6,527 research outputs found

    On-line privacy behavior: using user interfaces for salient factors

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    The problem of privacy in social networks is well documented within literature; users have privacy concerns however, they consistently disclose their sensitive information and leave it open to unintended third parties. While numerous causes of poor behaviour have been suggested by research the role of the User Interface (UI) and the system itself is underexplored. The field of Persuasive Technology would suggest that Social Network Systems persuade users to deviate from their normal or habitual behaviour. This paper makes the case that the UI can be used as the basis for user empowerment by informing them of their privacy at the point of interaction and reminding them of their privacy needs. The Theory of Planned Behaviour is introduced as a potential theoretical foundation for exploring the psychology behind privacy behaviour as it describes the salient factors that influence intention and action. Based on these factors of personal attitude, subjective norms and perceived control, a series of UIs are presented and implemented in controlled experiments examining their effect on personal information disclosure. This is combined with observations and interviews with the participants. Results from this initial, pilot experiment suggest groups with privacy salient information embedded exhibit less disclosure than the control group. This work reviews this approach as a method for exploring privacy behaviour and proposes further work required

    Note Taking in VR: The Forearm Keyboard

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    This work presents and evaluates a forearm keyboard that allows users to enter textual data using a natural full-handed typing mechanism for virtual reality head-mounted display environments. Should the issues noted with the keyboard during the study be solved, the keyboard would compare favourably with others seen in the literature

    The effect of privacy salience on end-user behaviour : an experimental approach based on the theory of planned behaviour

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    End-User privacy concerns surrounding use of Social Networks present new and complex problems for research. Specifically, a phenomenon known as “the Privacy Paradox” has been observed where end-users stated concerns, attitudes and intended behaviour are not consistent with the actual behaviour within the network. Numerous causes have been proposed as potentially being the root of the problem of this paradoxical phenomenon including a lack of user awareness of privacy issues, a low level skill in using technology or a lack of privacy salience within the social network itself. However, the role of the User Interface (UI) in contributing to, and potentially providing a solution to, poor privacy behaviour is under-explored. A potentially fruitful avenue of enquiry given that behaviour is considered to be a reaction to environmental stimulus and the UI provides the environment within which the user is interacting. This thesis implements a two phase approach to furthering understanding of privacy behaviour in social networks. First, a survey is implemented exploring the relationship of concepts within the privacy paradox identifying that users stated needs are not being met by their observable behaviour. Secondly, two experiments are implemented in order to explore this behaviour as an interaction with the network; these questions are answered to build a social network profile and can be grouped according to their potential sensitivity. A model of social psychology, the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), is used to develop such experiments in order to examine the cognition behind these interactions. Each of the salient influencers defined by the TPB is used to inform a series of UI treatments and form the basis for experiment groups. An initial experiment explores the method and is used to inform the design of the second, which also introduces a factorial design to explore the relationships between treatments. These experiments show that participants within the treatment groups disclose less information than the control, with statistical significance. Within the first experiment this non-disclosure took place across all questions sensitivities, possibly due to limitations in the experimental method. However, participants in experiment two appear far more selective in their disclosure, choosing not to answer more sensitive questions suggesting that they thought of their privacy while interacting with the system. Findings within this thesis suggest that the UI plays an important role in influencing end-user behaviour as it can inform the context of the interaction as it happens

    Multi-modalities in classroom learning environments

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    This paper will present initial findings from the second phase of a Horizon 2020 funded project, Managing Affective-learning Through Intelligent Atoms and Smart Interactions (MaTHiSiS). The project focusses on the use of different multi-modalities used as part of the project in classrooms across Europe. The MaTHiSiS learning vision is to develop an integrated learning platform, with re-usable learning components which will respond to the needs of future education in primary, secondary, special education schools, vocational environments and learning beyond the classroom. The system comprises learning graphs which attach individual learning goals to the system. Each learning graph is developed from a set of smart learning atoms designed to support learners to achieve progression. Cutting edge technologies are being used to identify the affect state of learners and ultimately improve engagement of learners. Much research identifies how learners engage with learning platforms (c.f. [1], [2], [3]). Not only do e-learning platforms have the capability to engage learners, they provide a vehicle for authentic classroom and informal learning [4] enabling ubiquitous and seamless learning [5] within a non-linear environment. When experiencing more enjoyable interaction learners become more confident and motivated to learn and become less anxious, especially those with learning disabilities or at risk of social exclusion [6], [13]. [7] identified the importance of understanding the affect state of learners who may experience emotions such as 'confusion, frustration, irritation, anger, rage, or even despair' resulting in disengaging with learning. The MaTHiSiS system will use a range of platform agents such as NAO robots and Kinects to measure multi-modalities that support the affect state: facial expression analysis and gaze estimation [8], mobile device-based emotion recognition [9], skeleton motion using depth sensors and speech recognition. Data has been collected using multimodal learning analytics developed for the project, including annotated multimodal recordings of learners interacting with the system, facial expression data and position of the learner. In addition, interviews with teachers and learners, from mainstream education as well as learners with profound multiple learning difficulties and autism, have been carried out to measure engagement and achievement of learners. Findings from schools based in the United Kingdom, mainstream and special schools will be presented and challenges shared

    Experimentally engineered mutations in a ubiquitin hydrolase, UBP-1, modulate in vivo susceptibility to artemisinin and chloroquine in Plasmodium berghei

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    As resistance to artemisinins (current frontline drugs in malaria treatment) emerges in south East Asia, there is an urgent need to identify the genetic determinants and understand the molecular mechanisms underpinning such resistance. Such insights could lead to prospective interventions to contain resistance and prevent the eventual spread to other malaria endemic regions. Artemisinin reduced susceptibility in South East Asia (SEA) has been primarily linked to mutations in P. falciparum Kelch-13, which is currently widely recognised as a molecular marker of artemisinin resistance. However, 2 mutations in a ubiquitin hydrolase, UBP-1, have been previously associated with artemisinin reduced susceptibility in a rodent model of malaria and some cases of UBP-1 mutation variants associating with artemisinin treatment failure have been reported in Africa and SEA. In this study, we have employed CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing and pre-emptive drug pressures to test these artemisinin susceptibility associated mutations in UBP-1 in P. berghei sensitive lines in vivo. Using these approaches, we have shown that the V2721F UBP-1 mutation results in reduced artemisinin susceptibility, while the V2752F mutation results in resistance to chloroquine and moderately impacts tolerance to artemisinins. Genetic reversal of the V2752F mutation restored chloroquine sensitivity in these mutant lines while simultaneous introduction of both mutations could not be achieved and appears to be lethal. Interestingly, these mutations carry a detrimental growth defect, which would possibly explain their lack of expansion in natural infection settings. Our work has provided independent experimental evidence on the role of UBP-1 in modulating parasite responses to artemisinin and chloroquine under in vivo conditions

    Exploring the use of game making across the school curriculum

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    Computer games as part of education is a well-established topic for research, suggesting that creating games is linked to a range of cognitive and behavioural outcomes. Creating games in all subject disciplines is becoming increasingly possible due to the increasingly higher status of computing in schools across Europe and the prevalence of visual programming languages such as Scratch and Pocket Code. The use of games within education is not new; in a systematic review of 129 papers [1] found that playing games impacts across a range of areas including engagement, cognitive ability and, most commonly, knowledge acquisition and content understanding. However, while research has thus far examined game play and game based learning in education there is limited work focussing on the process of game creation as a method of classroom teaching. This is a prospect which is increasingly possible with the introduction of visual programming languages such as Scratch [2] and Pocket Code. It is suggested that playful learning through computer games could stimulate students’ intrinsic motivation ([3] and that knowledge creation can emerge through the construction of artefacts in a playful learning environment via the co-creation of games [4]. The research presented in this paper is from a pilot study examining the impact of game making in traditional primary and secondary school classrooms (5-18 years) in the United Kingdom (UK). The research, funded by Horizon 2020, is part of a wider European project; No-one Left Behind. In the UK the project has introduced game making into disciplines such as Religious Education, Science and History. Data indicates that although not all students found this a positive experience, computational thinking skills have increased, and students, disaffected with their learning, have re-engaged with learning, increasing their persistence and resulting in a deeper understanding of subject knowledge. In addition initial results suggest that game making has the potential to increase engagement with classroom learning and lead to increased learner satisfaction within lessons. Non-computing teachers have gained in confidence in developing game creation in their subject discipline, increasing their awareness of computational thinking. Barriers identified include teacher familiarity with programming as a means to teach non-STEM subject knowledge, a potential to decrease knowledge acquisition during the process of familiarisation with the teaching tool and a need for software developers to consider design for children with SEND. The project is changing the learning environment and emerging pedagogy has been identified which will be shared in this paper. As a result of the study lesson resources have been created for teachers to use across disciplines which are now available via the project URL; these will be shared in this paper


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    The following publications have been reviewed by the mentioned authors;Getting Things Right Design and Realization by Adrian Marden, reviewed by Michael RobertsVisual Messages: An Introduction to Graphics by C. J. Breckon, L. J. Jones and C. E. Moorhouse, reviewed by John BaleErgonomics in the Computerized Office by Etienne Grandjean, reviewed by T. LawleyTeaching GCSE Craft, Design and Technology by David Rees, reviewed by Brian OppenheimComputers at Work by H. Scott, B. Frost, S. Alexander and G. Bowie, reviewed by S.R. St. J. NeillScience Report for Teachers: 10 Metals at age 15, reviewed by David BarlexThe Anti-Colouring Book by Susan Striker & Edward Kimmel, reviewed by Marshall HughesUnderstanding and Using Technology by A. Todd, C. McRory and D. Todd, reviewed by David Perry

    The cost of promiscuity: sexual transmission of Nosema microsporidian parasites in polyandrous honey bees

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    Multiple mating (and insemination) by females with different males, polyandry, is widespread across animals, due to material and/or genetic benefits for females. It reaches particularly high levels in some social insects, in which queens can produce significantly fitter colonies by being polyandrous. It is therefore a paradox that two thirds of eusocial hymenopteran insects appear to be exclusively monandrous, in spite of the fitness benefits that polyandry could provide. One possible cost of polyandry could be sexually transmitted parasites, but evidence for these in social insects is extremely limited. Here we show that two different species of Nosema microsporidian parasites can transmit sexually in the honey bee Apis mellifera. Honey bee males that are infected by the parasite have Nosema spores in their semen, and queens artificially inseminated with either Nosema spores or the semen of Nosema-infected males became infected by the parasite. The emergent and more virulent N. ceranae achieved much higher rates of infection following insemination than did N. apis. The results provide the first quantitative evidence of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) in social insects, indicating that STDs may represent a potential cost of polyandry in social insects
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