5 research outputs found

    Preferensi minat masyarakat Kota Palangka Raya bertransaksi menggunakan kartu pembayaran elektronik berlogo gerbang pembayaran nasional Bank Indonesia

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    Latar Belakang dari penelitian ini adalah Bank Indonesia menganggap kehadiran Visa dan Mastercard merugikan Industri Perbankan Nasional, maka dari itu Bank Indonesia pada tanggal 4 Desember 2017 lalu meluncurkan Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional (GPN) sebagai upaya kemandirian Indonesia dari sisi sistem pembayaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan yaitu untuk MendeskripsikanUpaya Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah menarik minat masyarakat Kota Palangka Raya bertransaksi menggunakan kartu pembayaran elektronik berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional dan Mendeskripsikan Preferensi minat Masyarakat Kota Palangka Raya bertransaksi menggunakan kartu pembayaran elektronik berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional Bank Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, subjek penelitiannya adalah Manajer Unit Pengawasan Sistem Pembayaran, Pengelolaan Uang Rupiah, dan Keuangan Inklusif (UPSPPURKI) KPwBI Kalteng, Manajer Unit Operasional Sistem Pembayaran (UOSP) KpwBI Kalteng dan Masyarakat kota Palangka Raya yang menggunakan kartu pembayaran elektronik berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional, objeknya adalah Upaya KpwBI Kalteng dan Preferensi minat masyarakat bertransaksi menggunakan kartu pembayaran eletronik berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Upaya KpwBI Kalteng menarik Minat Masyarakat Kota Palangka Raya bertransaksi menggunakan Kartu Pembayaran Elektronik berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional adalah dengan beberapa upaya, pada tahun 2018, KpwBI Kalteng melakukan beberapa publikasi kepada masyarakat baik melewati media sosial, media elektronik maupun media cetak, lalu melalui kegiatan Launching, Kampanye, Sosialisasi, dan Pekan penukaran Kartu berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional. Dan pada tahun 2019, KpwBI Kalteng merencanakan ada dua kegiatan besar terkait dengan Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional atau sosialisasi Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional baik kemasyarakat maupun ke pelajar atau mahasiswa. (2) Preferensi Masyarakat Kota Palangka Raya bertransaksi menggunakan Kartu Pembayaran Elektronik berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional Bank Indonesia adalah dari faktor Internal dengan 15 Narasumber dari 19 total Narasumber yang terdapat pada penelitian ini mereka mengatakan serupa yaitu Preferensi utama yang mempengaruhi minat masyarakat adalah Kenyamanan, Kemudahan bertransaksi dengan fitur dan layanan terstandardisasi, dan juga biaya lebih murah daripada kartu sebelumnya yang berlogo Visa maupun Mastercard. ABSTRACK The background of this research is that Bank Indonesia considers the presence of Visa and Mastercard to be detrimental to the National Banking Industry, therefore Bank Indonesia on December 4, 2017 launched the National Payment Gateway (NPG) as an Indonesian independence effort in terms of the payment system. The purpose of this research is to are effort from office unit Indonesia Bank Province Kalimantan Tengah to attract people’s interest in Palangka Raya on transaction using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank and the Preference peoples’ interest in palangka Raya on Transaction using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank. This research used qualtitative descriptive method, the subject of this research were Unit Manager Payment Surveillance System , Rupiah Management, Inclusive Finance (UPPSPPURKI) of Office Unit Indonesia Bank Province Kalimantan Tengah, Manager Unit Operational Payment System ( UOSP) of Indonesia Bank Province Kalimantan Tengah which used using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank, the object of this research were the efforts from office unit Indonesia Bank Province Kalimantan Tengah and Preperence peoples’ interest in palangka Raya on Transaction using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank. The data collection procedure in this research were observation, interview and documentation. The result of this research shows that : (1) The efforts from office unit Indonesia Bank Province Kalimantan Tengah to attract people’s interest in Palangka Raya on transaction using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank can be see like in last year or 2018 they published to the people through social media, electronic media and printed media and also launching, campaign, socialiszation, Week trade NPG card. While in 2019, they plan two big events related with National Payment Gateway or socialiszation the NPG to the people like students and that events not to different with the last year events. (2) The main Preference to attract people’s interest in Palangka Raya on transaction using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank was from the internal, 15 from 19 respondents said that the main factors were comfortable, Simpleness transaction with the features and standardize services, and the cheaper cost that the card before it like Visa or Mastercard

    Preferensi Minat Masyarakat Kota Palangka Raya Bertransaksi Menggunakan Kartu Pembayaran Elektronik Berlogo Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional Bank Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to are effort from office unit Indonesia Bank Province Kalimantan Tengah to attract people’s interest in Palangka Raya on transaction using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank and the Preference peoples’ interest in palangka Raya on Transaction using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank. This research used qualtitative descriptive method, the subject of this research were Unit Manager Payment Surveillance System , Rupiah Management, Inclusive Finance (UPPSPPURKI) of Office Unit Indonesia Bank Province Kalimantan Tengah, Manager Unit Operational Payment System ( UOSP) of Indonesia Bank Province Kalimantan Tengah which used using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank.The result of this research shows that : (1) The efforts from office unit Indonesia Bank Province Kalimantan Tengah to attract people’s interest in Palangka Raya on transaction using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank can be see like in  last year or 2018 they published to the people through social media, electronic media and printed media and also launching, campaign, socialiszation, Week trade NPG card .  While in 2019, they plan two big events related with National Payment Gateway or socialiszation the NPG to the people like students and that events not to different with the last year events. (2) The main Preference to attract people’s interest in Palangka Raya on transaction using Electric Payment Card named National Payment Gateway from Indonesia Bank was from the internal, 15 from 19 respondents said that the main factors were comfortable, Simpleness transaction with the features and standardize services, and the cheaper cost that the card before it like Visa or Mastercard

    Correlation between Compressive Strength of Concrete and Flexural Strength of Concrete Using Local Aggregates

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    Compressive strength and flexural strength are two important parameters in the concrete job mix formula. Both parameters are strongly influenced by the characteristics of the constituent aggregates. This study aims to obtain the relationship between the compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete mixtures using local aggregates for construction projects around the province of South Kalimantan. The experimental mechanism was carried out by examining aggregates and designing concrete proportions using type V Portland cement with an initial setting time of 80 minutes and a final setting time of 150 minutes. Meanwhile, coarse aggregate from Katunun and fine aggregate from Barito are used in the concrete job mix formula. In this case, the results of the analysis show that there is a correlation value (K) for f'c 30 MPa and f'c 35 MPa, which are 0.84 and 0.78, respectively


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    Robot Ankle Foot Orthosis with Auto Flexion Mode for Foot Drop Training on Post-Stroke Patient in Indonesia

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    Robot Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) has been proven to assist the gait impairment, such as the foot drop. However, development challenge is still remains, such as the trade-off between complexity, functionality and cost. High functionality resulted in high cost, bulky, and complex device. But affordability and simplicity may decrease functionality. Therefore, this research proposed a robot AFO, which has the necessary function of auto dorsi-plantarflexion so it can keep the affordability and simplicity. The robot AFO consists of structure, electronics part and algorithm. The structure is custom made according to the user’s anatomy. A brushless DC (BLDC) motor, Force-Sensing Resistor (FSR) and microcontroller builds the electronic parts. The BLDC motor actuates the flexion, while the FSR detects the gait phase to determine the action. Both are integrated by the microcontroller with the P control algorithm that commands the BLDC motor to generate necessary torque so it rotates in a constant speed. A functionality test has been carried out on the robot AFO, where the robot AFO perform a dorsi-plantarflexion continuously in three conditions, such as no load, 1 Kg load, and foot load. The robot AFO successfully performed a constant velocity rotation in both directions, in all conditions. In the case of 1 Kg load, the maximum angular speed is 0.7 rad/s dorsiflexion and -1.8 rad/s plantarflexion. The torque keeps increasing and decreasing from -0.3 Nm to 4 Nm to keep the angular velocity. The result shows that the robot AFO can perform the necessary function to assist the foot drop training. Functionality test on the gait detection has also been done where it shows that the robot AFO can detect the four gait phases accurately. The robot AFO has been tested and future study should test the robot on a real post-stroke patient to see the effect of the gait control in reality