87 research outputs found

    How Many Markers or How Many Alleles per System are Appropriate in Zygosity Testing?

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    Due to the development in DNA-PCR-technique more and more systems with a high number of alleles have been established in twin diagnosis. Because of their high effectiveness in resolving of genetic questions it is not amazing that some authors have postulated the thesis that typing of 5 to 10 DNA-PCR systems can prove monozygosity. For this paper the use of different systems (conventional and PCR systems) has been tested for twin diagnosis and the observed effects are discussed

    Минимальные массы проб для анализа показателей качества сырья

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    Запропоновано методику пошуку мінімальної маси проби для аналізу функцій розподілу збагачувальних показників корисної копалини. На підставі розглянутої методики отримані формули, що визначають мінімальну масу проби у залежності від параметрів підготовки проби.Предложена методика поиска минимальной массы пробы для анализа функций распределения обогатительных показателей полезного ископаемого. На основании рассмотренной методики получены формулы, определяющие минимальную массу пробы в зависимости от параметров подготовки пробы.The technique of the minimum sample mass searching for the analysis of the distribution functions of mineral dressing factors was proposed. Based on the examined methods there were obtained formulas that determined the minimum sample mass as a function of the sample preparation parameters

    Allele Frequencies of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (PI) in the Balkans

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    The phenotype and allele frequencies of alpha-1-antitrypsin has been studied by an IEF technique (pH 4.2–4.9) in ten population samples from the Balkans. The allele frequencies varied from 0.6667 to 0.7361 (*M1), 0.1100 to 0.1793 (*M2), 0.0992 to 0.1700 (*M3), 0 to 0.0105 (* S), 0 to 0.0078 (*Z) and 0 to 0.0172 (others). The results were compared with data from South and Middle European populations from the literature. Most of the populations form a cluster with small genetic distances, and a weak relationship to geographical distributions. In contrast, the samples from Southern France, the Iberian Peninsula and Madeira form a clearly separated cluster. The differences are mainly based on high frequencies of PI*S in the latter populations

    Genetic Studies in South Balkan Populations

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    Within a study of the genetics of Balkan populations, four DNA-STR systems and 19 classical markers were examined in seven samples: Romanians (two groups), Albanians, Greeks and Aromuns (three groups). The results for the DNA-STR systems have been compared with data from the literature. The results show four clear separated groups: sub-Saharan black populations, North-African, Japanese and European populations. The large Balkan populations, except the Greek sample, are genetically more homogenous than the Aromun populations. A second Neighbor-joining tree based on all 23 analyzed systems, show a particular trend of the Aromun groups, which indicates a particular genetic structure

    Computing in the fractal cloud: modular generic solvers for SAT and Q-SAT variants

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    Abstract geometrical computation can solve hard combinatorial problems efficiently: we showed previously how Q-SAT can be solved in bounded space and time using instance-specific signal machines and fractal parallelization. In this article, we propose an approach for constructing a particular generic machine for the same task. This machine deploies the Map/Reduce paradigm over a fractal structure. Moreover our approach is modular: the machine is constructed by combining modules. In this manner, we can easily create generic machines for solving satifiability variants, such as SAT, #SAT, MAX-SAT

    Геоэкологическая характеристика и элементный состав листьев тополя территории г. Тюмень

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    Работа направлена на изучение элементного состава листьев тополя как биогеохимического индикатора состояния окружающей среды городов с выраженной специализацией. Исследование проведено на примере города Тюмень.The work is directed at studying the elemental composition of poplar leaves as a biogeochemical indicator of the state of the environment of cities with a pronounced specialization. The study was conducted on the example of the city of Tyumen

    Unrecorded alcohol consumption in Russia: toxic denaturants and disinfectants pose additional risks

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    In 2005, 30% of all alcohol consumption in Russia was unrecorded. This paper describes the chemical composition of unrecorded and low cost alcohol, including a toxicological evaluation. Alcohol products (n=22) from both recorded and unrecorded sources were obtained from three Russian cities (Saratov, Lipetsk and Irkutsk) and were chemically analyzed. Unrecorded alcohols included homemade samogons, medicinal alcohols and surrogate alcohols. Analysis included alcoholic strength, levels of volatile compounds (methanol, acetaldehyde, higher alcohols), ethyl carbamate, diethyl phthalate (DEP) and polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride (PHMG). Single samples showed contamination with DEP (275–1269 mg/l) and PHMG (515 mg/l) above levels of toxicological concern. Our detailed chemical analysis of Russian alcohols showed that the composition of vodka, samogon and medicinal alcohols generally did not raise major public health concerns other than for ethanol. It was shown, however, that concentration levels of DEP and PHMG in some surrogate alcohols make these samples unfit for human consumption as even moderate drinking would exceed acceptable daily intakes