10 research outputs found

    Effect of secular trends on age-related trajectories of cardiovascular risk factors: the Whitehall II longitudinal study 1985-2009

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    Secular trends in cardiovascular risk factors have been described, but few studies have examined simultaneously the effects of both ageing and secular trends within the same cohort

    Age trajectories of glycaemic traits in non-diabetic South Asian and white individuals: the Whitehall II cohort study.

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    South Asian individuals have an increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes, but little is known about the development of glycaemic traits in this ethnic group. We compared age-related changes in glycaemic traits between non-diabetic South Asian and white participants

    Effect of secular trends on age-related trajectories of cardiovascular risk factors: the Whitehall II longitudinal study 1985-2009

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    BACKGROUND:: Secular trends in cardiovascular risk factors have been described, but few studies have examined simultaneously the effects of both ageing and secular trends within the same cohort. METHODS:: Development of cardiovascular risk factors over the past three decades was analysed using serial measurements from 10 308 participants aged from 35 to 80 years over 25 years of follow-up from five clinical examination phases of the Whitehall II study. Changes of body mass index, waist circumference, blood pressure and total and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol distribution characteristics were analysed with quantile regression models in the 57-61 age group. Age-related trajectories of risk factors were assessed by fitting mixed-effects models with adjustment for year of birth to reveal secular trends. RESULTS:: Average body mass index and waist circumference increased faster with age in women than in men, but the unfavourable secular trend was more marked in men. Distributions showed a fattening of the right tail in each consecutive phase, meaning a stronger increase in higher percentiles. Despite the higher obesity levels in younger birth cohorts, total cholesterol decreased markedly in the 57-61 age group along the entire distribution rather than in higher extremes only. CONCLUSION:: The past three decades brought strong and heterogeneous changes in cardiovascular risk factor distributions. Secular trends appear to modify age-related trajectories of cardiovascular risk factors, which may be a source of bias in longitudinal analyses

    Age trajectories of glycaemic traits in non-diabetic South Asian and white individuals: the Whitehall II cohort study

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: South Asian individuals have an increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes, but little is known about the development of glycaemic traits in this ethnic group. We compared age-related changes in glycaemic traits between non-diabetic South Asian and white participants. METHODS: In a prospective British occupational cohort with 5-yearly clinical examinations (n = 230/5,749 South Asian/white participants, age 39-79 years at baseline), age-related trajectories of fasting glucose (FG) and 2 h post-load glucose (PLG), log-transformed fasting insulin (FINS) and 2 h post-load insulin (PLINS), HOMA insulin sensitivity (HOMA2-%S) and HOMA insulin secretion (HOMA2-%B) were fitted for South Asian and white individuals who remained free of diabetes between 1991 and 2009. RESULTS: In sex-adjusted multilevel models, FG was stable in white participants but increased with age in South Asians (0.12 [SE = 0.04] mmol/l per decade). PLG, FINS and PLINS levels were lower among white participants (by 0.271 [SE = 0.092] mmol/l, 0.306 [SE = 0.046] log pmol/l, 0.707 [SE = 0.059] log pmol/l at age 50, respectively) compared with South Asians, although their age-related trajectories were parallel. HOMA2-%S was higher (0.226 [SE = 0.038] at age 50) and HOMA2-%B lower (by 0.189 [SE = 0.026] at age 50) among white than South Asian participants. The age-related decline in HOMA2-%S was similar in these groups, but the age-related increase in HOMA2-%B was greater in white participants (0.04 [SE = 0.02] per decade). This difference was explained by obesity, lifestyle and social status. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Findings from a diabetes-free population suggest an inadequate pancreatic beta cell reserve in South Asians, as a significantly steeper age-related increase in FG was observed in this ethnic group compared with white individuals

    Age trajectories of glycaemic traits in non-diabetic South Asian and white individuals: the Whitehall II cohort study-%S HOMA of insulin sensitivity HOMA2-%B HOMA of insulin secretion PLG 2 h post-load glucose PLINS 2 h post-load insulin

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    Abstract Aims/hypothesis South Asian individuals have an increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes, but little is known about the development of glycaemic traits in this ethnic group. We compared age-related changes in glycaemic traits between non-diabetic South Asian and white participants. 059] log pmol/l at age 50, respectively) compared with South Asians, although their age-related trajectories were parallel. HOMA2-%S was higher (0.226 [SE=0.038] at age 50) and HOMA2-%B lower (by 0.189 [SE=0.026] at age 50) among white than South Asian participants. The agerelated decline in HOMA2-%S was similar in these groups, but the age-related increase in HOMA2-%B was greater in white participants (0.04 [SE=0.02] per decade). This difference was explained by obesity, lifestyle and social status. Conclusions/interpretation Findings from a diabetes-free population suggest an inadequate pancreatic beta cell reserve in South Asians, as a significantly steeper age-related increase in FG was observed in this ethnic group compared with white individuals

    Heterogeneous effect of gestational weight gain on birth weight: quantile regression analysis from a population-based screening

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    PURPOSE: Classical regression models might give an incomplete picture of the associations between predictors and outcomes. We investigated associations between gestational weight gain (GWG) and birth weight along the entire birth weight distribution with quantile regression and estimated effects of hypothetical prevention strategies. METHODS: The GWG-birth weight association was analyzed using quantile and classical regression models on data from a population-based gestational diabetes screening (n = 4760) at the Szent Imre Teaching Hospital in Budapest, Hungary (2002-2005). Birth weight distributions were modeled based on hypothetical GWG changes. RESULTS: At a body mass index of 20 kg/m(2), a 1-kg difference in GWG was associated with a 14.2 g (95% confidence interval, 10.0-20.9) higher birth weight at the fifth percentile of the birth weight distribution and a 29.0 g (21.3-35.6) higher birth weight at the 95th percentile. The coefficient from linear regression was 20.7 (17.5-24.0). Estimates differed modestly between the two regressions at a body mass index of 30 kg/m(2). A population-wide 2-kg decrease in GWG would rather affect the risk of macrosomia (-1.8%) than that of low birth weight (+0.4%). In contrast, a 3-kg decrease in GWG among overweight and obese women would lower macrosomia more modestly (-0.8%). CONCLUSIONS: A population-wide lowering of GWG would lead to greater improvements in the right tail of the birth weight distribution

    Effect of time of day and fasting duration on measures of glycaemia: analysis from the Whitehall II Study.

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    AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: We aimed to study diurnal variation in glucose regulation by examining the effects of time of day and fasting duration on fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 2 h post-load plasma glucose (2hPG) and HbA(1c) levels. METHODS: We analysed data from 5,978 non-diabetic white men and women from the prospective Whitehall II Study. All studied participants fasted for at least 8 h before a clinical examination, which included an OGTT and anthropometric measurements. We fitted mixed-effects models for FPG, 2hPG and HbA(1c) as outcome variables, and time of day and/or fasting duration as explanatory variables. Models were adjusted for age, BMI and study phase. RESULTS: Time of day and fasting duration were associated inversely with FPG and positively with 2hPG. The mean difference between measures at 08:00 and 15:00 hours in men/women was -0.46 (95% CI -0.50, -0.42) mmol/l/-0.39 (95% CI -0.46, -0.31) mmol/l and 1.39 (95% CI 1.25, 1.52) mmol/l/1.19 (95% CI 0.96, 1.42) mmol/l for FPG and 2hPG, respectively. HbA(1c) levels were independent of either time. Time of day and fasting duration were independently associated with 2hPG. In contrast, the effect of fasting duration on FPG was markedly attenuated with adjustment for time of day. Ageing, but not obesity, was associated with increased diurnal variation in glucose tolerance. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Both time of day and fasting duration should be considered in clinical practice and epidemiological studies, since they have clinically relevant effects on FPG and 2hPG levels. As biochemically expected, HbA(1c) levels are independent of time of blood sampling and fasting duration