159 research outputs found

    Jugando y aprendiendo con el Logikubo

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    Tomando como base el CUBO SOMA del diseñador danés Piet Hein, la firma alemana LORENZ, especialista en material didáctico en madera, creó en la década de los 90 el LOGIKUBO. La firma Colombiana TRIOTOY adquirió la licencia de producción para Colombia. El LOGIKUBO es un juego que además de entretener también nos permite aprender, a la vez que desarrolla y potencia capacidades y habilidades en torno al pensamiento espacial

    Los esponsales en el Código Civil de 1984, Perú

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    El tema que presentamos en este trabajo de investigación, concitó mi atención e interés, dado a que está relacionado con el aspecto emocional de la sociedad y que demanda gran connotación. Dado a que el matrimonio es una institución mundial y previo a éste, se da el compromiso que asumen las partes con el nombre de esponsales, lo que les otorga el derecho de ser novios, pues; así lo prescribe el Derecho Romano y las partidas, e incluso se denominaba acto preliminar e integrante del matrimonio. Por lo que me propuse como trabajo de investigación; “Los esponsales en el Código Civil de l984, Perú”, formulando como problema general, ¿Cuáles son los efectos jurídicos de los esponsales en el código Civil Peruano de 1984?, fijándome como objetivo General: Analizar y describir los efectos jurídicos de los esponsales en el Código Civil peruano de 1984; valiéndonos del método Jurídico- Inductivo-deductivo- Sintético- Analítico, Alcance: exploratorio descriptivo, tipo aplicada. Concluimos; tal como señalamos; líneas arriba el compromiso prematrimonial denominado esponsales, analizado como todo acto del ser humano; teóricamente: el Derecho Romano le daba el carácter de obligatorio. Postura asumida, en el Perú, entre otros por Palacios Pimentel; quién concibe los esponsales como una formalidad previa; tanto que no se concibe la celebración del matrimonio sin que haya mediado un acuerdo previo entre los esposos y el consiguiente noviazgo. Mirando la regulación vemos que el código Civil lo prescribe desde el de 1852, 1936 y el actual 1984, en el. Libro III, Derecho de Familia, Sección Segunda, Título I, Capítulo Primero, artículos 239°, 240° además en el Art. 1635, la Constitución política del Perú lo regula en el Art. 4°. El Art. 1635° faculta al ofendido (a) interponer la correspondiente acción a fin de hacer valer su derecho dentro del plazo de un año a partir de la ruptura de la promesa. Dentro del mismo plazo, cada uno de los prometidos puede revocar las donaciones que haya hecho en favor de cada uno de ellos.The subject that we present in this research work, it was my attention and interest, given that it is related to the emotional aspect of society and that it demands great connotation. Given that marriage is a global institution and prior to it, the commitment assumed by the parties with the name of betrothal is given, which gives them the right to be a couple, then; this is prescribed by the Roman Law and the games, and was even called a preliminary and integral act of marriage. For what I proposed as research work; "The betrothal in the Civil Code of 1984, Peru," formulating as a general problem, what are the legal effects of betrothal in the Peruvian Civil Code of 1984 ?, Setting me as General objective: Analyze and describe the legal effects of betrothal in the Peruvian Civil Code of 1984; using the Legal-Inductive-deductive-Synthetic-Analytical method, Scope: exploratory descriptive, applied type. We conclude; as we pointed out; lines above the premarital commitment called betrothal, analyzed as every act of the human being; theoretically: the Roman Law gave it the character of mandatory. Position assumed, in Peru, among others by Palacios Pimentel; who conceives betrothal as a prior formality; so much that the celebration of marriage is not conceived without a prior agreement between the spouses and the subsequent courtship. Looking at the regulation we see that the Civil Code prescribes it from the 1852, 1936 and the current 1984, in the. Book III, Family Law, Second Section, Title I, First Chapter, articles 239 °, 240 ° also in Art. 1635, the Political Constitution of Peru is regulated in Article 4. Article 1635 ° empowers the offended party (a) to file the corresponding action in order to assert its right within one year of the breach of the promise. Within the same period, each one of the fiancees can revoke the donations that he has made in favor in favor of each one of themTesi

    Modelo hidrogeológico conceptual área del batallón de ingenieros Manuel Alberto murillo González n° 10 de Valledupar, Cesar.

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    Teniendo en cuenta la problemática expuesta por el Batallón de Ingeniero No. 10 “General Manuel Alberto Murillo” (BIMUR), frente al no abastecimiento óptimo de agua en las temporada de invierno y verano, se plantea la construcción de un modelo hidrogeológico conceptual que permita establecer el comportamiento del recurso hídrico subterráneo en el área y así tener una idea clara sobre posibles alternativas para la captación del suministro de agua potable requerido por esta institución. Es importante el diseño del modelo hidrogeológico para identificar el comportamiento del recurso hídrico en el sector para obtener los puntos más factibles de captación.EL AUTOR-ESTUDIANTE, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la realizó sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto, la obra es de su exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma. PARÁGRAFO: en caso de presentarse cualquier reclamación o acción por parte de un tercero en cuanto a los derechos de autor sobre la obra en cuestión, EL ESTUDIANTE-AUTOR, asumirá toda la responsabilidad, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina actúa como un tercero de buena fe

    Evaluation of a polymerase chain reaction assay for the diagnosis of bovine trypanosomiasis and epidemiological surveillance in Bolivia

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    BACKGROUND: Sporadic outbreaks of bovine trypanosomiasis have been reported in Bolivia since 1996 when T. vivax and T. evansi were identified for the first time by parasitological means. However, comprehensive epidemiological information concerning T. vivax and T. evansi in the country is lacking. Current parasitological and serological diagnostic methods for trypanosomiasis have important limitations either in their sensitivity or specificity, which can result in unreliable data when applied in epidemiological studies. PCR assays are a recently developed procedure that might help to overcome the constraints of parasitological and serological assays. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate PCR assays as a diagnostic tool for epidemiological studies in Bolivia. RESULTS: PCR assays for diagnosis of trypanosome infection in cattle were evaluated for their ability to detect trypanosome DNA in blood spots samples collected from cattle in four different provinces from the Bolivian lowlands and the results compared with those obtained with standard parasitological Micro Haematocrit Centrifugation Technique (MHCT) and stained smears and serological methods (Card Agglutination Test for T. evansi (CATT), and Antibody ELISAs for T. vivax and T. congolense). Kappa agreement analysis showed a significant agreement between PCR assays and results from parasitological methods but there was no agreement when PCR was compared with serological assays. Some samples from T. vivax smear positive animals were negative by PCR, therefore modifications to the PCR assay conditions were undertaken to try to improve agreement between PCR and parasitological assays. Changes in the template DNA concentration or the use of an alternative primer set resulted in improvements in the PCR detection rate, but not all the parasitologically positive samples were detected by PCR. Results from PCR assays for T. vivax and T. evansi were combined with results from parasitological and serological assays to provide information on prevalence rates for the four provinces from where the samples were obtained. CONCLUSION: The present study established evidence of the usefulness of PCR as diagnostic tool for epidemiological studies and confirmed that cattle trypanosomiasis appears to be endemic in several regions of the Bolivian lowlands

    Liderazgo y relaciones interpersonales de los directores de las instituciones educativas estatales del distrito de San Martín de Porres

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    La presente investigación descriptiva correlaciona! estudia el Grado de Relación entre las variables Liderazgo y Relaciones Interpersonales percibido en las diversas Instituciones Educativas del distrito de San Martín de Forres. Se buscó demostrar que liderazgo y relaciones interpersonales tienen una relación directa, para lo cual se contó con una muestra de 71 directores, 292 docentes y 155 administrativos. Se utilizó, el diseño correlaciona!; el método cuantitativo; dos encuestas (1 para directores y 1 para docentes y administrativos), con 2 partes: Una de liderazgo y una de relaciones interpersonales. El cuestionario fue elaborado dándose la validez y confiabilidad estadística. La conclusión general a la que hemos llegado es que existe una relación directa entre liderazgo y relaciones interpersonales. Se aplicó la prueba Kolmogorov Smirnov de bondad de ajuste para determinar el tipo de distribución que presentaron los datos analizados y se determinó el uso de estadísticos de correlación de tipo paramétricas: r de Pearson. Existe relación directa y.variable de acuerdo al constructo de tipo bidireccional, entre los niveles de liderazgo y su correspondencia con los tipos de relaciones interpersonales

    Aula virtual y formación profesional tecnológica en tiempos de pandemia de estudiantes de una universidad pública

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    The objective of this research work was to determine the relationship that exists between the virtual classroom and technological professional training in times of pandemic for teacher training students at a public university. It was a quantitative approach, basic and descriptive-correlational type, with a non-experimental-transversal design and with a hypothetical-deductive method. Research developed in students of 4 professional schools of the VIII university cycle that are developing their technological training subjects in the virtual modality, with a proportional sample stratified by academic departments, and a sample of 57 students between men and women was determined, two questionnaires of 30 items each for data collection for each variable, with a Likert-type scale with 4 response alternatives. The validity and reliability of the instruments, as well as the statistical treatment, were processed with the SPSS V-25 statistical package. It was determined that there is a high positive relationship between the study variables (p < 0.05, Spearman's Rho correlation = 0.947 ** being a high positive correlation).El presente trabajo investigativo tuvo por objetivo, determinar la relación que existe entre el aula virtual y formación profesional tecnológica en tiempos de pandemia de los estudiantes de formación docente de una universidad pública. Fue de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básica y descriptivo-correlacional, con diseño no experimental-transversal y con método hipotético-deductivo. Investigación desarrollada en estudiantes de 4 escuelas profesionales del VIII ciclo universitario que están desarrollando sus asignaturas de formación tecnológica en la modalidad virtual, con una muestra proporcional estratificada por departamentos académicos, y se determinó una muestra de 57 estudiantes entre varones y mujeres, se elaboró dos cuestionarios de 30 ítems cada uno para la recolección de datos para cada variable, con escala de tipo Likert con 4 alternativas de respuesta. La validez y confiabilidad de los instrumentos, así como el tratamiento estadístico, fueron procesados con el paquete estadístico SPSS V-25. Se determinó que existe una relación positiva alta entre las variables de estudio (p < 0,05, correlación Rho de Spearman= 0,947 ** siendo una correlación positiva alta)

    Successful Treatment of Iatrogenic Vertebral Pseudoaneurysm Using Pipeline Embolization Device

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    Traumatic pseudoaneurysms are uncommon and one of the most difficult lesions to treat. Traditional treatment methods have focused on parent vessel sacrifice with or without revascularization. We report the case of a patient who underwent successful treatment of an iatrogenic extracranial vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm using the Pipeline Embolization Device. A 47-year-old man sustained an inadvertent injury to the left vertebral artery during C1-C2 fixation. Subsequent imaging revealed an iatrogenic vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm. Immediate angiogram was normal. A repeat angiogram done after 3 days of the surgery revealed a vertebral artery pseudoaneurysm. He underwent aneurysm exclusion and vascular reconstruction using the Pipeline Embolization Device. Although flow-diverting stents are currently not being used for treating traumatic pseudoaneurysms, their use may be considered in such cases if active bleeding has ceased. In our case, the patient did well and the aneurysm was excluded from circulation while reconstructing the vessel wall

    Bihemispheric Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Occurring with an Azygos Anterior Cerebral Artery: Case Study

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    Variations in intracranial vasculature are well known. We report a rare anatomic variation in a patient who underwent cerebral angiography for suspected intracranial aneurysm. Digital subtraction angiography revealed a bihemispheric posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) and an azygous anterior cerebral artery (ACA). There was no evidence of any aneurysm or vascular abnormality. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a patient with a common PICA supplying both the cerebellar hemispheres and a common ACA supplying ACA territory bilaterally. It is important for the physician to be aware of these anatomical variations in order to differentiate a normal variant from a pathological condition

    Lingual Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma in a 78-Year-Old Woman: A Case Report and Comprehensive Review of the Literature from 1952 to 2022.

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    BACKGROUND: Alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS) is a rare translocation-related soft tissue sarcoma, occurring mainly in the limbs and trunk in young adults and adolescents. ASPS is rarely seen in the head and neck and one fourth of those cases described are tongue primary. Given its nonspecific symptoms, clinical findings, and rarity in this location, lingual ASPS (L-ASPS) has been reported to be commonly misdiagnosed as various benign tumors, leading to adverse outcomes. METHODS: We report a case of L-ASPS occurring in the oldest (78 years) female patient published to date and comprehensively review the literature from 1952 to 2022. RESULTS: She presented with a slow-growing (2-year duration) tongue mass, measuring 3.5 cm on palpation. Intraoperative frozen section could not render the definitive diagnosis. The pathological findings of the tumor were characteristic of ASPS with eosinophilic polygonal cells in an organoid/nested pattern, rich sinusoidal capillaries, and TFE3 immunoreactivity, except for the strong diffuse aberrant cytoplasmic CD68 immunoexpression and absence of intracytoplasmic crystalline inclusions on PAS with diastase. After TFE3 gene rearrangement had been identified with fluorescent in-situ hybridization, reflex testing confirmed a rearrangement of TFE3 gene with the known fusion partner ASPSCR1. CONCLUSIONS: ASPS should be included in the differential diagnoses in cases of any slow-growing lingual masses (especially vascular ones) with non-specific clinical pictures, regardless of the patient\u27s age