195 research outputs found

    Insurability of export credit risks

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    Firms exporting their goods and services abroad face risks that are different from the risks faced by firms who do not engage in international trade. It is common practice to allow the receiving party to pay in instalments. The exporting firm faces credit risk, but as in most countries, Dutch firms can insure such risks. To some extent, such export credit risks can be insured on the private market. There are private insurance companies that insure short-term risks. On the Dutch market, Gerling NCM, Coface, and Euler-Cobac operate as insurers. The Dutch government acts as reinsurer of long-term export credit risks (three years or more). A reinsurance agreement exists with Gerling NCM for this purpose. Short-term and medium-term contracts can be reinsured in the private reinsurance market. In almost all OECD countries export credits are officially supported. This can take the form of direct finance (e.g. US, Canada) or the government can insure the export credit risks (directly as for example in the United Kingdom or indirectly by reinsuring a private insurer such as in the Netherlands). The role of this government-backed insurance on exports to certain countries is important as experience has shown that the private market is very reluctant to cover long term export risks to non-OECD countries. Considering the government involvement in this market, one can raise the following questions: 1. What are the key determinants of export credit risk insurability by the private market? 2. Which export credit risks can be covered by the private market? In the report, an answer to these questions is provided by means of a literature review and an extensive field study, with special emphasis on the role of the Dutch government as a reinsurer of export credit risks. The main conclusions are as follows. Economic theory predicts that firms that operate risk averse are willing to pay an insurance premium. Large (say listed) firms operate at a relative low degree of risk aversion. These firms can use internal risk hedging as a useful alternative to private export credit risk insurance. Medium-sized firms are more likely to apply for export credit risk insurance, while small firms probably face problems (since for this group there is only one supplier of insurance active in the Dutch market). Small firms do not have the knowledge to hedge export risks differently than by export credit insurance in the Netherlands. They lack the resources and knowledge to have access to the international insurance markets. Moreover, the duration of the coverage is often not as long as exporting companies would like (this is experienced by both large and small companies). This is partly due to reinsurance restrictions faced by the insurance companies. A related problem to insurability is the high market concentration of supply. Market dominance leads to monopolistic rent extraction. In the case of the Netherlands this might apply to Gerling NCM. On the other hand relationship insurance seems to be a popular model. In our field study, firms point at a preference for long-lasting relations. Most exporters seem to have low price elasticity of insurance demand. Economic theory predicts moral hazard to be an important determinant of insurability. The issue of moral hazard, though recognized by insurance companies, does not dominate the perception of insurability. The price of export credit insurance is largely determined by macroeconomic risk factors, such as political risk. This leads us to the second main issue: what role should the government play on the market for export credit risk insurance and which risks should be covered by the governement? We argue the following: ? In markets with asymmetric information it is likely that profitable projects will be denied insurance. If the government considers export growth as one of its main goals, it should interfere in the market by lowering relative prices; ? The government is equipped to hedge intertemporal risks due to a low social cost of capital. In our field study some market participants point at the responsibility the government should take, especially in the case of small exporting companies; ? The government should offer opportunities to hedge macroeconomic risks, such as political/country risk. These risk types are seen as the main drivers of export insurance premium contracts; ? Moral hazard of public (re-)insurance might be a problem, but is not perceived as such in our field study by (re)insurance companies operating in the private market. The relation between the Dutch government and Gerling NCM is different, though. Gerling NCM retains no risk on its public account, and the government cannot end its relation with Gerling NCM. Therefore, moral hazard could be a problem in this insurer/reinsurer relation; ? Besides direct interference, the government should take care of prudential regulation of the insurance sector. Monopolistic behaviour should be avoided by appropriate regulation. Especially contracts that have a large geographical nature are subject to at least monopolistic competition. Clients who are not satisfied with the monopoly supplier should be able to meet other suppliers (at home or abroad). This holds especially for long-term contracts. In all cases the government should operate in a prudential way. No involvement may prevent profitable projects from being insured, too much involvement may crowd out the market for private export credit risk insurance. Finally, based on the research, we recommend the following. ? It seems that the industrial organization of the market for export credit risks insurance is an important issue. Some firms that were interviewed mentioned the large number of alternatives in the London market. This reinforces the idea of increasing competition in the Netherlands. ? There is a large barrier to entry on the Dutch market: an insurance company needs extensive datasets to go into business. Old firms have a competitive advantage by controlling such databases. Perhaps public data collection (at EU level) could mitigate this problem. ? Especially smaller firms are not aware of possibilities on the international market for export credit risk insurance. A national campaign explaining and informing about alternative risk products (not necessarily insurance products) will help exporters to find a better solution for reducing the risks they are exposed to. Keywords: export credit risk, insurance, moral hazard, ratin

    The Business Model: Recent Developments and Future Research

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    This article provides a broad and multifaceted review of the received literature on business models in which the authors examine the business model concept through multiple subject-matter lenses. The review reveals that scholars do not agree on what a business model is and that the literature is developing largely in silos, according to the phenomena of interest of the respective researchers. However, the authors also found emerging common themes among scholars of business models. Specifically, (1) the business model is emerging as a new unit of analysis; (2) business models emphasize a system-level, holistic approach to explaining how firms “do business”; (3) firm activities play an important role in the various conceptualizations of business models that have been proposed; and (4) business models seek to explain how value is created, not just how it is captured. These emerging themes could serve as catalysts for a more unified study of business models

    Embracing open innovation to acquire external ideas and technologies and to transfer internal ideas and technologies outside

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    The objective of this dissertation is to increase understanding of how organizations can embrace open innovation in order to acquire external ideas and technologies from outside the organization, and to transfer internal ideas and technologies to outside the organization. The objective encompasses six sub-objectives, each addressed in one or more substudies. Altogether, the dissertation consists of nine substudies and a compendium summarizing the substudies. An extensive literature review was conducted on open innovation and crowdsourcing literature (substudies 1–4). In the subsequent empirical substudies, both qualitative research methods (substudies 5–7) and quantitative research methods (substudies 8–9) were applied. The four literature review substudies provided insights on the body of knowledge on open innovation and crowdsourcing. These substudies unveiled most of the influential articles, authors, and journals of open innovation and crowdsourcing disciplines. Moreover, they identified research gaps in the current literature. The empirical substudies offer several insightful findings. Substudy 5 shows how non-core ideas and technologies of a large firm can become valuable, especially for small firms. Intermediary platforms can find solutions to many pressing problems of large organizations by engaging renowned scientists from all over world (substudy 6). Intermediary platforms can also bring breakthrough innovations with novel mechanisms (substudy 7). Large firms are not only able to garner ideas by engaging their customers through crowdsourcing but they can also build long-lasting relations with their customers (substudies 8 and 9). Embracing open innovation brings challenges for firms too. Firms need to change their organizational structures in order to be able to fully benefit from open innovation. When crowdsourcing is successful, it produces a very large number of new ideas. This has the consequence that firms need to allocate a significant amount of resources in order to identify the most promising ideas. In an idea contest, customarily, only one or a few best ideas are rewarded (substudy 7). Sometimes, no reward is provided for the selected idea (substudies 8 and 9). Most of the ideas that are received are not implemented in practice

    Politics of nanotechnologies in food and agriculture

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    The chapter discusses the reasons for the delay in the regulatory intervention concerning nanotechnologies used in the agriculture and food sectors. The main finding is that unregulated introduction of nanoinnovation into the food system is due to the current neoliberal food policy and to the power struggles that characterize the economic, social and political dynamics within the global supply chain. Therefore, it is necessary to put the ‘question concerning technology’ at the center of the regulatory debate in order to implement a regulatory system able to face nanorisks. Which means looking at the way in which technology controls power relationships within society. Attention should be shifted from efficiency to power issues, and new technologies should be assessed from a political rather than an economic or ethical perspective

    Immunogenicity and efficacy of one and two doses of Ad26.COV2.S COVID vaccine in adult and aged NHP

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    Safe and effective coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) vaccines are urgently needed to control the ongoing pandemic. While single-dose vaccine regimens would provide multiple advantages, two doses may improve the magnitude and durability of immunity and protective efficacy. We assessed one-and two-dose regimens of the Ad26.COV2.S vaccine candidate in adult and aged nonhuman primates (NHPs). A two-dose Ad26.COV2.S regimen induced higher peak binding and neutralizing antibody responses compared with a single dose. In one-dose regimens, neutralizing antibody responses were stable for at least 14 wk, providing an early indication of durability. Ad26.COV2.S induced humoral immunity and T helper cell (Th cell) 1-skewed cellular responses in aged NHPs that were comparable to those in adult animals. Aged Ad26.COV2.S-vaccinated animals challenged 3 mo after dose 1 with a SARS-CoV-2 spike G614 variant showed near complete lower and substantial upper respiratory tract protection for both regimens. Neutralization of variants of concern by NHP sera was reduced for B.1.351 lineages while maintained for the B.1.1.7 lineage independent of Ad26.COV2.S vaccine regimen.Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie