405 research outputs found
Gaussian Process Vector Autoregressions and Macroeconomic Uncertainty
We develop a non-parametric multivariate time series model that remains
agnostic on the precise relationship between a (possibly) large set of
macroeconomic time series and their lagged values. The main building block of
our model is a Gaussian process prior on the functional relationship that
determines the conditional mean of the model, hence the name of Gaussian
process vector autoregression (GP-VAR). A flexible stochastic volatility
specification is used to provide additional flexibility and control for
heteroskedasticity. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation is carried out
through an efficient and scalable algorithm which can handle large models. The
GP-VAR is illustrated by means of simulated data and in a forecasting exercise
with US data. Moreover, we use the GP-VAR to analyze the effects of
macroeconomic uncertainty, with a particular emphasis on time variation and
asymmetries in the transmission mechanisms.Comment: JEL: C11, C14, C32, E32; KEYWORDS: Bayesian non-parametrics,
non-linear vector autoregressions, asymmetric uncertainty shock
On the contribution of the electromagnetic dipole operator to the decay amplitude
We construct a factorization theorem that allows to systematically include
QCD corrections to the contribution of the electromagnetic dipole operator in
the effective weak Hamiltonian to the decay
amplitude. We first rederive the known result for the leading-order QED box
diagram, which features a double-logarithmic enhancement associated to the
different rapidities of the light quark in the meson and the
energetic muons in the final state. We provide a detailed analysis of the
cancellation of the related endpoint divergences appearing in individual
momentum regions, and show how the rapidity logarithms can be isolated by
suitable subtractions applied to the corresponding bare factorization theorem.
This allows us to include in a straightforward manner the QCD corrections
arising from the renormalization-group running of the hard matching coefficient
of the electromagnetic dipole operator in soft-collinear effective theory, the
hard-collinear scattering kernel, and the -meson distribution amplitude.
Focusing on the contribution from the double endpoint logarithms, we derive a
compact formula that resums the leading-logarithmic QCD corrections.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure
A puzzle in decays and extraction of the fragmentation fraction
We provide updated predictions for the hadronic decays and . They are based on
results for the QCD factorization amplitudes at
leading power and on recent results for the
form factors up to order in the
heavy-quark expansion. We give quantitative estimates of the matrix elements
entering the hadronic decay amplitudes at order for the first time. Our results are very precise, and uncover a
substantial discrepancy between the theory predictions and the experimental
measurements. We explore two possibilities for this discrepancy:
non-factorizable contributions larger than predicted by the QCD factorization
power counting, and contributions beyond the Standard Model. We determine the
fragmentation fraction for the CDF, D0 and LHCb experiments for both
scenarios.Comment: 13 pages, 4 tables: v2: minor modifications, accepted for publication
in EPJ
Quantum Oscillations of the Quasiparticle Lifetime in a Metal
Following nearly a century of research, it remains a puzzle that the
low-lying excitations of metals are remarkably well explained by effective
single-particle theories of non-interacting bands. The abundance of
interactions in real materials raises the question of direct spectroscopic
signatures of phenomena beyond effective single-particle, single-band
behaviour. Here we report the identification of quantum oscillations (QOs) in
the three-dimensional topological semimetal CoSi, which defy the standard
description in two fundamental aspects. First, the oscillation frequency
corresponds to the difference of semi-classical quasi-particle (QP) orbits of
two bands, which are forbidden as half of the trajectory would oppose the
Lorentz force. Second, the oscillations exist up to above 50K - in stark
contrast to all other oscillatory components - which vanish below a few K. Our
findings are in excellent agreement with generic model calculations of QOs of
the QP lifetime. Since the only precondition for their existence is a
non-linear coupling of at least two electronic orbits, e.g., due to QP
scattering on defects or collective excitations, such QOs of the QP lifetime
are generic for any metal featuring Landau quantization with multiple orbits.
They are consistent with certain frequencies in topological semi-metals,
unconventional superconductors, rare-earth compounds, and Rashba-systems, and
permit to identify and gauge correlation phenomena, e.g., in two-dimensional
materials and multiband metals
Gaussian process vector autoregressions and macroeconomic uncertainty
We develop a nonparametric multivariate time series model that remains agnostic on the precise relationship between a (possibly) large set of macroeconomic time series and their lagged values. The main building block of our model is a Gaussian process prior on the functional relationship that determines the conditional mean of the model, hence, the name of Gaussian process vector autoregression (GP-VAR). A flexible stochastic volatility specification is used to provide additional flexibility and control for heteroscedasticity. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation is carried out through an efficient and scalable algorithm which can handle large models. The GP-VAR is used to analyze the effects of macroeconomic uncertainty, with a particular emphasis on time variation and asymmetries in the transmission mechanisms
Klassifizierung und Bewertung von Aggregationsstrategien fĂŒr heutige und zukĂŒnftige GeschĂ€ftsmodelle
Der zunehmende Anteil dezentraler Erzeugung durch den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien erfordert eine verĂ€nderte Organisation des Energiesystems, um auch bei sinkender installierter konventioneller KapazitĂ€t und steigender SystemkomplexitĂ€t die Bereitstellung von ausreichend FlexibilitĂ€t gewĂ€hrleisten zu können â FlexibilitĂ€t, die fĂŒr zahlreiche AnwendungsfĂ€lle eingesetzt werden kann und muss. Im Energiesystem der Zukunft sollen unzĂ€hlige technische Einheiten reibungsfrei aufeinander abgestimmt dafĂŒr sorgen, dass sich Erzeugung und Verbrauch zu jedem Zeitpunkt im Gleichgewicht befinden, ohne Restriktionen im Netzbetrieb auf den verschiedenen Spannungsebenen zu verletzen. Aufgrund von Markteintrittsbarrieren und begrenzten Erlöspotenzialen ist es heute technisch und wirtschaftlich nicht sinnvoll, jede technische Einheit separat zu betreiben und zu vermarkten. Die Aggregation der zahlreichen Einheiten nimmt bei der BewĂ€ltigung der Herausforderungen im Energiesystem daher eine bedeutsame Rolle ein. Diese kann auf vielfĂ€ltige Art und Weise umgesetzt werden.
Diese Arbeit richtet den Blick, basierend auf Steuerungskategorien und daraus ableitbaren Aggregationsstrategien, auf mögliche neue Aggregationskonzepte, die fĂŒr die Bereitstellung von FlexibilitĂ€t infrage kommen und diskutiert deren Eignung als potenzielle GeschĂ€ftsmodelle. HierfĂŒr werden zunĂ€chst die heutigen GeschĂ€ftsmodelle, zugehörige Value Streams und potenzielle zukĂŒnftige Value Streams beleuchtet, die sich aus den AnwendungsfĂ€llen fĂŒr FlexibilitĂ€t ergeben.
Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich Aggregationskonzepte etabliert haben, die durch eine zentrale Kommunikation und Steuerung eine gemeinsame Vermarktung von Anlagen ermöglichen. Es wird hĂ€ufig ĂŒbersehen, dass das Potenzial dieses Aggregationskonzepts dahingehend beschrĂ€nkt ist, dass es sich - zumindest nach heutigem Stand - erst ab einer bestimmten AnlagengröĂe wirtschaftlich umsetzen lĂ€sst. Neue Aggregationskonzepte, bei denen seitens des FlexibilitĂ€tsanbieters keine Fahrkurven kommuniziert werden, sondern nur die generelle Bereitschaft, FlexibilitĂ€t auf ein Signal hin (z.B. Preis) bereitzustellen, gehen zwar mit einer gröĂeren Unsicherheit fĂŒr den FlexibilitĂ€tsnutzer einher, könnten jedoch bislang ungenutzte technische FlexibilitĂ€tspotenziale heben. Ohne neue Aggregationskonzepte droht daher ein groĂer Teil des vorhandenen technischen FlexibilitĂ€tspotenzials unerschlossen zu bleiben. Die Grenzen der heutigen GeschĂ€ftsmodelle liefern die Grundlage fĂŒr die anschlieĂende Diskussion dieser neuen Aggregationskonzepte
Solvent content of protein crystals from diffraction intensities by Independent Component Analysis
An analysis of the protein content of several crystal forms of proteins has
been performed. We apply a new numerical technique, the Independent Component
Analysis (ICA), to determine the volume fraction of the asymmetric unit
occupied by the protein. This technique requires only the crystallographic data
of structure factors as input.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl
Network of topological nodal planes, multifold degeneracies, and Weyl points in CoSi
We report the identification of symmetry-enforced nodal planes (NPs) in CoSi
providing the missing topological charges in an entire network of
band-crossings comprising in addition multifold degeneracies and Weyl points,
such that the fermion doubling theorem is satisfied. In our study we have
combined measurements of Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations in CoSi with
material-specific calculations of the electronic structure and Berry curvature,
as well as a general analysis of the band topology of space group (SG) 198. The
observation of two nearly dispersionless SdH frequency branches provides
unambiguous evidence of four Fermi surface sheets at the R point that reflect
the symmetry-enforced orthogonality of the underlying wave functions at the
intersections with the NPs. Hence, irrespective of the spin-orbit coupling
strength, SG198 features always six- and fourfold degenerate crossings at R and
that are intimately connected to the topological charges distributed
across the network
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