9,387 research outputs found

    Identification of wood energy resources in central Michigan

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    Existing biomass studies were compiled for determining their applicability in measuring forest biomass in an entirely new way. Over sixty tree-weight tables were prepared from existing tables or formulas. An estimate of forest biomass was made on a defined area by using Landsat Satellite data analysis, existing forest cover type maps and actual weighting of the entire biomass. Control plots were cruised for normal volume data and weight data, harvested and weighed to determine actual tonnage yields

    Interpreting Michigan forest cover types from color infrared aerial photographs

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    The characteristics of 17 cover types (13 forest types or tree species and 4 nonforest cover types) in Michigan are discussed as well as their interpretation from medium scale color infrared photography. The occurrence of each type is described by region and site requirements. Those attributes of a tree or stand which are helpful when attempting to interpret the type from a vertical perspective are discussed as well as common crown types. The identification of the forest type or tree species by using image characteristics (size, shape, shadow, color, texture, pattern, or association) is discussed. Ground photographs and sketches of individual trees are included. Stereograms of typical stands are available

    Density matrix renormalization group study of conjugated polymers with transverse pi-conjugation

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    We report accurate numerical studies of excited state orderings in long hypothetical pi-conjugated oligomers in which the hydrogen atoms of trans-polyacetylene are replaced with conjugated sidegroups, within modified Hubbard models. There exists a range of the bare Coulomb repulsion for which the excited state ordering is conducive to photoluminescence in the substituted systems, even as this ordering is opposite in the unsubstituted polyenes of the same lengths. Our work provides motivation to study real pi-conjugated polymers with transverse conjugation and small optical gaps.Comment: 5 pages, 4 fig

    A simplified instrument for recording strong motion earthquakes

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    A strong-motion earthquake recorder for the direct measurement of one point on the response spectrum curve is described, and results obtained with the instrument under field conditions are compared with those obtained by a standard spectrum analysis of accelerograph records. The device has the advantages of low initial cost and of low maintenance expense, and can thus be installed in relatively large numbers. A network of such instruments located at points having various local geological conditions is proposed as a supplement to the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey strong-motion seismograph system

    An analysis of strong-motion accelerometer data from the San Francisco earthquake of March 22, 1957

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    The San Francisco earthquake of March 22, 1957, was recorded simultaneously by accelerometers at five United States Coast and Geodetic Survey stations in the San Francisco area. Response spectrum curves were computed from the acceleration-time records, and from these response spectrum curves the spectrum intensities have been determined. From these spectrum intensities certain conclusions are drawn as to: (1) the effects of local geology on the recorded ground motions; (2) the calculation of total energy released by the earthquake from strong-motion accelerometer records; (3) possible influence of structural dynamic behavior on the accelerations recorded in building basements, and the relationship between basement accelerations and ground accelerations; and (4) the applicability of a simplified type of strong-motion earthquake instrument for investigations of local distribution effects. A general comparison is made between the present earthquake and typical Pacific Coast earthquakes

    The Port Hueneme earthquake of March 18, 1957

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    The Port Hueneme earthquake of March 18, 1957, was the first recorded strong-motion earthquake for which the ground motion consisted essentially of a single pulse. Since all the energy of the earthquake was concentrated in one pulse, the ground accelerations and the response spectrum values were considerably larger than for more typical Pacific Coast earthquakes of equivalent magnitude. These abnormally high values are reflected in damage reports, which indicated an unusual amount of damage for a shock of magnitude 4.7

    The Impacts of GM Seed Technology on Cotton: Cost of Production in Mississippi, 1996 - 2005

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    Genetically modified (GM) cotton varieties have changed many aspects of cotton production in the United States. The rapid adoption of GM cotton varieties in Mississippi has allowed producers to alter certain production practices because of added benefits gained from GM varieties. This study analyses some of the effects of certain changes in some of the most relevant components of cotton production on yield that stem from the adoption of GM varieties in Mississippi by comparing production functions from 1996 and 2005.Mississippi cotton production, Genetically Modified cotton varieties, structural change, production function., Crop Production/Industries,

    Nodal Quasiparticle Lifetimes in Cuprate Superconductors

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    A new generation of angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements on the cuprate superconductors offer the promise of enhanced momentum and energy resolution. In particular, the energy and temperature dependence of the on-shell nodal (k_x=k_y) quasiparticle scattering rate can be studied. In the superconducting state, low temperature transport measurements suggest that one can describe nodal quasiparticles within the framework of a BCS d-wave model by including forward elastic scattering and spin-fluctuation inelastic scattering. Here, using this model, we calculate the temperature and frequency dependence of the on-shell nodal quasiparticle scattering rate in the superconducting state which determines the momentum width of the ARPES momentum distribution curves. For a zero-energy quasiparticle at the nodal momentum k_N, both the elastic and inelastic scattering rate show a sudden decrease as the temperature drops below Tc, reflecting the onset of the gap amplitude. At low temperatures the scattering rate decreases as T^3 and approaches a zero temperature value determined by the elastic impurity scattering. For T>T_c, we find a quasilinear dependence on T. At low reduced temperatures, the elastic scattering rate for the nodal quasiparticles exhibits a quasilinear increase at low energy which arises from elastic scattering processes. The inelastic spin-fluctuation scattering leads to a low energy omega^3 dependence which, for omega>~Delta_0, crosses over to a quasilinear behavior.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, minor revision

    Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing in the Hubble Deep Field: The Halo Tully-Fisher Relation at Intermediate Redshift

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    A tangential distortion of background source galaxies around foreground lens galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field is detected at the 99.3% confidence level. An important element of our analysis is the use of photometric redshifts to determine distances of lens and source galaxies and rest-frame B-band luminosities of the lens galaxies. The lens galaxy halos obey a Tully-Fisher relation between halo circular velocity and luminosity; the typical lens galaxy, at a redshift z = 0.6, has a circular velocity of 210 +/-40 km/s at M_B = -18.5, if q_0 = 0.5. Control tests, in which lens and source positions and source ellipticities are randomized, confirm the significance level of the detection quoted above. Furthermore, a marginal signal is also detected from an independent, fainter sample of source galaxies without photometric redshifts. Potential systematic effects, such as contamination by aligned satellite galaxies, the distortion of source shapes by the light of the foreground galaxies, PSF anisotropies, and contributions from mass distributed on the scale of galaxy groups are shown to be negligible. A comparison of our result with the local Tully-Fisher relation indicates that intermediate-redshift galaxies are fainter than local spirals by 1.0 +/- 0.6 B mag at a fixed circular velocity. This is consistent with some spectroscopic studies of the rotation curves of intermediate-redshift galaxies. This result suggests that the strong increase in the global luminosity density with redshift is dominated by evolution in the galaxy number density.Comment: Revised version with minor changes. 13 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX2e, uses emulateapj and multicol styles (included). Accepted by Ap

    Mitoxantrone is superior to doxorubicin in a multiagent weekly regimen for patients older than 60 with high-grade lymphoma: results of a BNLI randomized trial of PAdriaCEBO versus PMitCEBO

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    A prospective, multicenter, randomized trial was undertaken to compare the efficacy and toxicity of adriamycin with mitoxantrone within a 6-drug combination chemotherapy regimen for elderly patients (older than 60 years) with high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma (HGL) given for a minimum of 8 weeks. A total of 516 previously untreated patients aged older than 60 years were randomized to receive 1 of 2 anthracycline-containing regimens: adriamycin, 35 mg/m2 intravenously (IV) on day 1 (n = 259), or mitoxantrone, 7 mg/m2 IV on day 1 (n = 257); with prednisolone, 50 mg orally on days 1 to 14; cyclophosphamide, 300 mg/m2 IV on day 1; etoposide, 150 mg/m2 IV on day 1; vincristine, 1.4 mg/m2 IV on day 8; and bleomycin, 10 mg/m2 IV on day 8. Each 2-week cycle was administered for a minimum of 8 weeks in the absence of progression. Forty-three patients were ineligible for analysis. The overall and complete remission rates were 78% and 60% for patients receiving PMitCEBO and 69% and 52% for patients receiving PAdriaCEBO (P = .05, P = .12, respectively). Overall survival was significantly better with PMitCEBO than PAdriaCEBO (P = .0067). However, relapse-free survival was not significantly different (P = .16). At 4 years, 28% of PAdriaCEBO patients and 50% of PMitCEBO patients were alive (P = .0001). Ann Arbor stage III/IV, World Health Organization performance status 2-4, and elevated lactate dehydrogenase negatively influenced overall survival from diagnosis. In conclusion, the PMitCEBO 8-week combination chemotherapy regimen offers high response rates, durable remissions, and acceptable toxicity in elderly patients with HGL