15 research outputs found

    Criteria for assessing grant applications: A systematic review

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    Criteria are an essential component of any procedure for assessing merit. Yet, little is known about the criteria peers use in assessing grant applications. In this systematic review we therefore identify and synthesize studies that examine grant peer review criteria in an empirical and inductive manner. To facilitate the synthesis, we introduce a framework that classifies what is generally referred to as 'criterion' into an evaluated entity (i.e. the object of evaluation) and an evaluation criterion (i.e. the dimension along which an entity is evaluated). In total, this synthesis includes 12 studies. Two-thirds of these studies examine criteria in the medical and health sciences, while studies in other fields are scarce. Few studies compare criteria across different fields, and none focus on criteria for interdisciplinary research. We conducted a qualitative content analysis of the 12 studies and thereby identified 15 evaluation criteria and 30 evaluated entities as well as the relations between them. Based on a network analysis, we propose a conceptualization that groups the identified evaluation criteria and evaluated entities into aims, means, and outcomes. We compare our results to criteria found in studies on research quality and guidelines of funding agencies. Since peer review is often approached from a normative perspective, we discuss our findings in relation to two normative positions, the fairness doctrine and the ideal of impartiality. Our findings suggest that future studies on criteria in grant peer review should focus on the applicant, include data from non-Western countries, and examine fields other than the medical and health sciences.Comment: Final versio

    Whole breast proton irradiation for maximal reduction of heart dose in breast cancer patients

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    PURPOSE: In left-sided breast cancer radiotherapy, tangential intensity modulated radiotherapy combined with breath-hold enables a dose reduction to the heart and left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. Aim of this study was to investigate the added value of intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) with regard to decreasing the radiation dose to these structures. METHODS: In this comparative planning study, four treatment plans were generated in 20 patients: an IMPT plan and a tangential IMRT plan, both with breath-hold and free-breathing. At least 97 % of the target volume had to be covered by at least 95 % of the prescribed dose in all cases. Specifically with respect to the heart, the LAD, and the target volumes, we analyzed the maximum doses, the mean doses, and the volumes receiving 5-30 Gy. RESULTS: As compared to IMRT, IMPT resulted in significant dose reductions to the heart and LAD-region even without breath-hold. In the majority of the IMPT cases, a reduction to almost zero to the heart and LAD-region was obtained. IMPT treatment plans yielded the lowest dose to the lungs. CONCLUSIONS: With IMPT the dose to the heart and LAD-region could be significantly decreased compared to tangential IMRT with breath-hold. The clinical relevance should be assessed individually based on the baseline risk of cardiac complications in combination with the dose to organs at risk. However, as IMPT for breast cancer is currently not widely available, IMPT should be reserved for patients remaining at high risk for major coronary events

    Criteria for assessing grant applications: A systematic review

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    Criteria are an essential component of any procedure for assessing merit. Yet, little is known about the criteria peers use to assess grant applications. In this systematic review we therefore identify and synthesize studies that examine grant peer review criteria in an empirical and inductive manner. To facilitate the synthesis, we introduce a framework that classifies what is generally referred to as 'criterion' into an evaluated entity (i.e. the object of evaluation) and an evaluation criterion (i.e. the dimension along which an entity is evaluated). In total, the synthesis includes 12 studies on grant peer review criteria. Two-thirds of these studies examine criteria in the medical and health sciences, while studies in other fields are scarce. Few studies compare criteria across different fields, and none focus on criteria for interdisciplinary research. We conducted a qualitative content analysis of the 12 studies and thereby identified 15 evaluation criteria and 30 evaluated entities as well as the relations between them. Based on a network analysis, we determined the following main relations between the identified evaluation criteria and evaluated entities. The aims and outcomes of a proposed project are assessed in terms of the evaluation criteria originality, academic relevance, and extra-academic relevance. The proposed research process is evaluated both on the content level (quality, appropriateness, rigor, coherence/justification) as well as on the level of description (clarity, completeness). The resources needed to implement the research process are evaluated in terms of the evaluation criterion feasibility. Lastly, the person and personality of the applicant are assessed from a ‘psychological’ (motivation, traits) and a ‘sociological’ (diversity) perspective. Furthermore, we find that some of the criteria peers use to evaluate grant applications do not conform to the fairness doctrine and the ideal of impartiality. Grant peer review could therefore be considered unfair and biased. Our findings suggest that future studies on criteria in grant peer review should focus on the applicant, include data from non-Western countries, and examine fields other than the medical and health sciences

    Tagesschläfrigkeit bei Patienten mit Restless-Legs-Syndrom: Risikofaktor für Verkehrsunfälle?

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    Das Restless-Legs-Syndrom (RLS) steht für einen Symptomenkomplex aus vorwiegend beinbetonten Parästhesien und einem damit verbundenen erhöhten Bewegungsdrang. Da abendliche Exazerbationen typisch sind, leiden viele Patienten unter Ein- und Durchschlafstörungen, die längerfristig eine verstärkte Tagesmüdigkeit zur Folge haben können. Die vorliegende retrospektive Datenanalyse untersuchte einen möglichen verkehrsmedizinisch relevanten Zusammenhang zwischen RLS und einer erhöhten Inzidenz an Verkehrsunfällen durch Tagesschläfrigkeit im Schweizer Strassenverkehr. Ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen RLS und dem Auftreten von Verkehrsunfällen konnte nicht gefunden werden. Dennoch sollte die Frage nach erhöhter Tagesschläfrigkeit in keinem (verkehrs-)medizinischen Gespräch fehlen

    Zur Modernisierung des schweizerischen Gewährleistungsrechts im Fahrniskauf: Eine Analyse des Berichts des Bundesrates vom 16. Juni 2023 in Erfüllung des Postulates 18.3248 Marchand-Balet vom 15. März 2018

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    Die Bestimmungen des OR zum Fahrniskauf gehen von Kaufgegenständen aus, die bereits existieren und deren Eigenschaften nicht verändert werden können. Entsprechend werden dem Käufer nur begrenzte Mängelrechte eingeräumt. Dieses Verständnis entspricht nicht mehr der heutigen Realität. Digitalisierung, Servitisation und auch Nachhaltigkeitserwartungen stellen das Kaufrecht vor ganz neue Herausforderungen. Der vom Bundesrat im Juni 2023 publizierte Bericht zur Modernisierung des schweizerischen Gewährleistungsrechts beim Kauf schlägt gestützt auf diese Diskrepanz eine Reform der Gewährleistungsregeln vor, um diesen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden

    Quality of care delivered by fee-for-service and DRG hospitals in Switzerland in patients with community-acquired pneumonia

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    PRINCIPLES: Reimbursement for inpatient treatment in Switzerland is in transition. While hospitals in some cantons already use Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) based systems for hospital financing, others use fee-for-service (FFS) based systems, a situation that provides the opportunity to perform a head-to-head comparison between the two reimbursement systems. The aim of this analysis was to compare reimbursement systems with regard to length of hospital stay (LOS) and patient outcomes in a cohort of community-acquired pneumonia patients from a previous prospective multicentre study in Switzerland. METHODS: This is a post-hoc analysis of 925 patients with community-acquired pneumonia from a previous randomised-controlled trial. We calculated multivariate regression models adjusted for age, gender, comorbidities and severity of illness (using the Pneumonia Severity Index) and accounting for clustering within hospitals to compare LOS and outcomes between FFS (n = 4) or DRG hospitals (n = 2). RESULTS: LOS in DRG hospitals was significantly shorter compared to FFS hospitals (8.4 vs 10.3 days, absolute difference 1.9 days [95%CI 0.8-3.1]). This was confirmed in multivariate adjusted Cox models (hazard ratio 1.2 [95% 1.1-1.3]). There were no differences in 30-day and 18-month mortality rates (adjusted odds ratio 1.7 [95% 0.9-3.2] and 1.3 [95% 0.9-1.9]) or recurrence rates within 30 days (adjusted odds ratio 0.8 [95% 0.4-1.7]). Also, no differences were found in the rate of still ongoing clinical symptoms at 30 days, satisfaction with the discharge process and quality of life measures at 30 days of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: This study focusing on community-acquired pneumonia patients with different severities found a 20% shorter LOS in hospitals with DRG financing compared to FFS hospitals without apparent harmful effects on patient outcomes, satisfaction with care and different quality of life measures. Further studies are required to validate these findings for other medical and surgical patient populations