48 research outputs found

    Local breaking of four-fold rotational symmetry by short-range magnetic order in heavily overdoped Ba(Fe1βˆ’x_{1-x}Cux_{x})2_{2}As2_{2}

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    We investigate Cu-doped Ba(Fe1βˆ’x_{1-x}Cux_x)2_2As2_2 with transport, magnetic susceptibility, and elastic neutron scattering measurements. In the heavily Cu-doped regime where long-range stripe-type antiferromagnetic order in BaFe2_2As2_2 is suppressed, Ba(Fe1βˆ’x_{1-x}Cux_x)2_2As2_2 (0.145 ≀x≀\leq x \leq 0.553) samples exhibit spin-glass-like behavior in magnetic susceptibility and insulating-like temperature dependence in electrical transport. Using elastic neutron scattering, we find stripe-type short-range magnetic order in the spin-glass region identified by susceptibility measurements. The persistence of short-range magnetic order over a large doping range in Ba(Fe1βˆ’x_{1-x}Cux_x)2_2As2_2 likely arises from local arrangements of Fe and Cu that favor magnetic order, with Cu acting as vacancies relieving magnetic frustration and degeneracy. These results indicate locally broken four-fold rotational symmetry, suggesting that stripe-type magnetism is ubiquitous in iron pnictides.Comment: accepted by Physical Review B Rapid Communication

    Observation of a mesoscopic magnetic modulation in chiral Mn1/3NbS2

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    We have investigated the structural, magnetic, thermodynamic, and charge transport properties of Mn1/3NbS2 single crystals through x-ray and neutron diffraction, magnetization, specific heat, magnetoresistance, and Hall effect measurements. Mn1/3NbS2 displays a magnetic transition at TC ~ 45 K with highly anisotropic behavior expected for a hexagonal structured material. Below TC, neutron diffraction reveals increased scattering near the structural Bragg peaks having a wider Q-dependence along the c-axis than the nuclear Bragg peaks. This indicates helimagnetism with a long pitch length of ~250 nm (or a wavevector q~0.0025 {\AA}-1) along the c-axis. This q is substantially smaller than that found for the helimagnetic state in isostructural Cr1/3NbS2 (0.015 {\AA}-1). Specific heat capacity measurements confirm a second-order magnetic phase transition with a substantial magnetic contribution that persists to low temperature. The large low-temperature specific heat capacity is consistent with a large density of low-lying magnetic excitations that are likely associated with topologically interesting magnetic modes. Changes to the magnetoresistance, the magnetization, and the magnetic neutron diffraction, which become more apparent below 20 K, imply a modification in the character of the magnetic ordering corresponding to the magnetic contribution to the specific heat capacity. These observations signify a more complex magnetic structure both at zero and finite fields for Mn1/3NbS2 than for the well-investigated Cr1/3NbS2.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic order and fluctuations in quasi-two-dimensional planar magnet Sr(Co1βˆ’x_{1-x}Nix_x)2_2As2_2

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    We use neutron scattering to investigate spin excitations in Sr(Co1βˆ’x_{1-x}Nix)2_{x})_2As2_2, which has a cc-axis incommensurate helical structure of the two-dimensional (2D) in-plane ferromagnetic (FM) ordered layers for 0.013≀x≀0.250.013\leq x \leq 0.25. By comparing the wave vector and energy dependent spin excitations in helical ordered Sr(Co0.9_{0.9}Ni0.1_{0.1})2_2As2_2 and paramagnetic SrCo2_2As2_2, we find that Ni-doping, while increasing lattice disorder in Sr(Co1βˆ’x_{1-x}Nix)2_{x})_2As2_2, enhances quasi-2D FM spin fluctuations. However, our band structure calculations within the combined density functional theory and dynamic mean field theory (DFT+DMFT) failed to generate a correct incommensurate wave vector for the observed helical order from nested Fermi surfaces. Since transport measurements reveal increased in-plane and cc-axis electrical resistivity with increasing Ni-doping and associated lattice disorder, we conclude that the helical magnetic order in Sr(Co1βˆ’x_{1-x}Nix)2_{x})_2As2_2 may arise from a quantum order-by-disorder mechanism through the itinerant electron mediated Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interactions