2,602 research outputs found

    Risks Factors for Infections with Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae at a Tertiary Care University Hospital in Switzerland

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    Abstract : Background: : There are considerable geographical differencesin the occurrence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase(ESBL)-producing bacteria, both in the community and in thehospital setting. Our aim was to assess risk factors forbloodstream, urinary tract, and vascular catheter-associatedinfections with ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiellapneumoniae at a tertiary care hospital in a low-prevalencecountry. Methods: : We performed a case-control study comparing 58patients with infections due to ESBL-producing E. coli orK. pneumoniae vs 116 controls with infections due to non-ESBL producing organisms at the University Hospital Zurich,Switzerland, between 1 July 2005 and 30 June 2007. Results: : Cases included 15 outpatients and 43 inpatients.Multivariable analyses found three risk factors for ESBL-producingisolates: begin of symptoms or recent antibioticpre-treatment in a foreign country (odds ratio [OR] 27.01,95% confidence interval [CI] 2.38-1,733.28], p = 0.042),antibiotic therapy within the year preceding the isolation ofthe ESBL-producing strain (OR 2.88, 95% CI 1.13-8.49,p = 0.025), and mechanical ventilation (OR 10.56, 95% CI1.06-579.10, p = 0.042). Conclusions: : The major risk factors for infections due toESBL-producing bacteria were travel in high-prevalencecountries, prior antibiotic use, and mechanical ventilationduring a stay in the intensive care unit. Community-acquiredinfections were documented in 17% of the patients.An early identification of risk factors is crucial to providingthe patients an optimal empiric antibiotic therapy and tokeep the use of carbapenems to a minimu

    Molecular characterisation of congenital myasthenic syndromes in Southern Brazil

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    Objective To perform genetic testing of patients with congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) from the Southern Brazilian state of Parana. Patients and methods Twenty-five CMS patients from 18 independent families were included in the study. Known CMS genes were sequenced and restriction digest for the mutation RAPSN p.N88K was performed in all patients. Results We identified recessive mutations of CHRNE in ten families, mutations in DOK7 in three families and mutations in COLQ, CHRNA1 and CHRNB1 in one family each. The mutation CHRNE c. 70insG was found in six families. We have repeatedly identified this mutation in patients from Spain and Portugal and haplotype studies indicate that CHRNE c. 70insG derives from a common ancestor. Conclusions Recessive mutations in CHRNE are the major cause of CMS in Southern Brazil with a common mutation introduced by Hispanic settlers. The second most common cause is mutations in DOK7. The minimum prevalence of CMS in Parana is 0.18/100 000

    Molecular characterisation of congenital myasthenic syndromes in Southern Brazil

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    Objective To perform genetic testing of patients with congenital myasthenic syndromes (CMS) from the Southern Brazilian state of Parana. Patients and methods Twenty-five CMS patients from 18 independent families were included in the study. Known CMS genes were sequenced and restriction digest for the mutation RAPSN p.N88K was performed in all patients. Results We identified recessive mutations of CHRNE in ten families, mutations in DOK7 in three families and mutations in COLQ, CHRNA1 and CHRNB1 in one family each. The mutation CHRNE c. 70insG was found in six families. We have repeatedly identified this mutation in patients from Spain and Portugal and haplotype studies indicate that CHRNE c. 70insG derives from a common ancestor. Conclusions Recessive mutations in CHRNE are the major cause of CMS in Southern Brazil with a common mutation introduced by Hispanic settlers. The second most common cause is mutations in DOK7. The minimum prevalence of CMS in Parana is 0.18/100 000

    The Nernst effect and the boundaries of the Fermi liquid picture

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    Following the observation of an anomalous Nernst signal in cuprates, the Nernst effect was explored in a variety of metals and superconductors during the past few years. This paper reviews the results obtained during this exploration, focusing on the Nernst response of normal quasi-particles as opposed to the one generated by superconducting vortices or by short-lived Cooper pairs. Contrary to what has been often assumed, the so-called Sondheimer cancelation does not imply a negligible Nernst response in a Fermi liquid. In fact, the amplitude of the Nernst response measured in various metals in the low-temperature limit is scattered over six orders of magnitude. According to the data, this amplitude is roughly set by the ratio of electron mobility to Fermi energy in agreement with the implications of the semi-classical transport theory.Comment: Final version, Topical review for JPC

    Spin relaxation of localized electrons in n-type semiconductors

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    The mechanisms that determine spin relaxation times of localized electrons in impurity bands of n-type semiconductors are considered theoretically and compared with available experimental data. The relaxation time of the non-equilibrium angular momentum is shown to be limited either by hyperfine interaction, or by spin-orbit interaction in course of exchange-induced spin diffusion. The energy relaxation time in the spin system is governed by phonon-assisted hops within pairs of donors with an optimal distance of about 4 Bohr radii. The spin correlation time of the donor-bound electron is determined either by exchange interaction with other localized electrons, or by spin-flip scattering of free conduction-band electrons. A possibility of optical cooling of the spin system of localized electrons is discussed.Comment: Submitted to the special issue "Optical Orientation", Semiconductor Science and Technolog

    FHIT gene therapy prevents tumor development in Fhit-deficient mice

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    The tumor suppressor gene FHIT spans a common fragile site and is highly susceptible to environmental carcinogens. FHIT inactivation and loss of expression is found in a large fraction of premaligant and malignant lesions. In this study, we were able to inhibit tumor development by oral gene transfer, using adenoviral or adenoassociated viral vectors expressing the human FHIT gene, in heterozygous Fhit+/- knockout mice, that are prone to tumor development after carcinogen exposure. We therefore suggest that FHIT gene therapy could be a novel clinical approach not only in treatment of early stages of cancer, but also in prevention of human cancer

    Numerical Relativity: A review

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    Computer simulations are enabling researchers to investigate systems which are extremely difficult to handle analytically. In the particular case of General Relativity, numerical models have proved extremely valuable for investigations of strong field scenarios and been crucial to reveal unexpected phenomena. Considerable efforts are being spent to simulate astrophysically relevant simulations, understand different aspects of the theory and even provide insights in the search for a quantum theory of gravity. In the present article I review the present status of the field of Numerical Relativity, describe the techniques most commonly used and discuss open problems and (some) future prospects.Comment: 2 References added; 1 corrected. 67 pages. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. (uses iopart.cls

    Low field vortex dynamics over seven time decades in a Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} single crystal for temperatures 13 K < T < 83 K

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    Using a custom made dc-SQUID magnetometer, we have measured the time relaxation of the remanent magnetization M_rem of a Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta} single crystal from the fully critical state for temperatures 13 K < T < 83 K. The measurements cover a time window of seven decades 10^{-2} s < t < 10^5 s, so that the current density j can be studied from values very close to j_c down to values considerably smaller than j_c. From the data we have obtained: (i) the flux creep activation barriers U as a function of current density j, (ii) the current-voltage characteristics E(j) in a typical range of 10^{-7} V/cm to 10^{-15} V/cm, and (iii) the critical current density j_c(0) at T = 0. Three different regimes of vortex dynamics are observed: For temperatures T < 20 K the activation barrier U(j) is logarithmic, no unique functional dependence U(j) could be found for the intermediate temperature interval 20 K < T < 40 K, and finally for T > 40 K the activation barrier U(j) follows a power-law behavior with an exponent mu = 0.6. From the analysis of the data within the weak collective pinning theory for strongly layered superconductors, it is argued that for temperatures T < 20 K pancake-vortices are pinned individually, while for temperatures T > 40 K pinning involves large collectively pinned vortex bundles. A description of the vortex dynamics in the intermediate temperature interval 20 K < T < 40 K is given on the basis of a qualitative low field phase diagram of the vortex state in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\delta}. Within this description a second peak in the magnetization loop should occur for temperatures between 20 K and 40 K, as it has been observed in several magnetization measurements in the literature.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    ALADIN is Required for the Production of Fertile Mouse Oocytes

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    Asymmetric cell divisions depend on the precise placement of the spindle apparatus. In mammalian oocytes, spindles assemble close to the cell's center, but chromosome segregation takes place at the cell periphery where half of the chromosomes are expelled into small, nondeveloping polar bodies at anaphase. By dividing so asymmetrically, most of the cytoplasmic content within the oocyte is preserved, which is critical for successful fertilization and early development. Recently we determined that the nucleoporin ALADIN participates in spindle assembly in somatic cells, and we have also shown that female mice homozygously null for ALADIN are sterile. In this study we show that this protein is involved in specific meiotic stages, including meiotic resumption, spindle assembly, and spindle positioning. In the absence of ALADIN, polar body extrusion is compromised due to problems in spindle orientation and anchoring at the first meiotic anaphase. ALADIN null oocytes that mature far enough to be fertilized in vitro are unable to support embryonic development beyond the two-cell stage. Overall, we find that ALADIN is critical for oocyte maturation and appears to be far more essential for this process than for somatic cell divisions
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