169 research outputs found

    Accelerated Reader Program: An Implementation Guide for Teachers

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    The purpose of this project was to develop a plan for educators, librarians and administrators to use in implementing the Accelerated Reader Program, a computerized reading management program. Research on the benefits of this program was studied. A handbook was created that includes information and processes for the set up, management and use of incentives for the Accelerated Reader Program. This information is presented both for implementation in the individual classrooms as well as school wide

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Cortical Responses to Speech Production

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    This research demonstrates near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as a flexible methodology for measuring cortical activity during overt speech production while avoiding some limitations of traditional imaging technologies. Specifically, language production research has been limited in the number of participants and the types of paradigms that can be reasonably investigated using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) – where a sensitivity to motion has encouraged covert (i.e., nonvocalized) production paradigms – and positron emission tomography (PET), which allows a greater range of motion but introduces practical and ethical limitations to the populations that can be studied. Moreover, for these traditional technologies, the equipment is expensive and not portable, effectively limiting most studies to small, local samples in a relatively few labs. In contrast, NIRS is a relatively inexpensive, portable, noninvasive alternative that is robust to motion artifacts associated with overt speech production. The current study shows that NIRS data is consistent with behavioral and traditional imaging data on cortical activation associated with overt speech production. Specifically, the NIRS data show robust activation in the left temporal region and no significant change in activation in the analogous right hemisphere region in a sample of native, English-speaking adults in a picture-naming task. These findings illustrate the utility of NIRS as a valid method for tracking cortical activity and advance it as a powerful alternative when traditional imaging techniques are not a viable option for researchers investigating the neural substrates supporting speech production

    To Block or Not to Block: Section 1983, Lindke, and Government Accountability in the Age of Social-Media

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    Who Watches the Watchmen?: Police Accountability Under 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

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    Smoking affects gene expression in blood of patients with ischemic stroke.

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    ObjectiveThough cigarette smoking (CS) is a well-known risk factor for ischemic stroke (IS), there is no data on how CS affects the blood transcriptome in IS patients.MethodsWe recruited IS-current smokers (IS-SM), IS-never smokers (IS-NSM), control-smokers (C-SM), and control-never smokers (C-NSM). mRNA expression was assessed on HTA-2.0 microarrays and unique as well as commonly expressed genes identified for IS-SM versus IS-NSM and C-SM versus C-NSM.ResultsOne hundred and fifty-eight genes were differentially expressed in IS-SM versus IS-NSM; 100 genes were differentially expressed in C-SM versus C-NSM; and 10 genes were common to both IS-SM and C-SM (P < 0.01; |fold change| â‰¥ 1.2). Functional pathway analysis showed the 158 IS-SM-regulated genes were associated with T-cell receptor, cytokine-cytokine receptor, chemokine, adipocytokine, tight junction, Jak-STAT, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, and adherens junction signaling. IS-SM showed more altered genes and functional networks than C-SM.InterpretationWe propose some of the 10 genes that are elevated in both IS-SM and C-SM (GRP15, LRRN3, CLDND1, ICOS, GCNT4, VPS13A, DAP3, SNORA54, HIST1H1D, and SCARNA6) might contribute to increased risk of stroke in current smokers, and some genes expressed by blood leukocytes and platelets after stroke in smokers might contribute to worse stroke outcomes that occur in smokers

    Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Ischemic Stroke of Different Etiologies Have Distinct Alternatively Spliced mRNA Profiles in the Blood: a Pilot RNA-seq Study.

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    Whole transcriptome studies have used 3'-biased expression microarrays to study genes regulated in the blood of stroke patients. However, alternatively spliced messenger RNA isoforms have not been investigated for ischemic stroke or intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in animals or humans. Alternative splicing is the mechanism whereby different combinations of exons of a single gene produce distinct mRNA and protein isoforms. Here, we used RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to determine if alternative splicing differs for ICH and cardioembolic, large vessel and lacunar causes of ischemic stroke compared to controls. RNA libraries from 20 whole blood samples were sequenced to 200 M 2 × 100 bp reads using Illumina sequencing-by-synthesis technology. Differential alternative splicing was assessed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and differential exon usage was calculated. Four hundred twelve genes displayed differential alternative splicing among the groups (false discovery rate, FDR; p < 0.05). They were involved in cellular immune response, cell death, and cell survival pathways. Distinct expression signatures based on usage of 308 exons (292 genes) differentiated the groups (p < 0.0005; fold change >|1.2|). This pilot study demonstrates that alternatively spliced genes from whole blood differ in ICH compared to ischemic stroke and differ between different ischemic stroke etiologies. These results require validation in a separate cohort

    Distinctive temporal profiles of detergent-soluble and -insoluble tau and Aβ species in human Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology relevant proteins tau and beta-amyloid (Aβ) exist as an array of post-translationally modified and conformationally altered species with varying abundance, solubility and toxicity. Insoluble neurofibrillary tau tangles and Aβ plaques are end-stage AD hallmarks, yet may carry less disease significance compared to soluble species. At present, it is unclear how soluble and insoluble tau and Aβ relate to each other as well as to disease progression. Here, detergent soluble and insoluble fractions generated from post-mortem human temporal lobe samples (Brodmann area 21) were probed for tau and Aβ markers in immuno-dot assays. Measures were quantified according to diagnosis (AD cf. Non-AD), neuropathological severity, and correlated with disease progression (Braak stages). All markers were elevated within AD cases cf. non-AD controls (p &lt; 0.05) independent of solubility. However, when considered according to neuropathological severity, phospho-tau (detected via CP13 and AT8 antibodies) was elevated early within the soluble fraction (p &lt; 0.05 intermediate cf. low severity) and emerged only later within the insoluble fraction (p &lt; 0.05 high cf. low severity). In contrast, PHF1 phospho-tau, TOC1 reactive tau oligomers and amyloid markers rose within the two fractions simultaneously. Independent of solubility, cognitive correlations were observed for tau makers and for fibrillary amyloid (OC), however only soluble total Aβ was significantly correlated with intellectual impairment. Following the exclusion of end-stage cases, only soluble total Aβ remained correlated with cognition. The data indicate differential rates of protein aggregation during AD progression and confirm the disease relevance of early emerging soluble Aβ species.</p
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