892 research outputs found

    Probing Lorentz and CPT violation with space-based experiments

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    Space-based experiments offer sensitivity to numerous unmeasured effects involving Lorentz and CPT violation. We provide a classification of clock sensitivities and present explicit expressions for time variations arising in such experiments from nonzero coefficients in the Lorentz- and CPT-violating Standard-Model Extension.Comment: 15 page

    Overview of the SME: Implications and Phenomenology of Lorentz Violation

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    The Standard Model Extension (SME) provides the most general observer-independent field theoretical framework for investigations of Lorentz violation. The SME lagrangian by definition contains all Lorentz-violating interaction terms that can be written as observer scalars and that involve particle fields in the Standard Model and gravitational fields in a generalized theory of gravity. This includes all possible terms that could arise from a process of spontaneous Lorentz violation in the context of a more fundamental theory, as well as terms that explicitly break Lorentz symmetry. An overview of the SME is presented, including its motivations and construction. Some of the theoretical issues arising in the case of spontaneous Lorentz violation are discussed, including the question of what happens to the Nambu-Goldstone modes when Lorentz symmetry is spontaneously violated and whether a Higgs mechanism can occur. A minimal version of the SME in flat Minkowski spacetime that maintains gauge invariance and power-counting renormalizability is used to search for leading-order signals of Lorentz violation. Recent Lorentz tests in QED systems are examined, including experiments with photons, particle and atomic experiments, proposed experiments in space and experiments with a spin-polarized torsion pendulum.Comment: 40 pages, Talk presented at Special Relativity: Will it Survive the Next 100 Years? Potsdam, Germany, February, 200

    CPT, T, and Lorentz Violation in Neutral-Meson Oscillations

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    Tests of CPT and Lorentz symmetry using neutral-meson oscillations are studied within a formalism that allows for indirect CPT and T violation of arbitrary size and is independent of phase conventions. The analysis is particularly appropriate for studies of CPT and T violation in oscillations of the heavy neutral mesons D, B_d, and B_s. The general Lorentz- and CPT-breaking standard-model extension is used to derive an expression for the parameter for CPT violation. It varies in a prescribed way with the magnitude and orientation of the meson momentum and consequently also with sidereal time. Decay probabilities are presented for both uncorrelated and correlated mesons, and some implications for experiments are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, references added, accepted in Physical Review

    Threshold analyses and Lorentz violation

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    In the context of threshold investigations of Lorentz violation, we discuss the fundamental principle of coordinate invariance, the role of an effective dynamical framework, and the conditions of positivity and causality. Our analysis excludes a variety of previously considered Lorentz-breaking parameters and opens an avenue for viable dispersion-relation investigations of Lorentz violation.Comment: 9 page

    Signals for Lorentz Violation in Electrodynamics

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    An investigation is performed of the Lorentz-violating electrodynamics extracted from the renormalizable sector of the general Lorentz- and CPT-violating standard-model extension. Among the unconventional properties of radiation arising from Lorentz violation is birefringence of the vacuum. Limits on the dispersion of light produced by galactic and extragalactic objects provide bounds of 3 x 10^{-16} on certain coefficients for Lorentz violation in the photon sector. The comparative spectral polarimetry of light from cosmologically distant sources yields stringent constraints of 2 x 10^{-32}. All remaining coefficients in the photon sector are measurable in high-sensitivity tests involving cavity-stabilized oscillators. Experimental configurations in Earth- and space-based laboratories are considered that involve optical or microwave cavities and that could be implemented using existing technology.Comment: 23 pages REVTe

    On the existence of black hole evaporation yet again

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    A new argument is presented confirming the point of view that a Schwarzschild black hole formed during a collapse process does not radiate

    Lorentz and CPT Violation in Neutrinos

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    A general formalism is presented for violations of Lorentz and CPT symmetry in the neutrino sector. The effective hamiltonian for neutrino propagation in the presence of Lorentz and CPT violation is derived, and its properties are studied. Possible definitive signals in existing and future neutrino-oscillation experiments are discussed. Among the predictions are direction-dependent effects, including neutrino-antineutrino mixing, sidereal and annual variations, and compass asymmetries. Other consequences of Lorentz and CPT violation involve unconventional energy dependences in oscillation lengths and mixing angles. A variety of simple models both with and without neutrino masses are developed to illustrate key physical effects. The attainable sensitivities to coefficients for Lorentz violation in the Standard-Model Extension are estimated for various types of experiments. Many experiments have potential sensitivity to Planck-suppressed effects, comparable to the best tests in other sectors. The lack of existing experimental constraints, the wide range of available coefficient space, and the variety of novel effects imply that some or perhaps even all of the existing data on neutrino oscillations might be due to Lorentz and CPT violation.Comment: 25 pages REVTe

    Gravity, p-branes and a spacetime counterpart of the Higgs effect

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    We point out that the worldvolume coordinate functions x^μ(ξ)\hat{x}^\mu(\xi) of a pp-brane, treated as an independent object interacting with dynamical gravity, are Goldstone fields for spacetime diffeomorphisms gauge symmetry. The presence of this gauge invariance is exhibited by its associated Noether identity, which expresses that the source equations follow from the gravitational equations. We discuss the spacetime counterpart of the Higgs effect and show that a pp-brane does not carry any local degrees of freedom, extending early known general relativity features. Our considerations are also relevant for brane world scenarios.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX. v2 (30-IV-03) with additional text and reference

    Study of hyperfine structure in simple atoms and precision tests of the bound state QED

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    We consider the most accurate tests of bound state QED, precision theory of simple atoms, related to the hyperfine splitting in light hydrogen-like atoms. We discuss the HFS interval of the 1s state in muonium and positronium and of the 2s state in hydrogen, deuterium and helium-3 ion. We summarize their QED theory and pay attention to involved effects of strong interactions. We also consider recent optical measurements of the 2s HFS interval in hydrogen and deuterium.Comment: presented at The International Workshop "e+e- collisions from phi to psi

    Some Recent Advances in Bound-State Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We discuss recent progress in various problems related to bound-state quantum electrodynamics: the bound-electron g factor, two-loop self-energy corrections and the laser-dressed Lamb shift. The progress relies on various advances in the bound-state formalism, including ideas inspired by effective field theories such as Nonrelativistic Quantum Electrodynamics. Radiative corrections in dynamical processes represent a promising field for further investigations.Comment: 12 pages, nrc1 LaTeX styl