knowledge of community members in East Aceh, even though the correlation of both variables is weak and negative (-0.15). It elucidates that the higher the level of broadcasting spill-over of Malaysian electronic media appears, the lower the level of religious knowledge appears. The conclusion can be drawn that there is a significant correlation between the broadcasting spill-over of MTR on Islamic religious knowledge of community members in East Aceh

    The Role of Community Participation in the Development of Lau Debuk-debuk Hot Spring in Doulu village, Karo regency

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    This study aims to describe the community participation role, the supporting and inhibiting factors in the development of the Lau Debuk-debuk hot spring tourism object in Doulu village, Berastagi District, Karo regency. This study employed qualitative research method. The locations of this study were in the tourism and cultural office of Karo regency, Head office of Doulu village, Berastagi district, Karo regency & Lau Debuk-debuk hot spring tourism object itself. Interview technique was utilized as the technique of data collection. The informants in this study consisted of the Doulu village community, tourism and cultural office staff of Karo regency, village government, entrepreneurs, and tourists around Lau Debuk-debuk. The results presents that the community participation aspect in the development of the Lau Debuk-debuk hot spring tourism object in Doulu village, Berastagi district, Karo regency has begun to develop compared to previous years. Then, the supporting factors for the development of tourism objects include strategic locations, facilities (hotels, restaurants, & attractions), and environments (accessibility, amenities & attractions). On the other hand, the inhibiting factors are insecurity (epidemic disease, natural disaster, human error, crimes), and services. Therefore, the awareness and cooperation from the community and stakeholders related to the progress of the Lau Debuk-debut is urgently required

    Teaching flexible manufacturing system in university education for future engineers

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    Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) typically possesses multiple automated stations and is capable of variable routing among stations. Human resource development, equipment operator skills, manufacture of processing tools, products, processes & machinery, research and development are some of the issues resulting from higher level of technology implementation. Industry needs universities to respond with increase emphasis on design and manufacturing skills. With FMS teaching and training in the university laboratories, the increasing capability of engineers provides a distinct advantage for future industries

    Political Power Shift in the House of Representative of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia: A Political Communication of Post-election

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    The results of the 2013 regional head election (Pilkada) in the context of the executive and 2014 legislative elections at the level of North Sumatra Province produced new leadership accompanied by a coalition posture of supporting parties. In the context of the legislative institution, it also resulted in changes in votes or seats. Normatively, in the context of executive-legislative relations, it will be more effective if a coalition of executive-supporting parties gets a majority in the legislature since it will facilitate political communication that is involved in the discussion of a regional regulation draft. This study attempts to depict the political power shift in the regional house of representatives of North Sumatra province (RHRNSP), Indonesia. This study employed a descriptive qualitative approach with a content analysis technique. The data were obtained through the documentation method. The results showed that there were obstacles from several factions outside the coalition party, specifically in discussing the regional regulation draft. However, these obstacles were still in the form of criticism and input from several factions against the draft regional regulation to be ratified. This is known through the ongoing political communication
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