297 research outputs found

    Environmental and individual influences on smoking in young people. Findings from the international HBSC study

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    Het roken van tabak is nog steeds de oorzaak van een brede waaier aan vermijdbare ziekte en sterfte. Het doel van de thesis was het bestuderen van factoren van roken op twee niveaus van het ecologische kader, namelijk op landenniveau en op individueel niveau. Het origineel onderzoek is volledig gebaseerd op de internationale studie Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). Een eerste artikel omschrijft de grote verschillen in prevalentie van dagelijks roken tussen 1990 en 2002 in tien Europese landen en Canada. Een tweede manuscript bestudeert de associaties tussen tabaksbeleid op landenniveau en het regelmatig roken in 29 Europese landen. Op individueel niveau werd roken bestudeerd in een specifieke risicopopulatie, namelijk jongeren met astma

    Labor mobility in Belgium: a panel VAR approach

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    This research investigates labor market dynamics in Belgium and the specific role played by labor mobility in the adjustment process following a labor demand shock. It first analyzes the time series characteristics of the Belgian labor market based on a panel of 11 provinces from 2003 to 2015. This analysis allows the building and estimation of a PVAR model to obtain the response of employment, employment rate, and labor force participation rate to a shock in labor demand. The results suggest a minor role played by migration in the first years of the adjustment process, highlighting the difficulties for the EU to be considered an OCA

    Health promotion interventions in social economy companies in Flanders (Belgium)

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    BACKGROUND: Disadvantaged groups are often not reached by mainstream health promotion interventions. Implementing health promotion (HP) interventions in social economy companies, can be an opportunity to reach those people. The implementation of these interventions in social economy companies was studied. Factors that could be related to the implementation of HP and being supportive towards implementation in the future, were investigated. METHODS: An online, quantitative survey was sent to all 148 sheltered and social workshops in Flanders. In the questionnaire, the status of HP interventions and characteristics of the workshop were explored. Personal factors (such as attitudes towards HP, behavioural control, social norms and moral responsibility) were asked to the person responsible for implementation of HP interventions. Univariate and multivariate logistic regressions were performed. RESULTS: Respondents of 88 workshops completed the questionnaire. Almost 60 % of the workshops implemented environmental or policy interventions. Having a positive attitude towards HP, being more morally responsible, and having the subjective norm that employees are positive towards health promotion at work, were related to being more supportive towards the implementation of HP in the univariate analyses. Only attitude stayed significantly related to being more supportive towards the implementation of HP in the multivariate analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Sheltered and social workshops are open to HP interventions, but more can be done to optimize the implementation. To persuade persons responsible for the implementation of HP to invest more in HP, changing attitudes concerning the benefits of health promotion for the employee and the company, is an important strategy

    Traditional and cyberbullying victimization as correlates of psychosocial distress and barriers to a healthy lifestyle among severely obese adolescents : a matched case-control study on prevalence and results from a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Obese youth are at increased risk for peer victimization, which may heighten their risk of psychosocial problems and physical activity avoidance, and lower the effectiveness of professional and lifestyle weight-loss initiatives. Little is known about obese adolescents' risk for victimization from cyber-bullying and how this relates to psychosocial functioning and healthy lifestyle barriers. The purpose of the study was to assess traditional and cyber-victimization among adolescents with severe obesity and its relation to psychosocial distress and barriers to healthy lifestyles. Methods: A sample of 102 obese adolescents (mean age = 15.32 +/- 1.71) in residential treatment was matched with 102 normal-weight youngsters from the Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) study (mean age = 15.30 +/- 1.73). Results: Adolescents with obesity were significantly more often cyber-victimized than normal-weight peers. Obese youth victimized by traditional bullying experienced lower quality of life, lower motivation for physical activity and higher avoidance and emotional coping towards healthy lifestyles than those non-victimized. Obese cyber-victims experienced significantly higher suicidal ideation. Conclusions: Traditional and cyber-victimization may hinder treatment effectiveness and healthy lifestyle change in adolescents with obesity. Health professionals should pro-actively address peer victimization and psychosocial functioning during multidisciplinary obesity treatment. Schools could contribute to a better physical and psychosocial health of obese youth by implementing multi-behavioral health-promotion programs

    Towards an Enforceable GDPR Specification

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    While Privacy by Design (PbD) is prescribed by modern privacy regulations such as the EU's GDPR, achieving PbD in real software systems is a notoriously difficult task. One emerging technique to realize PbD is Runtime enforcement (RE), in which an enforcer, loaded with a specification of a system's privacy requirements, observes the actions performed by the system and instructs it to perform actions that will ensure compliance with these requirements at all times. To be able to use RE techniques for PbD, privacy regulations first need to be translated into an enforceable specification. In this paper, we report on our ongoing work in formalizing the GDPR. We first present a set of requirements and an iterative methodology for creating enforceable formal specifications of legal provisions. Then, we report on a preliminary case study in which we used our methodology to derive an enforceable specification of part of the GDPR. Our case study suggests that our methodology can be effectively used to develop accurate enforceable specifications

    Renewed Search for Evidence of 26Al as the Heat Source for Igneous Differentiation in Achondrites.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月18日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Asuka 12325: A new depleted shergottite

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Special session: [OA] Antarctic meteorites, Thur. 5 Dec. / 3F Multipurpose conference room, National Institute of Polar Researc

    26Al-26Mg and stable isotopes investigated in ureilites

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム[OA] 南極隕石11月17日(火) 国立国語研究所 2階 講

    Opioid-free versus opioid-based anesthesia in pancreatic surgery

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