6,477 research outputs found

    A Geometry for Non-Geometric String Backgrounds

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    A geometric string solution has background fields in overlapping coordinate patches related by diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations, while for a non-geometric background this is generalised to allow transition functions involving duality transformations. Non-geometric string backgrounds arise from T-duals and mirrors of flux compactifications, from reductions with duality twists and from asymmetric orbifolds. Strings in ` T-fold' backgrounds with a local nn-torus fibration and T-duality transition functions in O(n,n;Z)O(n,n;\Z) are formulated in an enlarged space with a T2nT^{2n} fibration which is geometric, with spacetime emerging locally from a choice of a TnT^n submanifold of each T2nT^{2n} fibre, so that it is a subspace or brane embedded in the enlarged space. T-duality acts by changing to a different TnT^n subspace of T2nT^{2n}. For a geometric background, the local choices of TnT^n fit together to give a spacetime which is a TnT^n bundle, while for non-geometric string backgrounds they do not fit together to form a manifold. In such cases spacetime geometry only makes sense locally, and the global structure involves the doubled geometry. For open strings, generalised D-branes wrap a TnT^n subspace of each T2nT^{2n} fibre and the physical D-brane is the part of the part of the physical space lying in the generalised D-brane subspace.Comment: 28 Pages. Minor change

    Background independent action for double field theory

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    Double field theory describes a massless subsector of closed string theory with both momentum and winding excitations. The gauge algebra is governed by the Courant bracket in certain subsectors of this double field theory. We construct the associated nonlinear background-independent action that is T-duality invariant and realizes the Courant gauge algebra. The action is the sum of a standard action for gravity, antisymmetric tensor, and dilaton fields written with ordinary derivatives, a similar action for dual fields with dual derivatives, and a mixed term that is needed for gauge invariance.Comment: 45 pages, v2: minor corrections, refs. added, to appear in JHE

    On the construction of variant supergravities in D=11, D=10

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    We construct with a geometric procedure the supersymmetry transformation laws and Lagrangian for all the ``variant'' D=11 and D=10 Type IIA supergravities. We identify into our classification the D=11 and D=10 Type IIA ``variant'' theories first introduced by Hull performing T-duality transformation on both spacelike and timelike circles. We find in addition a set of D=10 Type IIA ``variant'' supergravities that can not be obtained trivially from eleven dimensions compactifying on a circle.Comment: 21 pages, Late

    Untangling the Conceptual Isssues Raised in Reydon and Scholz’s Critique of Organizational Ecology and Darwinian Populations

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    Reydon and Scholz raise doubts about the Darwinian status of organizational ecology by arguing that Darwinian principles are not applicable to organizational populations. Although their critique of organizational ecology’s typological essentialism is correct, they go on to reject the Darwinian status of organizational populations. This paper claims that the distinction between replicators and interactors, raised in modern philosophy of biology but not discussed by Reydon and Scholz, points the way forward for organizational ecologists. It is possible to conceptualise evolving Darwinian populations providing the inheritance mechanism is appropriately specified. By this approach, adaptation and selection are no longer dichotomised, and the evolutionary significance of knowledge transmission is highlightedPeer reviewe

    Symmetries in M-theory: Monsters, Inc

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    We will review the algebras which have been conjectured as symmetries in M-theory. The Borcherds algebras, which are the most general Lie algebras under control, seem natural candidates.Comment: 6 pages, talk given by PHL at Cargese 200

    U-duality as General Coordinate Transformations, and Spacetime Geometry

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    We show that the full global symmetry groups of all the D-dimensional maximal supergravities can be described in terms of the closure of the internal general coordinate transformations of the toroidal compactifications of D=11 supergravity and of type IIB supergravity, with type IIA/IIB T-duality providing an intertwining between the two pictures. At the quantum level, the part of the U-duality group that corresponds to the surviving discretised internal general coordinate transformations in a given picture leaves the internal torus invariant, while the part that is not described by internal general coordinate transformations can have the effect of altering the size or shape of the internal torus. For example, M-theory compactified on a large torus T^n can be related by duality to a compactification on a small torus, if and only if n\ge 3. We also discuss related issues in the toroidal compactification of the self-dual string to D=4. An appendix includes the complete results for the toroidal reduction of the bosonic sector of type IIB supergravity to arbitrary dimensions D\ge3.Comment: Latex, 28 page

    Spiral cracks in drying precipitates

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    We investigate the formation of spiral crack patterns during the desiccation of thin layers of precipitates in contact with a substrate. This symmetry-breaking fracturing mode is found to arise naturally not from torsion forces, but from a propagating stress front induced by the fold-up of the fragments. We model their formation mechanism using a coarse-grain model for fragmentation and successfully reproduce the spiral cracks. Fittings of experimental and simulation data show that the spirals are logarithmic, corresponding to constant deviation from a circular crack path. Theoretical aspects of the logarithmic spirals are discussed. In particular we show that this occurs generally when the crack speed is proportional to the propagating speed of stress front.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, RevTe

    T-duality in the weakly curved background

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    We consider the closed string propagating in the weakly curved background which consists of constant metric and Kalb-Ramond field with infinitesimally small coordinate dependent part. We propose the procedure for constructing the T-dual theory, performing T-duality transformations along coordinates on which the Kalb-Ramond field depends. The obtained theory is defined in the non-geometric double space, described by the Lagrange multiplier yμy_\mu and its TT-dual y~μ\tilde{y}_\mu. We apply the proposed T-duality procedure to the T-dual theory and obtain the initial one. We discuss the standard relations between T-dual theories that the equations of motion and momenta modes of one theory are the Bianchi identities and the winding modes of the other

    Intersection rules, dynamics and symmetries

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    We consider theories containing gravity, at most one dilaton and form field strengths. We show that the existence of particular BPS solutions of intersecting extremal closed branes select the theories, which upon dimensional reduction to three dimensions possess a simple simply laced Lie group symmetry G. Furthermore these theories can be fully reconstructed from the dynamics of such branes and of their openings. Amongst such theories are the effective actions of the bosonic sector of M-theory and of the bosonic string. The BPS intersecting brane solutions form representations of a subgroup of the group of Weyl reflections and outer automorphisms of the triple Kac-Moody extension G+++ of the G algebra, which cannot be embedded in the overextended Kac-Moody subalgebra G++ characterising the cosmological Kasner solutions.Comment: Latex 30 pages, 3 figure