7 research outputs found

    Elaboraci贸n de pan multigrano con harinas precocidas por extrusi贸n = Multigrain bread processing with extruded flours

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    Se estudi贸 el efecto en la calidad del pan seg煤n el proceso de elaboraci贸n y del nivel de sustituci贸n (20%, 36%) de una harina precocida por extrusi贸n preparada en base a combinaci贸n de avena, soja y salvado de trigo en la calidad del pan. Se caracteriz贸 la harina compuesta seg煤n sus propiedades funcionales (脥ndice de Absorci贸n de Agua), granulometr铆a y propiedades nutricionales (prote铆na, fibra total, fibra soluble, cenizas, materia grasa). Se realiz贸 seguimiento del volumen, 铆ndice de blancura, medidas reol贸gicas (dureza, cohesividad, elasticidad y masticabilidad) de los panes. Las condiciones del proceso de elaboraci贸n fue lo que gener贸 mayor impacto en la calidad del pan. Los cambios operativos realizados provocaron un incremento del 37% en el volumen, 6% de elasticidad y 15% de cohesividad, y una disminuci贸n del 44% de dureza y 34% de masticabilidad. Esta tendencia se mantuvo en los cuatro d铆as siguientes al d铆a de elaboraci贸n. El nivel de sustituci贸n de harina compuesta no provoc贸 cambios significativos en la dureza, elasticidad y masticabilidad del pan, pero se observaron cambios en la cohesividad y volumen. El pan con 36% de sustituci贸n result贸 un 7% menos cohesivo y con un 27% menos de volumen que el de 20% de sustituci贸n

    Fortificaci贸n de harina de trigo con 谩cido f贸lico y hierro en Uruguay; implicancias en la nutrici贸n = Fortification of wheat flour with folic acid and iron in Uruguay; implications for nutrition

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    This study assessed folic acid (FA) and iron (Fe) content in flour fortified according to the levels regulated by law, and estimate the degree of adequacy of FA and Fe contained in French bread with the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) and tolerable upper limits for different groups of Uruguayan population. Ten samples of flour and bread were analyzed. The median value for added FA and of the total Fe in flour was 2.3 and 48 mg/kg respectively. The recommended intake of bread covers the median value between 27% and 90% of the RDAs for Fe and between 69% and 104% of dietary folate equivalents in different groups. To sum up, fortification levels in flour adjusted to, exceeded or did not reach the regulated levels. Bread was a basic means to help cover RDAs in vulnerable people

    L铆pidos, sodio y fibra diet茅tica en harina de trigo y pan artesanal en Uruguay = Lipids, sodium and dietary fiber in wheat flour and artisan bread in Uruguay: nutritional intake according to the recommendations for different population groups : aporte nutricional seg煤n recomendaciones para distintos grupos de poblaci贸n

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    This research assessed the proportion of whole-wheat flour in whole-wheat bread relative to the level mandated by law, as well as the content of lipids (Lip) and sodium (Na) in French bread, and of Lip, Na and total dietary fiber (TDF) in whole-wheat bread made in bakeries in Montevideo and Canelones, Uruguay. The percentage of Na and TDF using both Adequate Intakes (Als) and Tolerable Upper Intake levels (Uls) were estimated in reference to recommended daily quantities. Na in French bread consists of 64% of AIs for individuals aged nine and older, and over 100% of AIs for adults aged 51 and older. Whole-wheat bread values are slightly lower. TDF consists of 38% of AIs in 9 year-old children and 53% in adults older than 50 years of age. This work helps to establish a baseline for the development of formulations with minimum levels of Na and optimum levels of TDF in artisan bread

    Informe de calidad e inocuidad de trigo uruguayo : caracterizaci贸n en calidad de la zafra de trigo 2013/2014

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    El siguiente trabajo es una iniciativa del MGAP-DGSSAA Plan Nacional de Silos que cuenta con la colaboraci贸n de la Mesa Nacional de Trigo, para caracterizar anualmente la zafra de trigo en un esfuerzo por conocer qu茅 trigos producimos y crear una historia de nuestra producci贸n

    Elaboraci贸n de pan multigrano con harinas precocidas por extrusi贸n

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    The effect in bread quality of a new bread making process and two replacement levels (20%, 36%) of refined wheat flour by extrusion precooked prepared based on combination of oats, soybeans and wheat bran was studied. Composite flour was characterized according to its functional properties (water absorption index), grain size and nutritional properties (protein, total fiber, soluble fiber, ash, fat). The volume, whiteness index, rheological measurements (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness) of the bread were monitored. No significant changes were recorded in hardness, elasticity and chewiness of bread according to the level of substitution of composite flour; bread with 36% substitution was 7% less cohesive, with 27% less volume bread with 20% substitution. The process conditions caused greatest impact on the quality of bread. The new process resulted in a 37% increase in volume, 6% elasticity, 15% of cohesiveness and 44% decrease in hardness and 34% in chewiness, compared to the traditional process. This trend continued in the four days following the date of processing. The substitution level of composite flour did not cause significant changes in hardness, elasticity and chewiness of bread, but changes were observed in cohesiveness and volume. Bread with 36% substitution was 7% less cohesive, with 27% less volume than the 20% substitution.Se estudi贸 el efecto en la calidad del pan seg煤n el proceso de elaboraci贸n y del nivel de sustituci贸n (20%, 36%) de una harina precocida por extrusi贸n preparada en base a combinaci贸n de avena, soja y salvado de trigo en la calidad del pan. Se caracteriz贸 la harina compuesta seg煤n sus propiedades funcionales (脥ndice de Absorci贸n de Agua), granulometr铆a y propiedades nutricionales (prote铆na, fibra total, fibra soluble, cenizas, materia grasa). Se realiz贸 seguimiento del volumen, 铆ndice de blancura, medidas reol贸gicas (dureza, cohesividad, elasticidad y masticabilidad) de los panes. Las condiciones del proceso de elaboraci贸n fue lo que gener贸 mayor impacto en la calidad del pan. Los cambios operativos realizados provocaron un incremento del 37% en el volumen, 6% de elasticidad y 15% de cohesividad, y una disminuci贸n del 44% de dureza y 34% de masticabilidad. Esta tendencia se mantuvo en los cuatro d铆as siguientes al d铆a de elaboraci贸n. El nivel de sustituci贸n de harina compuesta no provoc贸 cambios significativos en la dureza, elasticidad y masticabilidad del pan, pero se observaron cambios en la cohesividad y volumen. El pan con 36% de sustituci贸n result贸 un 7% menos cohesivo y con un 27% menos de volumen que el de 20% de sustituci贸n

    Multigrain bread processing with extruded flours

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    The effect in bread quality of a new bread making process and two replacement levels (20%, 36%) of refined wheat flour by extrusion precooked prepared based on combination of oats, soybeans and wheat bran was studied. Composite flour was characterized according to its functional properties (water absorption index), grain size and nutritional properties (protein, total fiber, soluble fiber, ash, fat). The volume, whiteness index, rheological measurements (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness) of the bread were monitored. No significant changes were recorded in hardness, elasticity and chewiness of bread according to the level of substitution of composite flour; bread with 36% substitution was 7% less cohesive, with 27% less volume bread with 20% substitution. The process conditions caused greatest impact on the quality of bread. The new process resulted in a 37% increase in volume, 6% elasticity, 15% of cohesiveness and 44% decrease in hardness and 34% in chewiness, compared to the traditional process. This trend continued in the four days following the date of processing. The substitution level of composite flour did not cause significant changes in hardness, elasticity and chewiness of bread, but changes were observed in cohesiveness and volume. Bread with 36% substitution was 7% less cohesive, with 27% less volume than the 20% substitution.</p

    Informe de calidad e inocuidad de trigo Uruguayo

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    El siguiente trabajo es una caracterizaci贸n de la zafra de trigo 2019-2020, iniciativa del MGAP-DGSA que cuenta con la colaboraci贸n de la Mesa Nacional de Trigo. La intenci贸n es caracterizar anualmente la zafra de trigo y generar datos hist贸ricos, para conocer qu茅 trigos producimos e identificar tendencias de cambio en nuestra producci贸n a trav茅s del tiempo