948 research outputs found

    Analisa Efektifitas Pola Injeksi Air Antara Normal Dan Inverted Five Spot Simulasi Reservoir Lapangan Dnt

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    Pada lapangan DNT akan dilakukan penginjeksian dengan menganalisa dari optimasi scenarioyang akan dibuat oleh medeling yang dilakukan dengan software modeling dimanis / simulasireservoir. Lapangan DNT memiliki OOIP 10.1 MMM3 dan mechanism water drive. Lapangan inidilakukan 3 scenario injeksi yaitu inverted five spot yang menggunakan injeksi rate 47,8 m3/daydengan cummulatif 3.237 MMM3 dan RF 33.14% dan normal dengan rate 15.9 m3/day dengancummulatif oil 3.321 MMM3 dengan rf 34.88% dan Inverted+peripheral dengan rate 30.9 M3/daydengan cummulatif oil 3,399 MMM3 dengan RF 35.88%. oleh karena itu diperoleh hasil scenariomenunjukan scenario 3 adalah scenario yang digunakan usulan terbaik

    Eksperimentasi Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournaments Dan Teams Assisted Individualization Pada Materi Pokok Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa Kelas VIII SMP

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    The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) which learning model of the cooperative learning model of the TGT type, the cooperative learning model of the TAI type, and the direc learning model results in a better learning achievement in Mathematics; (2) which students of the the students with the high achievement motivation, the students with the moderate achievement motivation, and the students with the low achievement motivation have a better learning achievement in Mathematics; (3) in each category of the achievement motivations, which learning model of the cooperative learning model of the TGT type, the cooperative learning model of the TAI type, and the direc learning model results in a better learning achievement in Mathematics; and (4) in each learning model, which students of the the students with the high achievement motivation, the students with the moderate achievement motivation, and the students with the low achievement motivation have a better learning achievement in Mathematics. This research used the quasi experimental research method with the factorial design of 3x3. Its population was the students in Grade VIII of State Junior Secondary Schools of Wonogiri regency in Academic Year 2013/2014. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. The samples of the research were the students as many as 299 of State Junior Secondary School 1 of Purwantoro, State Junior Secondary School 1 of Jatisrono, and State Junior Secondary School 2 Puhpelem. The data of the research were analyzed by using the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with unbalanced cells at the significance level of 5%. The results of the research are as follows: 1) the students instructed with the cooperative learning model of the TGT type have a better learning achievement in Mathematics as those instructed with the cooperative learning model of the TAI type and direct learning model, the students instructed with the cooperative learning model of the TAI type have a better learning achievement in Mathematics as those instructed with the direct learning model. 2) The students with the high achievement motivation have a better learning achievement in Mathematics as those with the moderate achievement motivation and low achievement motivation, the students with the high achievement motivation have a better learning achievement in Mathematics than those with the low achievement motivation. 3) In each category of the achievement motivations, the students instructed with the cooperative learning model of the TGT type have a better learning achievement in Mathematics as those instructed with the cooperative learning model of the TAI type and direct learning model, the students instructed with the cooperative learning model of the TAI type have a better learning achievement in Mathematics as those instructed with the direct learning model. 4) In each learning model, the students with the high achievement motivation have a better learning achievement in Mathematics as those with the moderate achievement motivation and low achievement motivation, the students with the moderate achievement motivation have a better learning achievement in Mathematics as those with the low achievement motivation

    The Development of the Application of a Data Warehouse at PT Jkl

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    One rapidly evolving technology today is information technology, which can help decision-making in an organization or a company. The data warehouse is one form of information technology that supports those needs, as one of the right solutions for companies in decision-making. The objective of this research is the development of a data warehouse at PT JKL in order to support executives in analyzing the organization and support the decision-making process. Methodology of this research is conducting interview with related units, literature study and document examination. This research also used the Nine Step Methodology developed by Kimball to design the data warehouse. The results obtained is an application that can summarize the data warehouse, integrating and presenting historical data in multidimensional. The conclusion from this research is the data warehouse can help companies to analyze data in a flexible, fast, and effective data access

    Multiband Patch Antenna for Femtocell Application

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    A microstrip patch antenna for multiple LTE (long term evaluation) frequency bands for femtocell application is proposed in this paper. Distributed antenna solution (DAS) has been introduced in cellular network to achieve homogenous indoor coverage. Femtocell is the latest extension to these solutions. It is a smart solution to both coverage and capacity scales. Femtocell operation in LTE band is occupied by higher frequency bands. For multiband femtocell application, miniature antenna design is quite essential. The antenna proposed here is composed of basic monopole structure with two parasitic elements at both sides of the active element. A rectangular slot is introduced at the ground plane of the proposed antenna. The antenna is designed using ElnoS HK light CCL substrate material of relative permittivity of 9.4, dielectric loss-tangent of 0.003 and thickness of 3 mm. The S11 response of the antenna is shown to have a bandwidth of 1.01 GHz starting from 1.79 GHz to 2.8 GHz. The characteristics of the antenna are analysed using Ansoft HFSS software

    Perancangan Antarmuka Sistem Pakar Penyakit Padi Berbasis Web

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    Antarmuka merupakan salah satu bagian dari perangkat lunak yang berhubungan langsung dengan pengguna. Pengguna berinteraksi dengan sistem perangkat lunak melalui antarmuka pengguna. Penelitan terdahulu pada sistem pakar penyakit padi hanya terbatas pada pengujian apakah sistem pakar dapat berjalan tanpa memperhatikan aspek antarmuka pengguna. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang antarmuka pengguna (user interface) pada sistem pakar penyakit padi dengan berbasis web. Tahapan-tahapan pada penelitian ini adalah melakukan analisis calon pengguna dan pihak terkait yang dapat menjadi kandidat pengguna, pemilihan platform pengembangan yaitu berbasis web, analisis user environment atau lingkungan pengguna yang berkaitan dengan basis web, perancangan struktur menu, perancangan antarmuka, dan evaluasi. Hasil rancangan dievaluasi dengan menggunakan model pendekatan evaluasi heuristik penggunaan (USAbility heuristics) yang diperkenalkan oleh Jacob Nielson untuk mengetahui kekurangan dan saran rancangan antarmuka sistem pakar. Hasil dari evaluasi heuristik penggunaan adalah penggunaan kata berbahasa Inggris seperti username, password, FAQ serta penggunaan kata tidak baku yaitu diagnosa pada aspek kesesuaian antara sistem dan dunia nyata. Kurangnya ikon pada menu dan perbedaan tombol dan teks yang kurang jelas pada aspek memahami lebih baik daripada mengingat. Pesan kesalahan yang muncul kurang detai

    Design and Characterization of Photoelectrodes from First Principles

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    Although significant performance improvements have been realized since the first demonstration of sunlight-driven water splitting in 1972, mainstream adoption of photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells remains limited by an absence of cost-effective electrodes that show simultaneously high conversion efficiency and good durability. Here we outline current and future efforts to use advanced theoretical techniques to guide the development of a durable, high-performance PEC electrode material. Working in close collaboration with experimental synthesis and characterization teams, we use a twofold approach focusing on: (1) rational design of novel high-performance electrode materials; and (2) characterization and optimization of the electrode-electrolyte interface

    Countries experiences: review of district health management in developing and low developing countries

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    A strong healthcare system is characterized by efficient health service delivery, adequate manpower and resource generation, a sustainable financing system and good governance. District healthcare system is the one closest to the people and its performance in relation to resource allocation impacts directly on the community health status. Over the years, many of the developed nations have learned to prioritize it mainly because it remains the most ideal way of improving population health through activities of general health promotion, disease prevention and provision of basic medical care. In the developing countries, achievement of district health system is not uniform and even among countries with comparable income per capita, wide variations exist. While some have attained a commendable population health status by strengthening their district healthcare systems by redoubling government’s commitment, enhancing resource production, encouraging fairness in healthcare financing and adopting development-oriented health policies, many others are facing healthcare challenges from lack of political will, limited resource allocation and shortage of both manpower and service infrastructure. For these countries, there is an urgent need to transform the district health system so that new and existing health problems can be dealt with decisively and more efficiently. This will require a renewed commitment from the state governments, reprioritizing and readjustment of present health programs, an inter-sectorial collaboration that involves all relevant stakeholders including the communities, and a renewed investment in sustainable health policies that deliver maximum impact at minimal cost