66 research outputs found

    Alternative Sentencing & Strategies for Successful Prisoner Reentry

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    Nationally, more than two million people are serving time in prison on any given day. Missouri ranks eighth in the nation in terms of imprisonment and has experienced substantial growth in incarceration over the past two decades. The reality of mass incarceration and the accruing cost of corrections have led many states to consider implementing alternatives to traditional incarceration and parole. These alternatives between parole and confinement are often called intermediate sanctions and are intended to provide correctional options that save money and prison beds without introducing risk to public safety. The State of Missouri has made strides in developing sanctions that can serve as an alternative to prison. Section 217.777.1, RSMo, charges the Missouri Department of Corrections with the administration of a community corrections program to encourage the establishment of local sentencing initiatives and correctional alternatives. Among the goals of this legislation and alternative sanctions in general, are to: Promote the accountability of offenders to crime victims, local communities and the state; Increase the use of restitution; Reduce the costs of treatment, punishment and supervision of off enders; and Improve public confidence in the criminal justice system by involving the public in the development of community-based sentencing options for eligible offenders.Includes bibliographical reference

    Examining the Correlates of Sex Offender Residence Restriction Violation Rates

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    Objectives This research examines the contribution of social ecological factors to the variation in sex offender residence restriction (SORR) violation rates, operationalized as a sex offender residing within a buffer zone around a school or a day care. Methods Drawing on data from two Midwestern states, we utilize a quasi-experimental cohort-control group design to examine the correlates of county-level SORR violation rates among a cohort of post-SORR sex offender parolees, and three counterfactual cohorts (pre-SORR sex offenders, pre- and post-SORR non-sex offender parolees). We model the violation rate using a series of fractional logit regressions, examining the contribution of housing market, environmental justice, and system resource variables. Results We observe that county-level variation in post-SORR sex offender violation rates is directly associated with concentrated disadvantage and the density of residence restrictions. The direct effect of concentrated disadvantage was unique to the post-SORR sex offender cohort. Model predictions suggest that the relationship between SORR density and concentrated disadvantage varies across the study states. Conclusions The results suggest that factors found to be associated with sex offender clustering (i.e., housing market characteristics) are not associated with SORR violation rates. Instead, this research suggests a model which allows for the simultaneous influence of environmental justice and system resource effects. Future research on the mechanisms underlying these effects is warranted

    The Effect of Statewide Residency Restrictions on Sex Offender Post-Release Housing Mobility

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    Securing stable housing may be difficult for returning offenders in general, and these concerns may be exacerbated for sex offenders. In addition to the barriers faced by other returning offenders, sex offenders face intense stigma and once released to the community, they are also subject to additional legal restrictions. The current study explores the effect of statewide residency restriction policies on housing mobility using a unique sample of male sex offenders released in a Midwestern state. The research is based on a quasi-experimental cohort control group design and it describes the frequency and correlation of movement for pre- and post-statewide residency restriction legislation samples. Sex offenders released after the implementation of residency restrictions moved more often and had relatively high degrees of housing mobility compared to offenders released prior to the legislation. The results have important implications for reentry programming and post-release services for sex offenders

    Sex Offender Risk Assessment

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    Compared to clinical methods, actuarial risk instruments are a preferred method to discern sex offenders risk for sexual as well as violent recidivism because, unlike clinical practices, they are considered inexpensive, objective and modestly accurate. Scientists argue that risk instruments that employ only static, or historic measures of offender characteristics, rather than dynamic, are certainly sufficient for the purposes of gauging individuals' likelihood of recidivism. In fact, Harris and Rice (2003:207) contend that dynamic constructs are “unnecessary for anticipating who will recidivate in a given time period”; furthermore they state that “very accurate statements about the likelihood of another…offense can be based upon knowledge of an individual's lifetime conduct.” In their view, offender risk scales that incorporate only static information are essentially capturing factors that reflect a person's underlying antisocial propensity. Although there are a considerable number of risk instruments available for corrections officials to utilize, far fewer have been rigorously evaluated. Of those that have, Harris and Rice (2003) recommend that the MnSOST-R and the Static-99 are two of the most “promising” scales for predicting sexual recidivism. An emerging body of work also suggests that the sorag is quite effectual in terms of its predictive accuracy. Additional empirical research is likely to surface which will provide further evidence of the statistical accuracy of sex offender risk instruments.Includes bibliographical reference

    Sex Offender Recidivism in Missouri and Community Correction Options

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    There has been substantial public scrutiny over the release of sex offenders to the community, predominantly for individuals who have assaulted young children. The vast majority of sex offenders, however, will be returned to the community following incarceration. Understanding the recidivism patterns of sex offenders and successful community corrections options are one step in developing effective sentencing and correctional policies. Using data provided by the Missouri Department of Corrections, a sample of men in all offense categories released from Missouri prison in 1998 was analyzed. The sample was analyzed by demographic factors, criminal history, and institutional behavior. The results show that Missouri sex offenders were more likely to be older, white, and have less educational and employment deficits than the general prison population. Sex offenders were significantly more likely to have consistent employment histories, have been convicted of a prior sex crime, provide moderate risk to the public, have a higher salient factor score, have lower institutional risk scores, and to have spent more time in prison. Sex offenders spent significantly more time in prison than offenders who had committed other types of crime.Includes bibliographical reference

    Understanding Victim Cooperation in Cases of Nonfatal Gun Assaults

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    Victims play a central role in criminal case processing, but research suggests many victims do not report crimes to police or cooperate in a police investigation. This study extends the literature on victim cooperation by examining the effect of incident-level variables and neighborhood characteristics on victim cooperation in nonfatal shooting incidents. The sample includes 1,054 nonfatal shooting victims from two Midwestern cities. Results using binary logistic regression suggest that incident and victim characteristics are significantly associated with cooperation, but race conditions the effect of injury severity and motive on cooperation. The willingness to cooperate among Whites is contingent on injury severity while non-White victims do not become markedly more cooperative when confronted with serious injury. Race also moderates the relationship between crime motive and cooperation. This work demonstrates the need to incorporate nonfatal firearm violence into studies of victim cooperation and gun crime more broadly

    An Evaluation of Sex Offender Residency Restrictions in Michigan and Missouri

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    In Michigan, sex offenders are prohibited from living within 1,000 feet of school property and 500 feet from any licensed daycare center. Missouri prohibits sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a public or private school up to the 12th grade or childcare facility which existed at the time the offender established his/her residency. In addition, sex offenders are prohibited from working or loitering within 500 feet of a school, childcare facility, or public park with playground equipment or a public swimming pool. Residency restriction policies in both States are universally applied to all registered sex offenders. The current study had three primary goals. First, document the residency locations of sex offenders and non-sex offenders before and after the implementation of the residency restriction laws. Second, examine the change in recidivism patterns before and after the implementation of residency restrictions. Third, describe the collateral consequences of residency restrictions. The study found a decline in the number of registered sex offenders living in restricted areas, including near schools or daycare centers, but the differences were not statistically significant. The study also determined that sex offenders, especially child molesters, moved more often relative to comparable non-sex offenders after the implementation of residency restrictions; those living at addresses within the boundary zones surrounding schools and daycare centers tended to live in more disadvantaged areas. Regarding the impact of residency restrictions on recidivism, the relationship was small. The study recommends reconsidering the universal application of sex offender residency restrictions, an increase in housing services for sex offenders, and the development of reentry programming specific to sex offender populations. 22 tables and 139 reference

    Warrant Enforcement in Louisville Metro and the City of St. Louis from 2006 2019: A Cross-site Analysis

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    This report describes and compares bench and fugitive warrant arrests in Jefferson County, Kentucky (hereinafter Louisville Metro) and the City of St. Louis, Missouri during the period 2006 to 2019. The report is based on two site-specific reports that focus on the individual jurisdictions (see "Warrant Arrests in the City of St. Louis: 2002 –2019" and "Examining Warrant Arrests in Jefferson County, Kentucky: 2006 to 2019" for additional details). The goal is to shed light on the enforcement of warrants, which are a large part of policing practice. This comparative approach provides insight into variability in the levels and nature of warrant arrests in communities with differing legal contexts and government structures. This report is a starting point to understand trends in warrant enforcement across two jurisdictions with similar social and economic landscapes. It is our hope that the findings are useful for stakeholders as they consider ways to make the criminal legal system more efficient and equitable.

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.2, no.9

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    Table of Contents The Giving of the Gift by Alice Dodge, page 1 Christmas Dinner Done in Reds and Greens by N. Beth Bailey, page 2 Where Does Christmas Come From by Gertrude Murray, page 3 Iowa State Welcomes New Dean of Home Economics by Eleanor Murray and Helen Hamilton, page 4 Basketry – A Modernized Ancient Art by Juanita Beard and Gladys McVay, page 4 From “H. Ec.” to Geisha Girls and Russian Refugees by Jeanette Beyer, page 6 If You Make Your Own by Iva L. Brandt, page 7 Who’s There and Where by Jeanette Beyer, page 8 Make Your Kitchen Attractive by Ethel Huebner, page 1
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