350 research outputs found

    Incomplete Reflections: Addressing Potential Bias in Digital Curation

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    Digital scanning technology offers many benefits to archaeology and curation in its ability to preserve virtual representations of artifacts in databases without harming the object. However, various selective pressures may limit which artifacts are digitally curated. The material of an artifact or details on an object’s surface may prevent it from scanning properly. Scans which inaccurately portray the surface detail of an artifact may be ignored by those who edit and process the files in favor of a more attractive scan. Scanning efforts designed for public outreach may favor certain artifacts over others. These selective pressures may produce unintentional bias in the digital artifact databases, which could potentially limit the applicability to certain scopes of archaeological research.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1003/thumbnail.jp


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    L’étude des provenances comprend systématiquement tout indice d’appropriation, de lecture ou d’usage des ouvrages, mais aussi tout indice d’achat, de vente ou de circulation, cette évolution découlant d’une meilleure appréciation de l’importance matérielle de chaque exemplaire et de la valeur des informations qu’il contient. La base ‘Provenance des Livres anciens’ de la Bibliothèque de Lyon a été mise en ligne pour montrer l’identité des anciens possesseurs des collections déjà bien connus, mais aussi en révéler d’autres sans la moindre notoriété. La collaboration systématique autour des provenances a vu le jour en Europe avec l’adhésion à des structures européennes fédératrices, aux côtés d’initiatives nationales françaises. Comprendre la circulation de ces ouvrages jusqu’à Lyon et les techniques de commercialisation du livre à l’échelle européenne necéssite d’examiner ces phénomènes dès leur origine, de remonter quelques décennies en arrière, à l’éclosion du succès commercial du livre lyonnais pendant le dernier quart du quinzième siècle. L’étude des éléments matériels et marques de provenance de toute sorte qui sont conservés dans les volumes pouvaient compléter les données disponibles dans ce domaine.O estudo das origens inclui sistematicamente qualquer indicação de apropriação, leitura ou utilização de obras, mas também qualquer indicação de compra, venda ou circulação, evolução resultante de uma melhor apreciação da importância material de cada exemplar e do valor da informação que contém. A base de dados 'Proveniência dos Livros Antigos' da Biblioteca de Lyon foi colocada online para mostrar a identidade dos antigos proprietários das coleções já conhecidas, mas também para revelar outras sem notoriedade. A colaboração sistemática em torno das proveniências surgiu na Europa com a adesão de estruturas federativas e europeias, ao lado de iniciativas nacionais francesas. A compreensão da circulação das obras até Lyon e as técnicas de comercialização dos livros em escala europeia requer o exame destes fenômenos desde a sua origem, recuando até o surgimento do sucesso comercial do livro de Lyon durante o último quarto do século XV. O estudo dos elementos materiais e marcas de proveniência de toda espécie que se conservam nos volumes poderiam completar os dados disponíveis neste campo

    The effect of auditory fatigue on reaction time in normal hearing listeners

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    Hearing impaired individuals often report feeling fatigue at the end of the day. These individuals are forced to exert more cognitive effort throughout the day as they strain to understand speech in an ever-changing auditory environment through an impaired/degraded auditory system (Rabbitt, 1991). Today’s digital hearing aids attempt to increase audibility and relieve cognitive strain through advanced signal processing techniques such as digital noise reduction (DNR). Recent research regarding noise and its effects on auditory fatigue in hearing impaired listeners suggests that DNR may reduce the effects of auditory fatigue (Sarampalis et al, 2009). The overarching goal of a future project is to understand the effectiveness of DNR in reducing listening effort and ways to quantify it. The present study sought to determine if reaction time alone is an accurate measure of auditory fatigue while isolating listening fatigue as a sole factor. Twenty young adults with normal hearing participated. Testing consisted of three parts: pre-test, fatigue inducing condition, and post-test. Pre- and post- tests consisted of a reaction time task using nonsense syllables and a subjective listening questionnaire. The overall reaction time in the post-fatiguing condition was higher than the pre-fatiguing condition. A one sample t test revealed no significant difference between the pre and post fatiguing condition reaction time for overall nonsense syllables and consonant final nonsense syllables. Pre- and post-fatiguing reaction time was significantly different for consonant initial nonsense syllables only. Results indicated that the 30 minute fatigue inducing condition did not affect reaction time in the post-tests for overall nonsense syllables and for consonant final nonsense syllables. This could be due to several factors. The reaction time task used in this study may not be an accurate measure of listening effort or the 30 minutes of effortful listening may not have been enough. The subjective listening effort questionnaire showed that subjects did feel more fatigued after the post-test than after the pre-test. Future studies are planned to expand upon the current study by assessing individuals with hearing loss as well as those exposed to longer duration of noise throughout the day

    Investigating Genetic Diversity of Phytophthora spp. and Related Oomycetes

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    Oomycetes, like fungi, are filamentous heterotrophs, but unlike true fungi are diploid and share a photosynthetic ancestor. Many of these organisms are plant and animal pathogens, and members of the genus Phytophthora cause devastating disease on a diverse array of agricultural plant hosts. Several diverse topics in oomycete biology are investigated in this dissertation. Chapter 2 is a report on loss of heterozygosity in Phytophthora capsici in response to chemical mutagenesis.The research presented in Chapters 3 and 4 are centered on documenting biodiversity and genetic diversity of populations of Phytophthora species obtained from infected plant hosts. The final chapter (Chapter 5) involves determining genetic diversity, ecology, and enzymatic activities of Pythiaceous oomycetes from marsh wetlands of the southeastern US

    Cyber Borders: Exercising State Sovereignty Online

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    The internet brings challenges that threaten national identities and the foundations of what it means to be a state. Well-known challenges include difficulties maintaining important national values, competition threatening local economic plans, and even the inability to maintain a meaningful informational environment for self-governance. These influences are plausibly understood as challenges to some of the basic functions of a sovereign state. Despite these challenges, we identify the social practice of establishing control over mercurial mediums. States have responded by erecting cyberborders with a collection of laws, practices, and internet architecture designed to filter digital information within the territorial jurisdiction of the state. We contend that new digital bordering methods largely reflect and reproduce the territorial identity of the state. Border allusions, informed by concepts of geography, walls, and territoriality, are rife in states’ official internet rhetoric. In policy and practice, states are not only guided by vertical relations between state and society, but also have horizontal orientations for controlling cross-border flows. We define these preferences as a state’s border orientation or the underlying state preference for preserving national identity by filtering global forces. These preferences explain the rise of legal efforts to control the entry and exit of data and explain national approaches to sovereignty online across regime types

    Separation and Detection of Peroxynitrite Using Microchip Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection

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    Peroxynitrite (ONOO-) is a highly reactive species implicated in the pathology of several cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. It is generated in vivo by the diffusion-limited reaction of nitric oxide (NO•) and superoxide anion (•O2-) and is known to be produced during periods of inflammation. Detection of ONOO- is made difficult by its short half-life under physiological conditions (∼1 s). Here we report a method for the separation and detection of ONOOfrom other electroactive species utilizing a microchip electrophoresis device incorporating an amperometric detection scheme. Microchip electrophoresis permits shorter separation times (∼25 s for ONOO-) and higher temporal resolution than conventional capillary electrophoresis (several minutes). This faster analysis allows ONOO- to be detected before substantial degradation occurs, and the increased temporal resolution permits more accurate tracking of dynamic changes in chemical systems

    Salisapiliaceae – a new family of oomycetes from marsh grass litter of southeastern North America

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    Several filamentous oomycete species of the genus Halophytophthora have recently been described from marine environments, mostly from subtropical and tropical ecosystems. During a survey of oomycetes from leaf litter of Spartina alterniflora in salt marshes of southeastern Georgia, isolates of four taxa were recovered that bore similarity to some members of Halophytophthora but were highly divergent from isolates of Halophytophthora s.str. based on a combined sequence analysis of two nuclear loci. In phylogenetic analyses, these isolates were placed basal to a monophyletic group comprised of Pythium of the Pythiaceae and the Peronosporaceae. Sequence and morphology of these taxa diverged from the type species Halophytophthora vesicula, which was placed within the Peronosporaceae with maximum support. As a consequence a new family, the Salisapiliaceae, and a new genus, Salisapilia, are described to accommodate the newly discovered species, along with one species previously classified within Halophytophthora. Morphological features that separate these taxa from Halophytophthora are a smaller hyphal diameter, oospore production, lack of vesicle formation during sporulation, and a plug of hyaline material at the sporangial apex that is displaced during zoospore release. Our findings offer a first glance at the presumably much higher diversity of oomycetes in estuarine environments, of which ecological significance requires further exploration

    3. Coopération internationale et fonds patrimoniaux : l'exemple de la bibliothèque municipale de Lyon

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    La bibliothèque municipale de Lyon (BML) est la plus grande bibliothèque publique de province. Son fonds patrimonial est particulièrement remarquable aussi bien en termes de contenu que d’accessibilité et la BML a une politique de valorisation diversifiée qui inclut diverses communications, expositions, heures de la découverte, aussi bien que la numérisation des ouvrages qui permet de communiquer efficacement les contenus, même spécifiques comme les marques de provenance rencontrées dans les ..

    Microchip Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection Method for Profiling Cellular Nitrosative Stress Markers

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    The overproduction of nitric oxide (NO) in cells results in nitrosative stress due to the generation of highly reactive species such as peroxynitrite and N2O3. These species disrupt the cellular redox processes through the oxidation, nitration, and nitrosylation of important biomolecules. Microchip electrophoresis (ME) is a fast separation method that can be used to profile cellular nitrosative stress through the separation of NO and nitrite from other redox-active intracellular components such as cellular antioxidants. This paper describes a ME method with electrochemical detection (ME-EC) for the separation of intracellular nitrosative stress markers in macrophage cells. The separation of nitrite, azide (interference), iodide (internal standard), tyrosine, glutathione, and hydrogen peroxide (neutral marker) was achieved in under 40 s using a run buffer consisting of 7.5 to 10 mM NaCl, 10 mM boric acid, and 2 mM TTAC at pH 10.3 to 10.7. Initially, NO production was monitored by the detection of nitrite (NO2−) in cell lysates. There was a 2.5- to 4-fold increase in NO2− production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated cells. The concentration of NO2− inside a single unstimulated macrophage cell was estimatedto be 1.41 mM using the method of standard additions. ME-EC was then used for the direct detection of NO and glutathione in stimulated and native macrophage cell lysates. NO was identified in these studies based on its migration time and rapid degradation kinetics. The intracellular levels of glutathione in native and stimulated macrophages were also compared, and no significant difference was observed between the two conditions
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