18 research outputs found
Kritiska faktorer i förvÀrvsförloppet vid företagsuppköp - En fallstudie av OEM International AB:s uppköp av Telfa AB
Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att identifiera vilka kritiska faktorer som bidrar till framgĂ„ng i integrationen av en organisation i ett förvĂ€rvsförlopp, dĂ„ ett litet Ă€garlett företag blir uppköpt av en börsnoterad koncern. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt i en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn har vi anvĂ€nt oss av en kvalitativ forskningsdesign och fallstudie som forskningsstrategi. Intervjuer och sekundĂ€ra kĂ€llor sĂ„ som hemsidor, Ă„rsredovisning och resultatrĂ€kningar har legat till grund för vĂ„r insamling av data. Empiriska primĂ€rdata samlades in under intervjuer med VD och personal pĂ„ det uppköpta fallföretaget samt med uppköparens representant. Data frĂ„n hemsidor och rapporter, ligger Ă€ven dessa till grund för vĂ„r redogörelse av förvĂ€rvsförloppet, vilket Ă€r tolkad genom teorin i en kronologisk tematik. Det teoretiska ramverket som vi anvĂ€nt vid tolkningen av vĂ„r empiri bestĂ„r av begrepp och teorier, alla hĂ€mtade ur förvĂ€rvsteori. De behandlar bland annat omrĂ„den som förhandling, företagsanalys, integrationsarbete och kultur. De författare vars studier vi frĂ€mst har anvĂ€nt oss av Ă€r: Robert Sevenius, J Fred Weston & Samuel C Weaver, Nils-Göran Olve, Sven-Erik Johansson & Magnus Hult, Niclas Ekestubbe & Michael Ă
hlman och Stein Kleppestö. VÄrt bidrag till teorin bestÄr i att visa, genom att utforska och beskriva ett hÀndelseförlopp praktiskt, hur en förvÀrvsprocess kan bli framgÄngsrik. Vi har identifierat tre kritiska faktorer i företagsförvÀrvet: kultur och filosofi, förÀndringstakt samt nÀrvaro och engagemang
Kund eller patient? â Till kritik mot en marknadsanpassning av patientbemötandet
Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att, utifrÄn en analys om lÀkarprofessionens eventuellt förÀndrade syn pÄ patientbemötandet - gÀllande bÄde sin egen och patientens roll - kritisera och kontrastera New Public Management och Service Management angÄende marknadsanpassning av lÀkar- och patientrollen. Vi utgÄr frÄn ett tolkande paradigm och anvÀnder oss av en kvalitativ metod. Vi kritiserar New Public Management och Service Management inom svensk sjukvÄrd huvudsakligen utifrÄn Etienne Wengers teori om sociala grupper i samhÀllet, men Àven utifrÄn Michel Foucaults och Jean Baudrillards teorier. Empirisk data presenteras tillsammans med teorin och tolkas utifrÄn teorin. Empirin hÀrstammar frÄn Ätta intervjuer och en observation, men bestÄr Àven av sekundÀrdata i form av artiklar frÄn lÀkarfackpress. Vi har gjort ett försök till att dekonstruera den idealbild som New Public Management och Service Management mÄlar upp angÄende hur relationen mellan lÀkare och patient bör vara. Vi menar att en idealbild inte har möjlighet att fÄ fotfÀste utan att ha sÄvÀl historisk som samtida förankring
Investigation of Chlamydophila spp. in dairy cows with reproductive disorders
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reports worldwide indicate high prevalence of <it>Chlamydophila </it>spp. infection in cattle. To assess the prevalence in Sweden, 525 cows in 70 dairy herds with reproductive disorders was investigated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To detect antibodies two commercially available kits were used. Moreover, 107 specimens, including vaginal swabs, organ tissues and milk were analysed by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two (0.4%) cows were seropositive in the Pourquier <it>Cp. abortus </it>ELISA. The seroprevalence with the Chekit ELISA was 28% with no difference between cases and controls. Five specimens were positive in real-time PCR and further analysed by nested PCR. <it>Cp. pecorum </it>was confirmed by partial <it>omp1 </it>DNA sequencing of the nested PCR product of vaginal swabs from control cows.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest that <it>Cp. abortus </it>infection is absent or rare in Swedish cows whereas <it>Cp. pecorum </it>is probably more spread. They also suggest that <it>Chlamydophila </it>spp. are not related to reproduction disorders in Swedish cattle.</p
KriminalvÄrdens lÀrcentrummodell
I examensarbetet framkommer det vilken avgörande roll lÀrare har som samtals- och vÀgledare i kriminalvÄrdens lÀrcentrummodell , trots att majoriteten av dem saknar formella kunskaper i samtals- och/eller vÀgledningsmetodik. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka förutsÀttningarna för samtalen. Detta har skett genom att ta reda pÄ lÀrarnas uppfattningar om samtalen de har med de intagna samt att utreda om det finns nÄgon koppling mellan dessa uppfattningar och lÀrarnas kunskaper i samtals- och/eller vÀgledningsmetodik.
I bakgrunden beskrivs kriminalvÄrdens uppdrag och mÄl, samt rekommendationer för hur dessa mÄl ska uppnÄs, varav studier Àr en del i detta. I senare delen av bakgrunden görs en kort redovisning för hur studieavbrott tidigt i livet kan vara en indikator för en kriminell livsstil. Vidare redovisas statistik över intagnas studiebakgrund. Sedan följer en historisk tillbakablick och en beskrivning av CFL , huvudmannen för utbildningen av de intagna, samt kriminalvÄrdens ansvar i detta arbete. DÀrefter följer en beskrivning av lÀrcentrummodellen och lÀrarnas roll. Avslutningsvis redogörs för hur studie- och yrkesvÀgledningen fungerar rent praktiskt, vad som föregÄr samtalen med de intagna i frÄgor om studier och framtida utbildnings- och/eller yrkesval och hur samtalen genomförs.
Resultatdelen utgÄr ifrÄn en enkÀt med frÄgor stÀllda till lÀrare pÄ kriminalvÄrdens 45 olika lÀrcentra runt om i landet, dÀr vi presenterar en sammanstÀllning av de uppfattningar som lÀrarna har om vad de anser pÄverkar, styr, begrÀnsar och underlÀttar samtalen. I tolkningen kopplar vi till organisations-, vÀglednings- och samtalsteori.
I slutdiskussionen konstaterar vi att det finns brister nÀr det gÀller samtals- och vÀgledningsmetodik inom lÀrcentrummodellen och ger förslag pÄ ÄtgÀrder.
För begreppsdefinitioner och förkortningar se bilaga 5.The thesis reveals that the teachers in the prison service learning center model have a crucial role as guidance councellors, although the majority of them have no formal knowledge of conversation and/or guidance methodology. The study's purpose was to explore the basis for conversations. This was done through finding out teachers 'perceptions of conversations they have with the inmates and to investigate whether there is any connection between these perceptions and teachers' knowledge of conversations and/or guidance methodology.
In the background is described prison service mission and goals, and recommendations on how these goals, of which studies are part of this. In the latter part of the background, a brief account of how the study breaks early in life can be an indicator of a criminal lifestyle. Furthermore, reported statistics on prisoners' educational background. Then follows a historical review and description of the CFL, the organizer of the training of the inmates, and prison administration responsibilities in this work. This is followed by a description of the learning center model and teachers. Finally, it explains how the educational and vocational guidance work in practical terms, what precedes the conversations with the inmates in matters of education and future educational and / or career choices and how conversations are carried out.
The results section is based on a questionnaire addressed to teachers in the prison service 45 different learning centers around the country, where we present a summary of the perceptions of teachers about what they consider to affect, control, restrict and facilitate the conversations. In interpretation, we connect to the organization, guidance and conversation theory.
In the final discussion, we note that there are shortcomings in the conversations and guidance methods in the learning center model and we give suggestions to deal with these shortcomings.
For definitions and abbreviations see Appendix 5
Studentsâ experiences of learning manual clinical skills through simulation
Learning manual skills is a fundamental part of health care education, and motor, sensory and cognitive learning processes are essential aspects of professional development. Simulator training has been shown to enhance factors that facilitate motor and cognitive learning. The present study aimed to investigate the studentsâ experiences and thoughts about their learning through simulation skills training. The study was designed for an educational setting at a clinical skills centre. Ten thirdyear undergraduate nursing students performed urethral catheterisation, using the virtual reality simulator UrecathVisionâą, which has haptic properties. The students practised in pairs. Each session was videotaped and the video was used to stimulate recall in subsequent interviews. The interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The analysis from interviews resulted in threethemes: what the students learn, how the students learn, and the simulatorâs contribution to the studentsâ learning. Students learned manual skills, how to perform the procedure, and professional behaviour. They learned by preparing, watching, practising and reflecting. The simulator contributed by providing opportunities for students to prepare for the skills training, to see anatomical structures, to feel resistance, and to become aware of their own performance ability. The findings show that the students related the task to previous experiences, used sensory information, tested themselves and practised techniques in a hands-on fashion, and reflected in and on action. The simulator was seen as a facilitator to learning the manual skills. The study design, with students working in pairs combined with video recording, was found to enhance opportunities for reflection
Anxiety and depression in adolescents with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders; correlation between parent- and self-reports and with attention and adaptive functioning
Background: Adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are at high risk of anxiety and depression. This is important to identify in the clinical assessment to understand its impact.
Aims: The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between parent- and self-reports of anxiety and depression in adolescents with ADHD or ASD, as well as the correlation with adaptive functioning and performance on an attention test.
Method: A total of 65 adolescents with an ADHD diagnosis (nâ=â24) or an ASD diagnosis (nâ=â41) filled out Beck Youth Inventories of Emotional and Social Impairment (BYI) to assess depression and anxiety and completed a Continuous Performance Test (QbTest) measuring ADHD symptoms. Parents of the participants completed the internalizing domain in the Five to Fifteen questionnaire (FTF), measuring symptoms of anxiety and depression, and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) about the adolescentâs adaptive functioning.
Results: Approximately a third of the study group self-reported substantial internalizing mental symptoms not always recognized by parents, and not always obvious in adaptive function or performance at ADHD test. Correlations between BYI and FTF were low. The BYI depression inventory correlated negatively with VABS and positively with activity level in a subgroup medicated for ADHD. There was a stronger correlation between girls BYI and FTF results as compared with boys.
Conclusions: The results highlight the need for identification of anxiety and depression, using both self- and parent report. Present anxiety and depression symptoms do not seem to affect the clinical assessment of ASD and ADHD
EP receptor expression in human intestinal epithelium and localization relative to the stem cell zone of the crypts.
There is substantial evidence for PGE2 affecting intestinal epithelial proliferation. PGE2 is also reported to be involved in the regulation of growth and differentiation in adult stem cells, both effects mediated by binding to EP-receptors. We have used the Lgr5 as a marker to scrutinize EP-receptor and COX expression in human intestinal epithelial cells with focus on the stem cell area of the crypts. Normal tissue from ileum and colon, but also duodenal biopsies from patients with untreated celiac disease, were investigated by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. The combination of fresh flash-frozen tissue and laser microdissection made it possible to isolate RNA from the epithelial cell layer, only. In the small intestine, Lgr5 labels cells are in the +4 position, while in the colon, Lgr5 positive cells are localized to the crypt bottoms. Epithelial crypt cells of normal small intestine expressed neither EP-receptor mRNA nor COX1/2. However, crypt cells in tissue from patients with untreated celiac disease expressed EP2/4 receptor and COX1 mRNA. In the colon, the situation was different. Epithelial crypt cells from normal colon were found to express EP2/4 receptor and COX1/2 transcripts. Thus, there are distinct differences between normal human small intestine and colon with regard to expression of EP2/4 receptors and COX1/2. In normal colon tissue, PGE2-mediated signaling through EP-receptors 2/4 could be involved in regulation of growth and differentiation of the epithelium, while the lack of EP-receptor expression in the small intestinal tissue exclude the possibility of a direct effect of PGE2 on the crypt epithelial cells