5,465 research outputs found

    Forbidden Line Emission in the Eccentric Spectroscopic Binaries DQ Tauri and UZ Tauri E Monitored over an Orbital Period

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    We present echelle spectroscopy of the close pre-main-sequence binary star systems DQ Tau and UZ Tau-E. Over a 16 day time interval we acquired 14 nights of spectra for DQ Tau and 12 nights of spectra for UZ Tau-E. This represents the entire phase of DQ Tau, and 63 percent of the phase of UZ Tau-E. As expected, photospheric lines such as Li I 6707 clearly split into two components as the primary and secondary orbit one another, as did the permitted line He I 5876. Unlike the photospheric features, the forbidden lines of [O I] 6300 and [O I] 5577, retain the same shape throughout the orbit. Therefore these lines must originate outside of the immediate vicinity of the two stars and any circumstellar disks that participate in the orbital motion of the stars.Comment: 14 pages including 6 figures, aastex preprint, accepted to Astronomical Journa

    Revisiting the optical PTPT-symmetric dimer

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    Optics has proved a fertile ground for the experimental simulation of quantum mechanics. Most recently, optical realizations of PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric quantum mechanics have been shown, both theoretically and experimentally, opening the door to international efforts aiming at the design of practical optical devices exploiting this symmetry. Here, we focus on the optical PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric dimer, a two-waveguide coupler were the materials show symmetric effective gain and loss, and provide a review of the linear and nonlinear optical realizations from a symmetry based point of view. We go beyond a simple review of the literature and show that the dimer is just the smallest of a class of planar NN-waveguide couplers that are the optical realization of Lorentz group in 2+1 dimensions. Furthermore, we provide a formulation to describe light propagation through waveguide couplers described by non-Hermitian mode coupling matrices based on a non-Hermitian generalization of Ehrenfest theorem.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Intermediate-mass-ratio-inspirals in the Einstein Telescope. II. Parameter estimation errors

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    We explore the precision with which the Einstein Telescope (ET) will be able to measure the parameters of intermediate-mass-ratio inspirals (IMRIs). We calculate the parameter estimation errors using the Fisher Matrix formalism and present results of a Monte Carlo simulation of these errors over choices for the extrinsic parameters of the source. These results are obtained using two different models for the gravitational waveform which were introduced in paper I of this series. These two waveform models include the inspiral, merger and ringdown phases in a consistent way. One of the models, based on the transition scheme of Ori & Thorne [1], is valid for IMBHs of arbitrary spin, whereas the second model, based on the Effective One Body (EOB) approach, has been developed to cross-check our results in the non-spinning limit. In paper I of this series, we demonstrated the excellent agreement in both phase and amplitude between these two models for non-spinning black holes, and that their predictions for signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) are consistent to within ten percent. We now use these models to estimate parameter estimation errors for binary systems with masses 1.4+100, 10+100, 1.4+500 and 10+500 solar masses (SMs), and various choices for the spin of the central intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH). Assuming a detector network of three ETs, the analysis shows that for a 10 SM compact object (CO) inspiralling into a 100 SM IMBH with spin q=0.3, detected with an SNR of 30, we should be able to determine the CO and IMBH masses, and the IMBH spin magnitude to fractional accuracies of 0.001, 0.0003, and 0.001, respectively. We also expect to determine the location of the source in the sky and the luminosity distance to within 0.003 steradians, and 10%, respectively. We also assess how the precision of parameter determination depends on the network configuration.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures. One reference corrected in v3 for consistency with published version in Phys Rev

    Condensation in an Economic Model with Brand Competition

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    We present a linear agent based model on brand competition. Each agent belongs to one of the two brands and interacts with its nearest neighbors. In the process the agent can decide to change to the other brand if the move is beneficial. The numerical simulations show that the systems always condenses into a state when all agents belong to a single brand. We study the condensation times for different parameters of the model and the influence of different mechanisms to avoid condensation, like anti monopoly rules and brand fidelity.Comment: Accepted in: International Journal of Modern Physics

    Entanglement and alpha entropies for a massive scalar field in two dimensions

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    We find the analytic expression of the trace of powers of the reduced density matrix on an interval of length L, for a massive boson field in 1+1 dimensions. This is given exactly (except for a non universal factor) in terms of a finite sum of solutions of non linear differential equations of the Painlev\'e V type. Our method is a generalization of one introduced by Myers and is based on the explicit calculation of quantities related to the Green function on a plane, where boundary conditions are imposed on a finite cut. It is shown that the associated partition function is related to correlators of exponential operators in the Sine-Gordon model in agreement with a result by Delfino et al. We also compute the short and long distance leading terms of the entanglement entropy. We find that the bosonic entropic c-function interpolates between the Dirac and Majorana fermion ones given in a previous paper. Finally, we study some universal terms for the entanglement entropy in arbitrary dimensions which, in the case of free fields, can be expressed in terms of the two dimensional entropy functions.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Optical Properties of a \theta-Vacuum

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    Chern-Simons (CS) forms generalize the minimal coupling between gauge potentials and point charges, to sources represented by charged extended objects (branes). The simplest example of such a CS-brane coupling is a domain wall coupled to the electromagnetic CS three-form. This describes a topologically charged interface where the CS form AdA is supported, separating two three-dimensional spatial regions in 3+1 spacetime. Electrodynamics at either side of the brane is described by the same Maxwell's equations, but those two regions have different vacua, characterized by a different value of the \theta-parameter multiplying the Pontryagin form F ^ F. The \theta-term is the abelian version of the concept introduced by 't Hooft for the resolution of the U(1) problem in QCD. We point out that CS-generalized classical electrodynamics shows new phenomena when two neighboring regions with different \theta-vacua are present. These topological effects result from surface effects induced by the boundary and we explore the consequences of such boundary effects for the propagation of the electromagnetic field in Maxwell theory. Several features, including optical and electrostatic/magnetostatic responses, which may be observable in condensed matter systems, like topological insulators, are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    SIM PlanetQuest Key Project Precursor Observations to Detect Gas Giant Planets Around Young Stars

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    We present a review of precursor observing programs for the SIM PlanetQuest Key project devoted to detecting Jupiter mass planets around young stars. In order to ensure that the stars in the sample are free of various sources of astrometric noise that might impede the detection of planets, we have initiated programs to collect photometry, high contrast images, interferometric data and radial velocities for stars in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. We have completed a high contrast imaging survey of target stars in Taurus and the Pleiades and found no definitive common proper motion companions within one arcsecond (140 AU) of the SIM targets. Our radial velocity surveys have shown that many of the target stars in Sco-Cen are fast rotators and a few stars in Taurus and the Pleiades may have sub-stellar companions. Interferometric data of a few stars in Taurus show no signs of stellar or sub-stellar companions with separations of <5 mas. The photometric survey suggests that approximately half of the stars initially selected for this program are variable to a degree (1 sigma>0.1 mag) that would degrade the astrometric accuracy achievable for that star. While the precursor programs are still a work in progress, we provide a comprehensive list of all targets ranked according to their viability as a result of the observations taken to date. By far, the observable that moves the most targets from the SIM-YSO program is photometric variability.Comment: Accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 25 pages, 9 figure
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