184 research outputs found

    A Boarding School Santri Supervision System Design Based on Android Application to Replace the Rule of Dormitory Supervisor

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    An Islamic educational facility called a pesantren houses students, or santri, in dormitories. One of the biggest Islamic boarding schools in Jombang is called Darul 'Ulum. Students are expected to participate in early recitation activities, are forbidden from smoking, are forbidden from visiting the student rooms without the coach's permission, and are forbidden from entering the guest rooms. This research used a case study of a high school dormitory as an example. For proper monitoring of student breaches, a high number of students demand more efficient supervision. Based on these issues, a monitoring system is required that may alert the hostel supervisor to infractions in real-time, allowing them to take fast action against violators and impose sanctions in line with the seriousness of the offenses. This study uses an android application monitoring of students. According to the results of testing violations of students who smoke in the room using the MQ-2 sensor with 10 test trials, a 100% success rate is obtained in detecting cigarette smoke, and testing violations of students who are still in the room at the time of the early Koran reading with using a PIR sensor with 10 test trials, the success rate was 100% in detecting the presence of students. Both the RFID sensor test and the fingerprint sensor test resulted in delays of 1.59 seconds and 3.01 seconds, respectively, with 100% success rates

    Design and build a hotel service reservation and verification system using web-based e-KTP

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    Hotel is a company that provides accommodation services and provides other facilities that meet the requirements of comfort and commercial purposes. The development of the times and technology, also affects the development of the hotel. The use of hotel reservation technology makes it easier for the hotel booking process. Service quality, trustworthiness, facilities and security affect hotel selection decisions. A common application of security technology is the use of duplicable RFID card lock technology. For this reason, it is necessary to add a double security system in the form of an OTP (One Time Password) code and limit access to visitors and visitors from visitors. The test results using NFC PN532 to read e-KTP cards obtained readings in under 1.00 seconds, with 100% accuracy within a distance of 0 - 2.5 cm. In testing with an additional OTP (One Time Password) code, the results obtained are good accuracy readings with an accuracy rate of 100% when the OTP code is appropriate

    Prediction of signal attenuation value caused by weather changes on cellular communication networks using backpropagation algorithm

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    The value of signal attenuation by the resulting weather changes may differ at any time. The collection of signal power data with different times, weather, humidity, rainfall, and temperatures using the drive test method in Malang area will be processed using machine learning methods and backpropagation algorithms. The process is carried out using Matlab software. In this study, data collection is carried out on four BTS ranges. In addition to these data, it is also necessary to calculate the value of signal attenuation by weather changes in order to find out whether the weather category is good or bad for telecommunications activities. When the weather is sunny and cloudy it has an RSSI range value of -85 dBm to -75 dBm, while in cloudy and rainy weather it has an RSSI range of -104,2 dBm to -87 dBm. Data from the results of the drive test measurements obtained the signal attenuation value by the largest weather change of 40.49718 dB and the largest rainfall of 681.8 mm / hour. Based on the test data, the signal attenuation value when the weather is sunny and cloudy is worth 0.096164 dB to 8.61604 dB, and in cloudy and rainy weather it has a greater attenuation value, from 12.3466 dB to 21.0098 dB. Using the backpropagation algorithm, the accuracy rate in this prediction reaches 99.7 %

    Implementation of Base Station as An Intermediary Referee Box in the delivery of Wheeled Football Robot Movement Commands

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    In the contest of Indonesian wheeled robot football or KRSBI wheeled robot which competes with wheeled football robots, there is a referee who controls the course of the match, the referee box. For referee box to provide commands that can set the course of the robot, a base station is required that serves to receive data from the referee box and translated and then sent it to the robot. The use of TCP socket programming is quite successful whereby 17 attempts to send commands from referee box can be accepted all by base station with a success rate of 100%. The use of robot operating system (ROS) to pass data in the form of coordinate points and commands for robots chasing balls or stops was also successfully carried out where from 17 attempts the delivery of orders, it can reach 100% success rate. After that, the measurement of distance analysis against quality of service (QoS) with 3 different distances, and obtained the following results, at a distance of 3 meters obtained an average delay of 44.41 ms, throughput of 767.29 kbps and no missing package, at a distance of 8 meters obtained an average delay of 7.22 ms, an average throughput of 1065.17 kbps and no missing packages, lastly at a distance of 15 meters obtained an average delay of 103.99 ms, an average throughput of 835.51 kbps and there was a missing package of 6.9% on 1 order so that the average lost package was obtained by 0.405%

    Implementation of Suitcase Lock Security System Using Near Field Communication (NFC) and Global Positioning System (GPS)

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    A key is a tool made of metal to open or fasten a door or object that has a lock by inserting it into the hole in the main key. The lock itself is usually used on doors, suitcases, or other objects that require security. The lock on the suitcase itself still has a slight variation and there are still weaknesses, for example the code lock if you forget it cannot be opened, then the padlock and slot lock if the key is lost cannot be opened and can still be broken into by lockpick. The type of research carried out is included in the type of research and development (Research and Development). So, from these problems, a system will be designed and built that can monitor and maximize security automatically so that user's goods are protected from crime or theft by utilizing Near Field Communication (NFC), Global Positioning System (GPS), Magnetic Sensors and Microcontrollers. This system is made portable, so that it can be used in various goods with certain conditions, for example suitcases. The results of this research are portable lock tools, and applications that can integrate lock tools in real time. From the test results obtained accuracy on the gps key, and the security system can run according to the program


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    Luaran penelitian ini berupa temuan teori ataupun hipotesis yang mengungkap karakteristik aktivitas metakognisi anak dalam keterkaitannya dengan kemampuan akademis dalam bidang matematika yang dikaji dari perbedaan etnis dan gender. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian investigasi yang dapat dipandang sebagai bagian dari penelitian pengembangan tentang kemampuan metakognisi dalam matematika. Siswa yang terlibat sebagai partisipan adalah siswa SMP kelas VIII dari empat daerah di Kalimantan Barat yang terbagi dalam empat etnis dan dua jenis kelamin. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket metakognisi, perangkat tes pemecahan masalah, dan pedoman wawancara. Sistematika penyajian analisis data disusun dengan menggunakan langkah analisis kuantitatif (statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial), dan analisis kualitatif. Dari analisis deskriptif terdapat pengaruh etnis dan gender terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika dan kemampuan metakognisi siswa. Namun dari uji statistik, diperoleh simpulan bahwa kemampuan metakognisi untuk ke-empat etnis tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Sedangkan dari uji Anova: rata-rata skor kemampuan dasar dan pemecahan masalah untuk keempat etnis, tidak identik. Dari hasil Post Hoc Test disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika etnis Cina dengan etnis Dayak dan antara etnis Dayak dengan etnis Melayu memiliki perbedaan rata-rata skor yang signifikan. Berdasarkan uji t dengan equal variance not assumed kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan metakognisi untuk siswa laki-laki maupun siswa perempuan, tidak berbeda secara signifikan. Begitu juga tidak ada interaksi antara etnis dan gender dalam kemampuan memecahkan masalah matematika, dan dalam kemampuan metakognisi. Dalam menghadapi soal pemecahan masalah matematika aktivitas metakognisi siswa sebelum, selama, setelah dan dalam menghadapi soal sudah terlihat tetapi belum optimal, masih dalam rentang kategori rendah sampai sedang


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    Desire to leave organization (turnover intention) is a phenomenon that has increased in recent years, especially for Millennial employees that dominate the job market now and have unique characteristics which require special attention. This systematic literature review aimed to identify the factors that influence turnover intention in Millennial employees. On 25 June 2022, a search on three databases: SAGE Journals, Springer Link, and Web of Science, and keywords “turnover intention*” AND “Millennial*” OR “generation y” OR “gen-y”, with year filter 2019-2022, showed 73 relevant articles. Furthermore, applying the inclusion and exclusion criterias, there were 5 articles selected. The results showed that the influencing factors are: psychological contract violations, work-life balance, job characteristics (task and knowledge), work fulfillment, and the quality of relationship with colleagues. By knowing these factors, organizations can use them as a reference in formulating strategies to retain Millennial employees in the workplace

    Analisis Daya Dukung Pariwisata sebagai Perencanaan Pengelolaan Pengunjung Gua Rangko Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Gua Rangko merupakan salah satu aset pariwisata di Labuan Bajo dan semenjak tahun 2010 Gua Rangko telah menerima banyak kunjungan wisatawan. Seiring adanya kunjungan wisatawan Gua Rangko telah menerima banyak intervensi dan mengalami penurunan kualitas obyek fisik. Untuk itu, perencanaan pengelolaan pengunjung sangat dibutuhkan dalam hal ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran dengan melibatkan perhitungan daya dukung pariwisata yang dikembangkan oleh Cifuentes. Adapun teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Melalui penelitian ini terdapat batasan jumlah kunjungan secara fisik (PCC) untuk sightseeing sejumlah 184 orang dan aktivitas renang 61 orang per hari. Perhitungan secara riil (RCC) dengan mempertimbangkan keberagaman vegetasi, kelerengan lahan, curah hujan dan area khusus staf maka ditemukan batasan kunjungan untuk aktivitas sightseeing sejumlah 113 wisatawan dan aktivitas renang sejumlah 37 orang per hari. Adapun batasan secara efektif (ECC) dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah petugas maka kedua aktivitas wisata hanya dapat menampung 5 orang wisatawan per harinya. Angka ini mengacu pada temuan penulis terhadap pengelolaan Gua Rangko yang hanya menyediakan satu orang petugas tiket retribusi. Jumlah petugas yang terbatas ini mengakibatkan banyaknya tindakan represif wisatawan yang berujung pada patahnya stalagmit dan stalaktit gua. Penulis merekomendasikan peningkatan jumlah petugas di lapangan dan penetapan standar operasional prosedur terhadap pengelolaan pengunjung di Gua Rangko.Gua Rangko merupakan salah satu aset pariwisata di Labuan Bajo dan semenjak tahun 2010 Gua Rangko telah menerima banyak kunjungan wisatawan. Seiring adanya kunjungan wisatawan Gua Rangko telah menerima banyak intervensi dan mengalami penurunan kualitas obyek fisik. Untuk itu, perencanaan pengelolaan pengunjung sangat dibutuhkan dalam hal ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran dengan melibatkan perhitungan daya dukung pariwisata yang dikembangkan oleh Cifuentes. Adapun teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Melalui penelitian ini terdapat batasan jumlah kunjungan secara fisik (PCC) untuk sightseeing sejumlah 184 orang dan aktivitas renang 61 orang per hari. Perhitungan secara riil (RCC) dengan mempertimbangkan keberagaman vegetasi, kelerengan lahan, curah hujan dan area khusus staf maka ditemukan batasan kunjungan untuk aktivitas sightseeing sejumlah 113 wisatawan dan aktivitas renang sejumlah 37 orang per hari. Adapun batasan secara efektif (ECC) dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah petugas maka kedua aktivitas wisata hanya dapat menampung 5 orang wisatawan per harinya. Angka ini mengacu pada temuan penulis terhadap pengelolaan Gua Rangko yang hanya menyediakan satu orang petugas tiket retribusi. Jumlah petugas yang terbatas ini mengakibatkan banyaknya tindakan represif wisatawan yang berujung pada patahnya stalagmit dan stalaktit gua. Penulis merekomendasikan peningkatan jumlah petugas di lapangan dan penetapan standar operasional prosedur terhadap pengelolaan pengunjung di Gua Rangko. Kata kunci: pengelolaan pengunjung, daya dukung pariwisata, Pengelolaan gua, Gua Rangko, Labuan Baj
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