44 research outputs found

    Intraprostatic Injection of Alcohol Gel for the Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Preliminary Clinical Results

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    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most common diseases ailing older men. Office-based procedures offer the advantage of being more effective than medications, while limiting the adverse effects, cost, and recovery of surgery. This study presents preliminary data on a new procedure that utilizes intraprostatic alcohol gel injection to ablate prostatic tissue. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of using this gel as a treatment for BPH

    Solid Organ Transplantation During COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Web-based Survey on Resources’ Allocation

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    Background. Solid organ transplants (SOTs) are life-saving interventions, recently challenged by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SOTs require a multistep process, which can be affected by COVID-19 at several phases. Methods. SOT-specialists, COVID-19-specialists, and medical ethicists designed an international survey according to CHERRIES guidelines. Personal opinions about continuing SOTs, safe managing of donors and recipients, as well as equity of resources' allocation were investigated. The survey was sent by e-mail. Multiple approaches were used (corresponding authors from Scopus, websites of scientific societies, COVID-19 webinars). After the descriptive analysis, univariate and multivariate ordinal regression analysis was performed. Results. There were 1819 complete answers from 71 countries. The response rate was 49%. Data were stratified according to region, macrospecialty, and organ of interest. Answers were analyzed using univariate- multivariate ordinal regression analysis and thematic analysis. Overall, 20% of the responders thought SOTs should not stop (continue transplant without restriction); over 70% suggested SOTs should selectively stop, and almost 10% indicated they should completely stop. Furthermore, 82% agreed to shift resources from transplant to COVID-19 temporarily. Briefly, main reason for not stopping was that if the transplant will not proceed, the organ will be wasted. Focusing on SOT from living donors, 61% stated that activity should be restricted only to "urgent"cases. At the multivariate analysis, factors identified in favor of continuing transplant were Italy, ethicist, partially disagreeing on the equity question, a high number of COVID-19- related deaths on the day of the answer, a high IHDI country. Factors predicting to stop SOTs were Europe except-Italy, public university hospital, and strongly agreeing on the equity question. Conclusions. In conclusion, the majority of responders suggested that transplant activity should be continued through the implementation of isolation measures and the adoption of the COVID-19-free pathways. Differences between professional categories are less strong than supposed

    Infertilidad masculina

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    Se estima que aproximadamente un 15% de las parejas son incapaces de concebir luego de un año de relaciones sexuales no protegidas; 30% son debidas a factor femenino y 30% a factor masculino. El 40% restante es de causa mixta. La evaluación inicial de rutina en el varón (que incluye una detallada historia clínica, examen físico y test básicos como perfil hormonal y análisis seminal) es por lo tanto esencial para la mejoría de su fertilidad. El varicocele, criptorquidia no tratada y las infecciones del tracto urogenital son las causas identificables más frecuentes de infertilidad masculina. Causas menos frecuentes son las disfunciones sexuales, trastornos endocrinos y efectos adversos de medicamentos. Los tratamientos para estas patologías han sido efectivos en la mayoría de los casos, permitiendo a un importante número de parejas concebir en forma espontánea. Si esto no es posible, las parejas pueden recurrir a técnicas de reproducción asistida de baja complejidad, tales como la Inseminación Intrauterina. Y sólo en aquellos casos con problemas más severos recurriremos a técnicas de reproducción de alta complejidad como por ejemplo el ICSI (Inyección Intracitoplasmática de Espermatozoides). Importantes progresos en el área de la Microcirugía permiten no sólo reparar la vía seminal en muchos casos, sino también recuperar espermatozoides de pacientes con atrofia testicular. En los últimos años, junto con el ICSI, han sido una importante contribución

    Interstitial thermal therapy in patients with localized prostate cancer: Histologic analysis

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    Objectives. To examine, by way of histologic examination, the destruction of excised prostate glands treated with thermal ablation. Thermal ablation treatment with permanently implanted temperature selfregulating rods is being used in the treatment of localized prostate cancer. Methods. Four patients with biopsy-proven prostate cancer, who had been scheduled for routine radical prostatectomy with a gland size of less than 70 g, Gleason sum of 7 or less, and prostate-specific antigen values less than 10.0 ng/mL, were implanted with 70°C rods under ultrasound and fluoroscopic control. The patients were then given multiple thermal treatments. Glands were removed and histologically analyzed to access the thermal destruction. Results. Histologic examination revealed confluent thermal destruction within the rod array when the rods were placed end-to-end and no farther than 1 cm apart. Little necrosis was seen outside the array. To ensure the necessary destruction, the rods must be placed at the capsule, including posteriorly near the rectum. The results indicated that energy levels greater than 40 W-min/g of tissue should be used. This can be achieved by implanting 1.5 rods/g of prostate and treating the patient for 60 minutes. In 3 of the 4 patients, no residual cancer was found in the gland after thermal treatment. Conclusions. Histologic examination has aided in determining the implant density and treatment time and, therefore, the necessary energy, for adequate necrosis. The technique demonstrates the ability to destroy the prostate adequately, including tissue at the capsule. This new procedure appears promising in the treatment of localized prostate cancer

    In vivo temperature mapping of prostate during treatment with TherMatrx TMx-2000 device: Heat field and MRI determinations of necrotic lesions

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    Background and Purpose: The effectiveness of any thermotherapy device is determined by the temperatures created and how long they are applied. Understanding the heating characteristics of a thermotherapy device is vital to its correct implementation. Interstitial temperature mapping was used to determine the heat field created within the prostate by the TherMatrx TMx-2000 transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) device. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI was used to determine the extent, type, and pattern of coagulation necrosis caused by TUMT. Patients and Methods: Interstitial temperature mapping was performed during treatment in five patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia using 24 temperature sensors inserted through the perineum and arrayed throughout the prostate under ultrasound and X-ray guidance. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI scans were performed on all patients 1 week after treatment. Results: Interstitial temperature mapping found the heat field created to peak at the urethral surfac

    Ablation of Stage T 1

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    Relationship among metabolizing genes, smoking and alcohol used as modifier factors on prostate cancer risk: Exploring some gene-gene and gene-environment interactions

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    Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common male cancers, but the burden of this disease shows remarkable worldwide variation. The role of susceptibility low penetrance genes and environmental factors in the etiology of (PCa) is unclear, but may involve, in some cases, multiple alleles at multiple loci and environmental factors. Study Objectives: To assess whether CYP1A1, GSTM1, GSTT1 susceptibility genotypes, smoking status and alcohol consumption factors contribute to PCa risk, gene-gene and gene-environment interactions were analyzed. Design and Participants: We explored interactions on a multiplicative scale conducting a population-based case-control and a case-only study on 103 incident PCa patients and 132 unrelated controls. Main Results: The interaction odds ratios (IOR) for PCa risk were increased in men who had both susceptibility genotypes GST (M1; T1) null and CYP1A1-M1* in a case-control and case-only design (IORcc: 1.11; 95% CI: 0.12-10.02; IORcc: 6.23; 95%, CI: 0.51-75.89; IORco: 2.80; 95% CI: 0.44-17.45 and IORco: 2.65; 95%, CI: 0.30-25.40). No clear evidence for interaction on a multiplicative scale between smoking status, alcohol consumption and genetic polymorphisms in PCa risk was observed. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the interaction between genetic polymorphisms in GST (T1; M1) and CYP1A1-M1* would play a significant role as a modifying factor on PCa risk in Chilean people. However, these preliminary exploratory results should be confirmed in a larger study.This work was supported by the National Cancer Corporation of Chile (CONAC) and National Fund of Scientific Development FONDECYT Grant No. 3020043