23 research outputs found

    The Open Brain Consent: Informing research participants and obtaining consent to share brain imaging data

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    Having the means to share research data openly is essential to modern science. For human research, a key aspect in this endeavor is obtaining consent from participants, not just to take part in a study, which is a basic ethical principle, but also to share their data with the scientific community. To ensure that the participants' privacy is respected, national and/or supranational regulations and laws are in place. It is, however, not always clear to researchers what the implications of those are, nor how to comply with them. The Open Brain Consent (https://open-brain-consent.readthedocs.io) is an international initiative that aims to provide researchers in the brain imaging community with information about data sharing options and tools. We present here a short history of this project and its latest developments, and share pointers to consent forms, including a template consent form that is compliant with the EU general data protection regulation. We also share pointers to an associated data user agreement that is not only useful in the EU context, but also for any researchers dealing with personal (clinical) data elsewhere

    Data Privacy Survey: Challenges and needs of privacy-related services for research at Utrecht University

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    In the second quarter of 2022, Utrecht University (UU) Research Data Management Support (RDM Support) sent out a survey among all scientific personnel at Utrecht University, and organised one-on-one meetings with a selection of them. The aim of these efforts was to investigate 1) How UU researchers currently deal with personal data in their research, 2) What challenges they run into when handling personal data in research, and 3) How support at UU can improve their services concerning personal data in research. The survey and one-on-one meetings were part of the Data Privacy Project, an RDM Support project to improve information, tools and services surrounding personal data in research. This is a deposit of the GitHub repository which contains the reports written about the survey, the documentation, fake data, and code. The reports can be read online as well via https://utrechtuniversity.github.io/dataprivacysurvey. Changes between v1.0.1 and v1.1 Clean up the repository Add and fix repository metadata Make the report reproducible by adding fake data files and an easier option to recreate the report (tested locally) Change logo to UU logo Full Changelog: https://github.com/UtrechtUniversity/dataprivacysurvey/compare/v1.0.1...v1.

    DNM2021 - Open (Neuro)science: facilitating transparency, collaboration, and reliability in human neuroimaging research

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    Slides for the talk given at the Dutch neuroscience meeting 2021. The talks can be viewed here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvYm9o6tx99O-1Ko9-Fvlo77VoUy-oaw

    OpenMR Benelux

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    A repository for operational and educational content for OpenMR Benelux events

    Session materials for "FAIRifying Open Educational Resources"

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    Slides and participant document from session 1.5 "FAIRifying Open Educational Materials", organized as part of the Netherlands National Open Science Festival on August 31st, 2023 at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Abstract In the spirit of "practicing what we preach," this interactive workshop aims to extend the application of FAIR principles to Open Educational Resources. The FAIR principles ensure that research outputs are discoverable by machines (e.g., search engines), fostering greater accessibility and reusability. While the focus has typically been on data and software, we believe that the same logic can be applied to other types of Open Science outputs. In this workshop, we will discuss how to make educational resources Open and FAIR, using practical examples from previous works at our institutions, such as the Data Privacy Handbook and the Qualitative FAIR Data Coursebook. Next, workshop participants will learn how to make their own educational resources FAIR, among others by annotating them with Schema vocabularies to improve their discoverability. The workshop is designed for teachers, academics and the research support community interested in making Open Educational Resources more FAIR.This deposit contains the powerpoint slides (.pptx, .pdf) presented during the session, and a pseudonymized version of the working document that participants worked in during the session (.odt, .pdf). This version 1.1 also contains an empty working document that allows for easier reuse (.odt)

    Session materials for "FAIRifying Open Educational Resources"

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    Slides and participant document from session 1.5 "FAIRifying Open Educational Materials", organized as part of the Netherlands National Open Science Festival on August 31st, 2023 at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Abstract In the spirit of "practicing what we preach," this interactive workshop aims to extend the application of FAIR principles to Open Educational Resources. The FAIR principles ensure that research outputs are discoverable by machines (e.g., search engines), fostering greater accessibility and reusability. While the focus has typically been on data and software, we believe that the same logic can be applied to other types of Open Science outputs. In this workshop, we will discuss how to make educational resources Open and FAIR, using practical examples from previous works at our institutions, such as the Data Privacy Handbook and the Qualitative FAIR Data Coursebook. Next, workshop participants will learn how to make their own educational resources FAIR, among others by annotating them with Schema vocabularies to improve their discoverability. The workshop is designed for teachers, academics and the research support community interested in making Open Educational Resources more FAIR.This deposit contains the powerpoint slides (.pptx, .pdf) presented during the session, and a pseudonymized version of the working document that participants worked in during the session (.odt, .pdf)

    datalad/datalad-osf: citable brainhack: DOI-ify the hackathon result

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    This extension enables DataLad to work with the Open Science Framework (OSF). Use it to publish your dataset's data to an OSF project to utilize the OSF for dataset storage and sharing

    Brain MRI data sharing guide

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    We present a guide on sharing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data, with a focus on The Netherlands. The guide is meant as a help for researchers to know what they can share and where, and where they can find information or support

    Brain MRI data sharing guide

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    We present a guide on sharing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data of the brain, with a focus on The Netherlands. The guide is meant as a help for researchers to know what they can share and where, and where they can find information or support. More information about the project can be found in the Github repository. An interactive version of this guide is available at https://www.dorienhuijser.com/MRIsharingguide/