172 research outputs found

    On Relativistic Brane Probes in Singular Spacetimes

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    We study the relativistic dynamics of brane probes in singular warped spacetimes and establish limits for such analysis. The behavior of the semiclassical brane probe wave functions implies that unitarity boundary conditions can be imposed at the singularity.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected and references adde

    Exponential Hierarchy From Spacetime Variable String Vacua

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    It is shown that non-supersymmetric spacetime varying string vacua can lead to an exponential hierarchy between the electroweak and the gravitational scales. The hierarchy is naturally generated by a string coupling of O(1).Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 2 figure

    Probing Naked Singularities in Non-supersymmetric String Vacua

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    We present a detailed analysis of non-supersymmetric spacetime varying string vacua which can lead to an exponential hierarchy between the electroweak and the gravitational scales. In particular, we identify a limit in which these vacua can be interpreted as supersymmetric vacua of F-theory. Furthermore, we study the properties of these solutions as seen by D7D7-brane probes and establish a non-supersymmetric analogue of the enhancon mechanism.Comment: 46 pages, Latex, 7 figures; the brane probe analysis (sections 3 and 4) has been revised, references added and typos correcte

    (0,2) Deformations of Linear Sigma Models

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    We study (0,2) deformations of a (2,2) supersymmetric gauged linear sigma model for a Calabi-Yau hypersurface in a Fano toric variety. In the non-linear sigma model these correspond to some of the holomorphic deformations of the tangent bundle on the hypersurface. Combinatorial formulas are given for the number of these deformations, and we show that these numbers are exchanged by mirror symmetry in a subclass of the models.Comment: 35 pages; uses xy-fig; typos fixed, acknowledgments adde

    Heterotic Compactification, An Algorithmic Approach

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    We approach string phenomenology from the perspective of computational algebraic geometry, by providing new and efficient techniques for proving stability and calculating particle spectra in heterotic compactifications. This is done in the context of complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds in a single projective space where we classify positive monad bundles. Using a combination of analytic methods and computer algebra we prove stability for all such bundles and compute the complete particle spectrum, including gauge singlets. In particular, we find that the number of anti-generations vanishes for all our bundles and that the spectrum is manifestly moduli-dependent.Comment: 36 pages, Late

    Closed string tachyons, flips and conifolds

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    Following the analysis of tachyons and orbifold flips described in hep-th/0412337, we study nonsupersymmetric analogs of the supersymmetric conifold singularity and show using their toric geometry description that they are nonsupersymmetric orbifolds of the latter. Using linear sigma models, we see that these are unstable to localized closed string tachyon condensation and exhibit flip transitions between their two small resolutions (involving 2-cycles), in the process mediating mild dynamical topology change. Our analysis shows that the structure of these nonsupersymmetric conifolds as quotients of the supersymmetric conifold obstructs the 3-cycle deformation of such singularities, suggesting that these nonsupersymmetric conifolds decay by evolving towards their stable small resolutions.Comment: Latex, 22 pgs, 2 figs. v4: matches JHEP version, 29 pgs, 3 figures, more elaborate Introduction, various clarifications adde

    Stability Walls in Heterotic Theories

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    We study the sub-structure of the heterotic Kahler moduli space due to the presence of non-Abelian internal gauge fields from the perspective of the four-dimensional effective theory. Internal gauge fields can be supersymmetric in some regions of the Kahler moduli space but break supersymmetry in others. In the context of the four-dimensional theory, we investigate what happens when the Kahler moduli are changed from the supersymmetric to the non-supersymmetric region. Our results provide a low-energy description of supersymmetry breaking by internal gauge fields as well as a physical picture for the mathematical notion of bundle stability. Specifically, we find that at the transition between the two regions an additional anomalous U(1) symmetry appears under which some of the states in the low-energy theory acquire charges. We compute the associated D-term contribution to the four-dimensional potential which contains a Kahler-moduli dependent Fayet-Iliopoulos term and contributions from the charged states. We show that this D-term correctly reproduces the expected physics. Several mathematical conclusions concerning vector bundle stability are drawn from our arguments. We also discuss possible physical applications of our results to heterotic model building and moduli stabilization.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure
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