14 research outputs found

    Multipurpose applications of bamboo as an activated carbon: An overview

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    Bamboo is a versatile resource for the synthesis of activated carbon. Low-cost precursors owing to a high growth rate and high carbon content in bamboo have consolidated its suitability as a renewable and notable alternative resource to activated carbon production. The attractiveness of bamboo activated carbon is due to its microcrystalline structure with a high porosity, fast absorption, and highly active surface area. Bamboo activated carbon can be synthesised via carbonisation and activation processes. The carbonisation process produces a substance with a colossal surface area to the mass ratio, which effective in holding various materials, minerals, humidity, odours, etc. Activation process involves the establishment of typical structures and advanced porosity to devise the high porosity of the solid activated carbon. Bamboo activated carbon can be used for energy-related reasons in environmental conservation, agriculture, soil amendment, animal feed additions, and wastewater treatment. It can also be used as a supplement in the composting and fermentation processes, utilised as a tar reduction catalyst in pyrolysis and gasification, as a pelletised fuel, and as a hydrogen production substrate. Numerous studies on activated carbon produced by diverse feedstocks are published in the areas of production, characterisation and possible uses and applications. Bamboo activated carbon is safeguarding its sphere of importance in today's era due to its multipurpose uses. The bamboo activated carbon is mostly used in the industrial, agricultural, and natural environment-related sectors. This paper presents a brief overview of the applications of bamboo activated carbon in numerous areas

    Minimizing phosphorus sorption and leaching in a tropical acid soil using Egypt rock phosphate with organic amendments

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    The study examined changes in soil phosphorus sorption and desorption, pH buffering capacity, and phosphorus leaching upon application of organic amendments (chicken litter biochar and pineapple leaf residues compost). The phosphorus sorption data were fitted to the Langmuir equation. Results revealed that at phosphorus concentrations of <10 mg L⁻¹, sorbed phosphorus was significantly increased under treatments with organic amendments whereas more phosphorus was desorbed with increasing phosphorus application rates (10 to 20 mg L⁻¹). The decrease in phosphorus sorption was due to precipitation of exchangeable aluminum and extractable iron at the highly negatively charged humic substances functional group surfaces of the organic amendments. High pH buffering capacities were reported in the treatments with organic amendments compared with the treatment that used soil only. The cumulative loss of phosphorus in the treatments with organic amendments at 60 d of leaching was higher than that of the treatment without organic amendments. This effect was due to the low sorption and binding energy of biochar and pineapple leaf residues compost. Amendment of Egypt rock phosphate with biochar and pineapple leaf residues compost imposed high pH buffering capacity and improved phosphorus availability, but did not significantly reduce phosphorus leaching in the acid soil used in this study

    Improving soil phosphorus availability and yield of Zea mays l. using biochar and compost derived from agro-industrial wastes

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    Tropical soils such as Ultisols fix phosphorus (P) because of their characteristically high contents of aluminium and iron. Organic amendments could be used to mitigate P fixation. This study aimed to: i) improve soil P availability, nutrients uptake, and yield of Zea mays L. using biochar and pineapple leaf residues compost; and ii) determine if the use of biochar and pineapple leaf residues compost could exert a residual effect on P. Two cycles of field trials were carried out and the test crop used was Zea mays L. hybrid F1. At harvest, the plants were harvested, partitioned into leaves and stems, and analysed. Soil samples were also collected and analysed. The results suggest that the soil total P, available P, inorganic P, and organic P recovered from the treatments with the organic amendments were higher compared with the nonorganic amendments. The availability of soil macro-nutrients in the soils and Zea mays L. yield were higher in the treatments with the organic amendments in the first and second field trials. Amending chemical fertilisers with organic amendments have a larger residual effect than chemical fertilisers only and can be used to ameliorate P fixation of acid soils to improve maize production on acid soils

    Biochar and compost influence the phosphorus availability, nutrients uptake, and growth of maize (Zea mays L.) in tropical acid soil

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    Most soils in the tropics are acidic, highly weathered, less fertile, and fix phosphorus. Organic amendments such as compost and biochar can be used to increase the nutrients availability in these soils. Thus, the objectives of this study were to (i) improve soil phosphorus availability using biochar and compost produced using chicken litter and pineapple leaves as feedstock, respectively and (ii) determine if the use of biochar, and compost could improve nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium uptake and dry matter production of Zea mays L. cultivated in tropical acid soil. An incubation study was carried out for 90 days. The treatments evaluated were soil only (T0), 300 g soil + 8.24 g ERP (T1), 300 g soil + 8.24 g ERP + 28.8 g biochar (T2), 300 g soil + 8.24 g ERP + 14.4 g compost (T3), and 300 g soil + 8.24 g ERP + 14.4 g compost + 28.8 g biochar (T4). Pot experiment was carried out using maize hybrid F1 as test crop. The treatments evaluated were 7 kg soil only (unfertilized condition) (T0), 7 kg soil + recommended NPK (5 g urea + 8.24 g ERP + 2.58 g MOP (T1), 7 kg soil + 5 g Urea + 8.24 g ERP + 2.58 g MOP + 769 g biochar (T2), 7 kg soil + 5 g Urea + 8.24 g ERP + 2.58 g MOP + 385 g compost (T3), and 7 kg soil + 5 g Urea + 8.24 g ERP + 2.58 g MOP + 385 g compost + 769 g biochar (T4). The organic amendments increased availability of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the soil. They also increased soil pH to near neutral such that the soil’s exchangeable aluminium and extractable iron which fix soil phosphorus were significantly reduced. As a result, phosphorus availability (total phosphorus, available phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus fractions, and organic phosphorus) in the soil was increased. The organic amendments also improved Zea mays L. nutrient uptake and dry matter production. The findings of this study suggest that the organic amendments can be used to ameliorate phosphorus fixation of acid soils to improve crop production on these soils

    Co-composting of pineapple leaves and chicken manure slurry

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    Background: The common practice of clearing pineapple (Ananas comosus) residues for land preparation for cultivation is by burning, an unsustainable agricultural practice that causes environmental pollution. Chicken manure produced from the poultry industry is also increasing. Inappropriate disposal or treatment can pose harm to the environment and humans. In order to reduce environmental pollution, pineapple leaves and chicken manure slurry were co-composted to obtain high-quality organic fertilizer. The shredded pineapple leaves were thoroughly mixed with chicken manure slurry,chicken feed and molasses in polystyrene boxes. Co-compost temperature readings were taken three times daily. Results: Nitrogen and P concentrations increased whereas C content was reduced throughout the co-composting. The CEC increased from 32.5 to 65.6 cmol kg−1 indicating humified organic material. Humic acid and ash contents also increased from 11.3% to 24.0% and 6.7% to 15.8%, respectively. The pH of the co-compost increased from 6.14 to 7.89. The final co-compost had no foul odour, low heavy metal content and comparable amount of nutrients. Seed germination indices of phytotoxicity test were above 80% of final co-compost. This suggests that the co-compost produced was phytotoxic-free and matured. Conclusion: High-quality co-compost can be produced by co-composting pineapple leaves and chicken manure slurry and thus have potential to reduce environmental pollution that could result from poorly managed agricultural waste

    Phosphorus management for tropical acid soils using amendments from agro-industrial wastes

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    Phosphorus (P) deficiency in tropical acid soils is a problem because soluble inorganic phosphorus is fixed by aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe). Organic amendments could be used to overcome P fixation in acid soils. Thus, the objectives of this study were to: (i) produce organic amendments from agro-industrial wastes through co-composting; (ii) improve soil P availability by amending phosphate fertilizers with organic amendments; (iii) determine if the use of organic amendments could improve nutrients uptake, dry matter production, and yield of Zea mays L. cultivation on a tropical acid soil; and (iv) determine the economic viability of amending phosphate fertilizers with organic amendments in maize cultivation on a tropical acid soil. Compost was produced by mixing 20 kg of shredded pineapple leaf residues + 2 kg of chicken feed + 15.5 L of chicken manure slurry + 1 kg of molasses in each polystyrene box and these ratios apply to sago bagasse too. The composts produced had no foul odour, low heavy metals contents, and they had the desired amount of nutrients. To evaluate the quality of the compost produced, an incubation study was carried out for 90 days. Amending P fertilizers with the organic amendments significantly increased the soil pH to near neutral such that exchangeable Al and iron Fe which normally fix soil P were reduced, thus improved the P availability in acid soil. After the incubation study, a pot trial was conducted in a net house so as to evaluate the effects of treatments on maize growth performance in a controlled environment. The test crop used in this study was Thai Super Sweet hybrid F1 maize (Zea mays L.). The results of pot trial showed that amending chemical fertilizers (N-P-K) with the organic amendments improved Zea mays L. nutrients uptake and dry matter production. To further evaluate the promising treatments of the pot trial, a field experiment consisting of two maize planting cycles were carried out. The treatments with chemical fertilizers amended with organic amendments increased soil P availability and Zea mays L. yield in both cycles of planting. A follow up study of the field trial was embarked on to assess the effect of the organic amendments on P sorption and desorption. The results showed that more P was desorbed onto acidic soils with the presence of organic amendments as P application rates increased. The decrease in P sorption was due to the precipitation of exchangeable Al and Fe at the highly negatively charged humic substances functional group surfaces of the organic amendments due to increase in soil pH. To determine the economic viability of amending P fertilizers with organic amendments, an economic viability study was carried out. Net present value (NPV) was used to compute the viability of the different maize cultivation practices. Although the production cost of application of chemical fertilizers only are lower compared to amending chemical fertilizers with organic amendments, the ability of P fertilizer amended with pineapple leaf residues compost to improve soil chemical properties, increase yield and revenue indicate more economic viability

    Carbon accumulation and soil assessment of an early stage rehabilitated tropical forest

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    Logging and shifting cultivation negatively affect initial soil carbon (C) storage especially at the initial stage of deforestation as such practices lead to global warming. Thus, afforestation programme is needed to mitigate this problem. Many studies have been reported to estimate regional C storage and national C budgets of temperate forests in many countries but little is known about the trend of soil C accumulation and soil fertility for forest regrowth in relation to an initial stage of rehabilitated forests in the tropics such as Malaysia. Information on C accumulation and soil fertility for forest regrowth of rehabilitated forests suggest whether these forests can serve as C sink to mitigate climate change. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the soil C accumulation quantitative and qualitatively, and soil fertility of an early stage of a rehabilitated forest. The study was conducted in a rehabilitated forest of Universiti Putra Malaysia, Bintulu Sarawak Campus area (Latitude 03o12 N and Longitude 113o02 E at 50 m above sea level) with the mean annual rainfall, relative humidity and temperature of 2933 mm, 80%, and 27 oC respectively. The area was previously abandoned after shifting cultivation activity and it has been rehabilitated since 1991 by planting indigenous timber species from the family Dipterocarpaceae and Non-Dipterocarpaceae. The size of each experimental plot was 30 x 40 m. Soil samples were collected randomly using a mineral soil auger from 1- to 7-year-old rehabilitated forest at 0-20, 20-40, and 40-60 cm depths. Ten samples were collected from each depth per plot and each sample was a bulk of three samples. These soil samples were air dried, crushed manually, and sieved to pass a 2-mm sieve, after which they were transferred into plastic bags and labelled. The soil texture of the rehabilitated forest was Typic Paleudalts and is a typical of Ultisols, which is characterized by the coarse loamy yellow podzolic group that developed from weathering of sandstone. The procedures outlined in the Materials and Methods section were used to analyze the soil samples for pH, total C, soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (N), C/N ratio, yield of humic acid (HA), and soil stable C from humic acids (CHA). The bulk densities at these depths were determined by the coring method. The bulk density method was used to quantify soil total N stocks, soil total C, SOM, HA, and CHA at the stated sampling depths on per hectare basis. The first study determined the soil C accumulation of an early stage of a rehabilitated forest. Results showed that pH decreased significantly with increasing age of rehabilitated forest regardless of depth. SOM and total C contents increased with age. No significant difference in the quantity of CHA content for the different ages of rehabilitated forest at 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm soil were observed. Since the CHA is more stable, it is more realistic to quantify the amount of C accumulated in setting up the rehabilitated forest at initial stages. The second study qualitatively assessed the initial soil C accumulation of the rehabilitated forests using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The spectra of all locations were similar because there was no significant difference in the quantities of CHA regardless of forest age and soil depth. The spectra showed distinct absorbance at 3290, 1720, 1630, 1510, 1460, 1380 and 1270 cm-1. Increase of band at 1630 cm-1 and 1510 cm-1 from 0-20 cm to 40-60 cm were observed, suggesting C decreased down the depths of 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm. However, the CHA in the soil depths were not different. The band at 1630 cm-1 was assigned to carboxylic and aromatic groups. Increase in peak intensity at 1510 cm-1 was because C/N ratio increased with increasing soil depth. This indicates that decomposition rate decreased with increasing soil depth and but decreased with stable C. FTIR allows qualitative identification of functional groups and thus providing a better understanding of decomposition pathways of soil organic matter and C build up. The third study assessed the initial soil fertility by comparing the soil factors of different ages of the rehabilitated forest. The SEF values of the rehabilitated forest showed low fertility and showed slight increase with increasing depth. In the depths of 20-40 and 40-60 cm, SEF values were high due to nutrient absorption of tree roots and nutrient leaching. Nutrients such as potassium (K), aluminium (Al), and SOM were found to be important variables influencing trees growth rate in this nutrient poor soil. Al and SOM in particular, had significant influence on the soil fertility and thus may have effect on the tree growth rate in this poor fertility site. Low SOM content and coarse sand soil texture caused nutrients to leach rapidly in Ultisols, thus causing soils to be poor in plant nutrients. The SEF used in this study allows comparative analysis of soil fertility and evaluation and identification of soil conditions among initial ages of rehabilitated forests. Overall, this study did not show any significant statistical accumulation in the soil C stocks up to 7-year-old rehabilitated forest and this was mainly due to the supply of raw materials since the trees were considered as immature stage (1- to 7-year-old) in comparison to a continuous supply of organic matter from mature vegetation in the existing older stand of rehabilitated forest and secondary forest. This clearly shows that afforestation program requires a long period (20 years) to recover the C stocks in soil and it is serious to clear the forest for unsustainable land usage

    Statistical Analysis System (SAS) for agricultural research

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    This book aims to provide a brief and straightforward description on conducting a range of statistical analyses using Statistical Analysis System (SAS). This book will provide readers comprehensive aspects of SAS to assist them in analysing their data. Therefore, the book is designed as a quick reference text, with the aim that researchers, students, academicians with little experience in research data analysis are able to grasp their understanding of the principles and procedures of biometry or experimental designs and statistical methods. This book will also be of significant interest to those working or doing research in the applied sciences

    Qualitative Assessment of Soil Carbon in a Rehabilitated Forest Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Logging and poor shifting cultivation negatively affect initial soil carbon (C) storage, especially at the initial stage of deforestation, as these practices lead to global warming. As a result, an afforestation program is needed to mitigate this problem. This study assessed initial soil C buildup of rehabilitated forests using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The relatively high E4/E6 values of humic acids (HAs) in the rehabilitated forest indicate prominence of aliphatic components, suggesting that the HAs were of low molecular weight. The total acidity, carboxylic (-COOH) and phenolic (-OH) of the rehabilitated forest were found to be consistent with the ranges reported by other researchers. The spectra of all locations were similar because there was no significant difference in the quantities of C in humic acids (CHA) regardless of forest age and soil depth. The spectra showed distinct absorbance at 3290, 1720, 1630, 1510, 1460, 1380, and 1270 cm-1. Increase of band at 1630 and 1510 cm-1 from 0–20 to 40–60 cm were observed, suggesting C buildup from the lowest depths 20–40 and 40–60 cm. However, the CHA content in the soil depths was not different. The band at 1630 cm-1 was assigned to carboxylic and aromatic groups. Increase in peak intensity at 1510 cm-1 was because C/N ratio increased with increasing soil depth. This indicates that decomposition rate decreased with increasing soil depth and decreased with CHA. The finding suggests that FTIR spectroscopy enables the assessment of C composition functional group buildup at different depths and ages

    Combined use of charcoal, sago bark ash, and urea mitigate soil acidity and aluminium toxicity

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    Highly weathered tropical acidic soils are characterized by low pH, low organic matter, and aluminium and iron toxicity. These factors pose a challenge to achieving sustainable agriculture. The continued increase in the human population with the accompanied increasing food demand have negatively impacted the global N cycle partly because of excessive use N fertilizers particularly urea which is commonly used in agriculture. Ammonia volatilization from urea as an example, negatives the environmental quality. This study focuses on soil-N availability, pH, exchangeable acidity, Al3+, and H+ of a highly weathered acid soils (Bekenu series) through the combined use of charcoal, sago bark ash, and urea. To this end, an incubation study was conducted for 90 days through the combined use of charcoal, sago bark ash, and urea to determine if this approach could improve soil N availability and pH at the same time reducing exchangeable acidity, and Al3+, and H+ toxicity. The amount of urea used was fixed at 100% as the recommended rate. Charcoal and sago bark ash were varied by 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%, respectively of the recommended rate. Selected soil physico-chemical properties were determined using standard procedures. This study revealed that combined use of charcoal, sago bark ash, and urea increased soil pH and base cations simultaneously the approach also reduced exchangeable acidity, exchangeable Al3+, and exchangeable H+. There were no significant differences in soil total N, exchangeable NH4+, and available NO3− for the combined use of charcoal, sago bark ash, and urea and urea alone because of the acid neutralizing effect of the amendments. Apart from the sago bark ash’s liming effect, the high affinity of the functional groups of the charcoal for Al3+ might have impeded Al3+ from undergoing hydrolysis to produce more H+ because a complete one mole of Al3+ hydrolysis produces three moles of H+. Thus, the combined use of charcoal and sago bark ash can mitigate soil acidity and aluminium toxicity, although this approach has minimal effect on-N