13 research outputs found

    A multidisciplinary consensus on dehydration: definitions, diagnostic methods and clinical implications

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    Background: Dehydration appears prevalent, costly and associated with adverse outcomes. We sought to generate consensus on such key issues and elucidate need for further scientific enquiry. Materials and Methods: A modified Delphi process combined expert opinion and evidence appraisal. 12 relevant experts addressed dehydration’s definition, objective markers and impact on physiology and outcome. Results: Fifteen consensus statements and seven research recommendations were generated. Key findings, evidenced in detail, were that there is no universally-accepted definition for dehydration; hydration assessment is complex and requires combining physiological and laboratory variables; ‘dehydration’ and ‘hypovolaemia’ are incorrectly used interchangeably; abnormal hydration status includes relative and/or absolute abnormalities in body water and serum/plasma osmolality (pOsm); raised pOsm usually indicates dehydration; direct measurement of pOsm is the gold standard for determining dehydration; pOsm >300 and ≤280 mOsm/kg classifies a person as hyper or hypo-osmolar; outside extremes, signs of adult dehydration are subtle and unreliable; dehydration is common in hospitals and care homes and associated with poorer outcomes. Discussion: Dehydration poses risk to public health. Dehydration is under-recognised and poorly managed in hospital and community-based care. Further research is required to improve assessment and management of dehydration and the authors have made recommendations to focus academic endeavours

    AlzEye: longitudinal record-level linkage of ophthalmic imaging and hospital admissions of 353 157 patients in London, UK

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    PURPOSE: Retinal signatures of systemic disease ('oculomics') are increasingly being revealed through a combination of high-resolution ophthalmic imaging and sophisticated modelling strategies. Progress is currently limited not mainly by technical issues, but by the lack of large labelled datasets, a sine qua non for deep learning. Such data are derived from prospective epidemiological studies, in which retinal imaging is typically unimodal, cross-sectional, of modest number and relates to cohorts, which are not enriched with subpopulations of interest, such as those with systemic disease. We thus linked longitudinal multimodal retinal imaging from routinely collected National Health Service (NHS) data with systemic disease data from hospital admissions using a privacy-by-design third-party linkage approach. PARTICIPANTS: Between 1 January 2008 and 1 April 2018, 353 157 participants aged 40 years or older, who attended Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, a tertiary ophthalmic institution incorporating a principal central site, four district hubs and five satellite clinics in and around London, UK serving a catchment population of approximately six million people. FINDINGS TO DATE: Among the 353 157 individuals, 186 651 had a total of 1 337 711 Hospital Episode Statistics admitted patient care episodes. Systemic diagnoses recorded at these episodes include 12 022 patients with myocardial infarction, 11 735 with all-cause stroke and 13 363 with all-cause dementia. A total of 6 261 931 retinal images of seven different modalities and across three manufacturers were acquired from 1 54 830 patients. The majority of retinal images were retinal photographs (n=1 874 175) followed by optical coherence tomography (n=1 567 358). FUTURE PLANS: AlzEye combines the world's largest single institution retinal imaging database with nationally collected systemic data to create an exceptional large-scale, enriched cohort that reflects the diversity of the population served. First analyses will address cardiovascular diseases and dementia, with a view to identifying hidden retinal signatures that may lead to earlier detection and risk management of these life-threatening conditions

    Learning to treat the climate emergency together: social tipping interventions by the health community

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    Accelerating the decarbonisation of local and national economies is a profound public health imperative. As trusted voices within communities around the world, health professionals and health organisations have enormous potential to influence the social and policy landscape in support of decarbonisation. We assembled a multidisciplinary, gender-balanced group of experts from six continents to develop a framework for maximising the social and policy influence of the health community on decarbonisation at the micro levels, meso levels, and macro levels of society. We identify practical, learning-by-doing approaches and networks to implement this strategic framework. Collectively, the actions of health-care workers can shift practice, finance, and power in ways that can transform the public narrative and influence investment, activate socioeconomic tipping points, and catalyse the rapid decarbonisation needed to protect health and health systems

    X-Ray and CT Scan Based Prediction of Best Fit Tracheostomy Tube—A Pilot Study

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    Tracheostomy is a commonly performed intervention in patients requiring ventilatory support. The insertion of inappropriately sized tracheostomy tubes carries a risk of decannulation, tissue damage, ventilatory difficulties, premature tube change or discomfort. Currently, no clear guidelines exist in determining the most appropriate size tube. Imaging of the airway preoperatively could aid clinical judgement and reduce risk. Patients included adult critical care patients who had appropriate preoperative imaging. The computed tomography scans and chest radiographs of patients were reviewed. Measurements of the airway were taken and scaled to the known internal diameter of an endotracheal tube. A four-point scoring system was developed to identify patients better suited to a non-standard sized tracheostomy tube. Data from 23 patients was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences™ (SPSS). Four measured points on imaging corresponded to the patients’ appropriate tracheostomy tube size. Appropriate tracheostomy size correlates with tracheal diameter at endotracheal tube tip (r2 = 0.135), carina (r2 = 0.128), midpoint of larynx to carina (r2 = 0.146), bronchial diameter at the left mainstem (r2 = 0.323), and intrathoracic tracheal length (r2 = 0.23). Among our cohort, a score of 4 predicts the need for a larger tracheostomy tube. Simple imaging provides accurate measurement of patients’ airway dimensions. Our method ensures tube size is selected according to patient airway size, and potentially reduces the risks associated with inappropriate sizing

    Persistent pseudomyopia following a whiplash injury in a previously emmetropic woman

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    Purpose: Accommodative spasm, which manifests as ciliary muscle spasm, convergent strabismus or miosis, is a recognised consequence of head trauma. In whiplash cases, cervical spine hyperextension poses a risk of contra-coup injury and brainstem trauma, and is known to affect the visual system. However, to date, no cases of accommodative spasm due to whiplash injury have been reported. Observations: We present the case of a 34-year-old female who developed sudden onset blurred distance vision after a rear impact car crash, having previously been emmetropic. Her unaided distance visual acuity was 20/70 in the right eye and 20/20 in the left. Best-corrected visual acuity in the right eye was 20/20 with a correction that progressed from −1.75 to −3.50 DS over the 12 months following the accident. This patient's sudden unilateral myopia, with unilaterally increased amplitude of accommodation suggests pseudomyopia due to accommodative spasm. Magnetic resonance imaging showed no evidence of injury to her brain stem, frontal lobes or oculomotor nerve. The patient is now well adjusted with a −3.50DS corrective lens for the right eye. Conclusions and importance: The accommodation reflex is susceptible to injury at the occipital lobe, frontal eye fields, Edinger-Westphal nuclei and oculomotor nerves. As such it should be examined in patients who present with visual disturbances following whiplash injury. It is important that such cases are identified at presentation, as early intervention can improve outcomes in accommodative spasm and reduce the long term psychological effects often associated with whiplash injuries

    Objective Assessment of Patient Inhaler User Technique Using an Audio-Based Classification Approach

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    Abstract Many patients make critical user technique errors when using pressurised metered dose inhalers (pMDIs) which reduce the clinical efficacy of respiratory medication. Such critical errors include poor actuation coordination (poor timing of medication release during inhalation) and inhaling too fast (peak inspiratory flow rate over 90 L/min). Here, we present a novel audio-based method that objectively assesses patient pMDI user technique. The Inhaler Compliance Assessment device was employed to record inhaler audio signals from 62 respiratory patients as they used a pMDI with an In-Check Flo-Tone device attached to the inhaler mouthpiece. Using a quadratic discriminant analysis approach, the audio-based method generated a total frame-by-frame accuracy of 88.2% in classifying sound events (actuation, inhalation and exhalation). The audio-based method estimated the peak inspiratory flow rate and volume of inhalations with an accuracy of 88.2% and 83.94% respectively. It was detected that 89% of patients made at least one critical user technique error even after tuition from an expert clinical reviewer. This method provides a more clinically accurate assessment of patient inhaler user technique than standard checklist methods

    Perioperative Quality Initiative consensus statement on preoperative blood pressure, risk and outcomes for elective surgery

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    Background A multidisciplinary international working subgroup of the third Perioperative Quality Initiative consensus meeting appraised the evidence on the influence of preoperative arterial blood pressure and community cardiovascular medications on perioperative risk. Methods A modified Delphi technique was used, evaluating papers published in MEDLINE on associations between preoperative numerical arterial pressure values or cardiovascular medications and perioperative outcomes. The strength of the recommendations was graded by National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines. Results Significant heterogeneity in study design, including arterial pressure measures and perioperative outcomes, hampered the comparison of studies. Nonetheless, consensus recommendations were that (i) preoperative arterial pressure measures may be used to define targets for perioperative management; (ii) elective surgery should not be cancelled based solely upon a preoperative arterial pressure value; (iii) there is insufficient evidence to support lowering arterial pressure in the immediate preoperative period to minimise perioperative risk; and (iv) there is insufficient evidence that any one measure of arterial pressure (systolic, diastolic, mean, or pulse) is better than any other for risk prediction of adverse perioperative events. Conclusions Future research should define which preoperative arterial pressure values best correlate with adverse outcomes, and whether modifying arterial pressure in the preoperative setting will change the perioperative morbidity or mortality. Additional research should define optimum strategies for continuation or discontinuation of preoperative cardiovascular medications